Freitag, 28. April 2023

Undersigning of New Russian Naval Doctrine

 This is a kind of continuation of my instalment of recently

Always remember: Time = content

Conjunction, square and opposition signify shared common intensities of different dynamics.

Kingsconjunction in Earth-element von 17.7.1802
31. 7. 2022 Moscow
Undersigning the new  Naval Doctrine

7. 10. 1952 Leningrad, Vladimir V. Putin
31, 7.2022, Moskau
Undersigning the new  Naval Doctrine

1. You have the conjunction of Mars/Uranus = enforcement + origin intransit to Neptune of the earth-element and the conciliator Jupiter of  V.V.Putin's protective imagination concerning the maritime safety of the multipolar humanity.

2. You have the exactmost opposition of  Pluto = the sacrifice, to  the earth-elements Kings-conjunctions Sun/Mercury = sovereignty + economy and
of Saturn and Mercury to V.V.Putins Pluto, the god or  archetypruling his ascendant =nature in the most kingslike position possible at the throne of the world.

 Both con-stellations correspond perfectly with Andrei's emphasis on the  Mercury/economy-Aspect of the Naval Doctrine.

3. You have Neptune on V.V.Putin's Mars, meaning self-evident.

4. And you have Venus = reserves and balance. ruler of V.V.Putin's Libra - Sun in perfect square with his his Sun.

Well, study archetypal mundane astrology with the Kingsconjunction in the earth-element and the Russian President.

Murnau, 4. 28. 2023, UTC: 16:54.


This comment in "Reminiscence ..."

Mittwoch, 26. April 2023

Sun's Sovereignty in the Roots - Mature Spirit on the 'Theater of War'


4. 24. - 5. 3. 2023

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac
Above the Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth


Scientific abstraction

2 Cor. 3.6:

"the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life"

Instead of proof - try out, tells  my common sense.

"whatever an archetypal content predicates, is firstly
linguistic simile. Does it speak of Sun and identifies with
it the lion, the king, the gold-treasury guarded by the 
dragon and the life- or better health-power of man so it is
neither the one nor the other, but the unknown third, which 
more or less is expressed by all these similes, but remains
unknown and unformulateable."

C.G.JUNG,Col.W. 9/1 § 267

And whatever it is, claimed by the adversary: it is the share of  kingship, the own Saturn, different from the Saturn of father teacher etc. It is it, what the satanical monopolists damp off the poor of this world. the 'useless'  own voice, in change for the pennies and the daily lie.

At the same time it is it, the 'unformulatable third', coming about by 'Self', unconsciously keeping the minutes about changing times, gliding along the entire northern hemisphere, without ascendant; while at ascendants asserting their loci in the finiteness, and in front of God it should be surveyable.

Cause Noah, Sodom and Gomorrha talking about God - talking an obvious story by the angry  and eventually humble father, bringing the outmost sacrifice, in humility before man:

His son
killed by the lie -
 His other

it appears to me
the mature
human sense is
to be met by
conscious astrological
of  one's singular existence

this singularity everyone has in common with
in one-ness 
united with the creator and his family

slumbering in man
key for all doors
leading out of the past
within the cosmos of 
and one's heart

corresponding to 
free human spirit
is circling above the 
 Uranus in Taurus
human spirit's rooting
till summer 2025.

since 2019
Uranus in Taurus
rooting of the invisible
like thoughts
below invisible stems
into the future
of light and  spirit
of subtle matter

where in bordering
psychic seas
of Neptune
are passing through the
completion of the world
still sleeping in
the unconscious
blossoms of childly spirit

conscious alive
only in the
 childly sense
of the wakened man
in thrust for
who thrusts
will find thrust
in thrust for love 
will find love

17. Week

It isn't only
the spirit circling above
the herd
as Uranus
 also hot heart
 in  material

in Taurus
 preserving  himself
within the walls
of  neutral existenxe
Venus in Twins 
lots of words

tying and describing
the net  of
 social ramifications
Mercury in Taurus
first follow-up 
of the first
in the time
of  unfettered triumph
of the fatherly 

of the far-sighted angel
in Aries

mature spirit
on the 'theater of war'
submitting presence
of the father in
by hunting

Mars thereby in his rage
in Cancer
habitat of the living soul
in man
waiting for encounter
in the cities of the world
'in the Dschungel of cities'
raging for all
in Bachmut and
by the 
armed conciliator

apart from that, however, nothing will change in meaning and effect to the last week: meaning: he same, effect: at the same place. Sun 's sovereignty in he root-system of the herds.

Murnau, 4. 26. 2023, UTC: 14:05.

Ps: The calm Friday evening in Moscow:

Freitag, 21. April 2023

Something to Marvel

Dear Reader, 

 I’m throwing a glimpse of the horoscope of the US in the current 7 years. You might marvel, how true the heavenly constellation marks the dissolution of any rationallity in DC.

But even more are to marvel the constellations of Xi’s visit, Russia’s new foreign policy, the BRICS Summit in August.

All that in ‘Tage und Äonen” (Days and Eons), so:

‘In The Kairos of the New World – Order’



Mittwoch, 19. April 2023

Daughter's Wisdom and Father's Delight Beyond 'Houses Buildt of Stone'


4. 17. - 26. 2023

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac
Above the Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth


King Salomo's proverbs

22.“The Lord brought me forth as the first of his works,[c][d]
    before his deeds of old;
23. I was formed long ages ago,
    at the very beginning, when the world came to be.
24. When there were no watery depths, I was given birth,
    when there were no springs overflowing with water;
25. before the mountains were settled in place,
    before the hills, I was given birth,
26. before he made the world or its fields
    or any of the dust of the earth.
27. I was there when he set the heavens in place,
    when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep,
28. when he established the clouds above
    and fixed securely the fountains of the deep,
29. when he gave the sea its boundary
    so the waters would not overstep his command,
and when he marked out the foundations of the earth.
30. Then I was constantly at his side.
I was filled with delight day after day,
    rejoicing always in his presence,
31. rejoicing in his whole world
    and delighting in mankind.

look at the  two meanings of 8.20 and 21 in German and English

30. als er die Fundamente der Erde abmaß, da war ich als geliebtes Kind
bei ihm. Ich war seine Freude Tag für Tag / und spielte vor ihm alle Zeit.
31. Ich spielte auf seinem Erdenrund / und meine Freude war es, bei 
den Menschen zu sein."

and here my translation to be compared with the upper Translation:

30 when he measured the fundaments, then I was with him as
 beloved child. 
I was his joy day by day/ and played in front of him 
 every time.
31. I played on his  earthly sphere / and my joy was it
to be with the humans."

The Wisdom of Salomo" me thinks,  knows, it is her, the circling child time, she is it allcontaining,  God's circling-daughter time, circling chain around the 
neck of God, playing on the Earthcircle, all time in his presence in the
 measurement of the zodiacal signs and the delight of God with

God's delight

"my delight was it to be with mankind"

Nothing  but this pleasure accompanying  conscious companion of  time in the daily
primordial ocean of times, in whose Milkyway-Galaxy our star-island Sun is circling with it's planets.

And to be with the traveling chain 'time' and it's rhythms, is: in Sophia is  to be before Adam, before the mountains and the oceans.

holy casing
of time did the fathers
left behind
then still thinking
and watching
in the quiet world
under the clear
starry heavens
of the Passat 

The break-through of mankind in the 21th century is that, that who wants,  can delve; to everyone via internet: the world, the time, what has been thought and has been watched is in the Uranian open, ordered by the net of unconscious symbolic foreordinations, forming the stitches, which the spiritual stitch-knoter Jupiter knotes to the secrets of truth and wisdom in the fatherly delight of God. All that is heavenly embodied in the beyond, the heavenly haze of Uranus, in the symbolic,  archetypal attendance of a beyond before and above this time, which the fathers have been seeing and foreboded and fixed in the symbol called Aquarius concerning the place of the 'waters above the vault', the thought, the heavenly dust of origin,  which they gave the name of the original father: Uranos.  hence we have

16. Week 2023

further till 2026
Uranus in Taurus
heavenly dust  on Earth
in thoughts
attendant coming meaning
beyond  the toppling
in Aquarius
submerging in Pisces
of all old rules
of Capricorn's
by Pisces
 disintegration of
 supreme authority
earthly mirrored in
 wisdom of
on the battleground of the new time
with the crusts 
of the old time


herd and balance
in Twins
underway in the open spaces
beyond the territories
in the beginning of the week
still in common fascination with
and his dissolution
of authoritative
and walls
of 'top secret'
  Pisces' permeability
of  old rule's

where Mercury
in Taurus
subserving Venus
imperious to her 
as ruler
of Twins and Virgo
the sensual physical
and psychic
of world and soul
discerning as god in the world
of  ascertainability
nearly reached 
 heavenly human spirit
but in a game
 of chicken
retreates till end of May
but then 
beginning of June
after all 
the union of
which ties the poor 
undamaged man
with  media
which hate him
as they are in bondage
to money

finally all is only present, cause there is our starry home, Sun, which in the south is an 'il', a 'he' and in the north a 'she'. As there is a tree only because there is a trunk, roots-powered connecting earth with  heaven's   light-eating blossoms and leaves.

God's idea
 light and gravity
the emptyness
of the universe

till Thursday still in the wild break-through-time of Aries . then Sun, the warming center of life is in the secure ramparts of  herds and cities Taurus.

17. Week 2023

Murnau, 4. 19. 2ß23, UTC: 

Mittwoch, 12. April 2023

Majesticly Shining Week in Hell - "in the beginning was the (s)word"


4. 10 - 19. 2023

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac
Above the Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth





"The unconscious has a quite fabulous relation

to time. One has hypnotized people and gave them

the posthypnotic order, to count the seconds. When

again hypnotized, they could give the exact 

number of the past seconds. We are unconsciously 

oriented by  the time. One can awake to a certain

minute, if one has decided to do so. That is only 

possible by a brilliant time-function of the unconscious.

The precondition of astrology is that, that we are

identical with time. It expresses the quality of the 

moment, in which we are born. Insofar as the 

character-reconstructions of the astrology are correct, 

we apparently have to be identical with the birth-moment,

 respectively with the time. My understanding thereto is this:

time is a psychological function, which is identical with the 

living anyway. Such a way of wiev is not to be proved

but heuristically it is extraordinary valuable."


C.G.JUNG, Kinderträume (Childrens Dreams) P. 106



"The precondition of astrology is that, that we are identical with time."

That concerns indeed the possible world of consciousness of any astrology-conscious human being.

a minority

within the minority

which is thinking

The majorities experience time-blindly, hence cosmic blind, not something or other, but the nature of presence in the self-created  psychoid housing, which is exposed to the gods-nature ...

Through their unconscious is streaming  the time-stream, man is sharing with nature, blind for fate, blind for chance on the daily stage of being.

Symbolic wisdom, Jupiter, always uniting the contrasts  in the zodiac to the poesy of rich nature in the sign of the cornucopia


Heaven and


by the common call

 of the planet god rhythm

and  Sun

Earth's father

 light and measure's






 the wheels of births

in the time-stream




first breaths

 the well of symbols


the time-stream

splutters upwards

through us


having place and name

and time

in the zodiac

by psyche  understood

and reflectable

This mundane diary leads, like at night the fishers, the psyche out to the sea of time in the vehicles of  weeks, for to cast out the nets of thought for the haul of the pasturing wandering figures in the streaming wheel of time.

 "The precondition of astrology is that, that we are identical with time."

When we learn to 'read'

the time

our eyes are opened

beyond the minutiae

which share withanother the day

which like 

puzzle-parts fit together

in the great image




like now

on the battlefied of


of generations

 beauty always being  appearing

when all

parts fit with another 

when each at its place




And the Jupiter-beauty has to be the majestic one, when man moving, at his place of fate 'professionally', like Putin calls it. That meets his responsability. and - excluding any vangeance of fate - helps to open the cages - worldwide from his cog in the great collective cog-wheel.



after the sinking of the






15. Week 2023




7,6° Cancer


that is now by chance mundanomaniac., ASC 7,6° Krebs

* 26. 2. 1942

The mystery of the Murnau-astrologer with the Moon at 13,6° Cancer is solved  livingly by a sparkling young creek in dance and  sexual devotion of a time-body, thankful to God, savouring the excellent time/body-function, which opens to the conscious experience so extraordinaire intensities.

 For all non-Cancer-ascendants;: you can count on that: the Cancers, the fresh fourth element of water, full of devotion, shall not be missed with me. For a twelvth and a quarter Cancer and the water, guarantee anytime.

and with Moon

now hiking with

Mars in Cancer

for 7 weeks

this 15. week

Moon/Mars are


though the spirit

of Capricorn

where Jupiter hunts

in the top-meaning

of father


mirrored this week by 

Cancer Twins Taurus and Aries

In Cancer

Mars is hot and intensive

where the inner life

has its place

there is burning


by the cuffs of Mars

its center now 


the sacrifical altar

where now the multinational front

of the 


armed multinational conciliation

has taken the town-center

What that means is to us offered by the zodiac, for any human  to consciously consider, starting with




determining spirit

before presence

the King

of spirit


"in the beginning was the (s)word"

when Jupiter is moving in Aries, hunting the wild bunch of  parasides on the holy body of time. 

In Aries is it  where Jupiter's brightest comprehensive-spirit in this year follows his heavenly course: on the battlefield.

The brilliance, however, of the 15. week, gold - symbol Sun prevailing now in cadence of strength and insight as 


the open field of the world

 the brightest week

in the year

and the central player


moving with Leo-power

this week

 with the great hunter


together on the battlefield

of the bright with the dark

the new with the old 


which is the battlefield of


of lie with truth

where consciously to


is not taught

in our schools


goddess of union

of what




ressources belonging

since Tuesday




ruler of 

earth and air

now underway

beyond territory-borders


Twins air 

of compromise and distinction

of languages and their places

of what is and what not

of the conscious

factual discrimination

on behalf of


investigating the bounds of

social facts

of the Taurus


the square Saturn/Venus, which this week is ruling the intensities is that between greed and measure Both they exclude one another but are still indispensable for the existence of the entire holy 12 and united symbolically at the hearth of life in the kitchen of being.

Here the rootedness in the world and there the immovability in the spirit in the air-realm of thought, measure and words. Four times each for a week in a year, they are called together, this time in strife.

Murnau, 4. 12. 2023, UTC: 15:27.