3. - 11. 2. 2025
0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere
"Without the breath of life, the human
A body is a corpse; without thinking it is
the human spirit is dead. With this metaphor
in fact, Aristotle tried it in the famous
seventh chapter of the book lambda of the >> Metaphysics<<:
"The activity of reason [energeia, which has its purpose in
it is life itself." Your inner law - that's just
a god can endure all the time, but man can only
occasionally, and then he is godlike - is incessant
Movement ... but this movement is a circular
- so the only movement that never reaches an end
or provides a final result. This very strange
The idea that the true process of thinking
(...) move in circles ... the most glorious justification
in the whole philosophy for circular reasoning -
strangely enough, neither the philosophers nor the
Aristotle's interpreters disturbed - in part, perhaps
because of the frequent mistranslation of >>nous<< and
>>theoria<< with knowledge that always comes to an end
and produces a final result. "
Hannah Arendt, Vom Leben des Geistes, München 1991, p. 128.
Here Hannah Arend in the contemplation of the >>Metaphysics<< of Aristotle,
arives at the ancient meaning of the circle
the Zodiac
where astrology logically begins.
The nature of being: circles
"If thinking were a cognitive enterprise, then
to perform a straight-line movement, which when asked
after an object begins and with its recognition
end. The circular motion in Aristotle's connection
with the metaphor of life, one can think of a search for meaning that
for the human being as a thinking being, life accompanies and
only ends with death. The metaphor of circular motion is
accompanied by the process of life, which leads to death, but
it also runs in circles as long as a person is alive.
Hannah Arends's Aritoteles-quote:
holy und ruthless : Aries, Mars,
["energeia, which has its purpose in
it is life itself."]
and current heaven tells: Mars in Cancer: light
the good
and the evil
in the body of the living
so, contemplating the Cancer
of these week
places of energeia
the inner truth
of floating collectively
through the weeks
always male light
dancing through
the sweetness of shady
Mars in Cancer
heat in the Moist
time for mating
6th Week
This week marks the first of a number of planetary-/meanings by Venus on Tuesday, entering Aries, the new light, "energeia" of the year, being received by Aries, charging it energetically with the initial impulses, of erection and penetration.
Earlier on Saturday, Venus passing Neptune in conjunction and event(s) in the sense of the dissolution of energy stoc become due unconsciously = in Pisces.
Always for twoo or three days Moon ruling Mars, 'new light in Cancer's destroyed habitats and bringing out new beginnings by sheding light unto the universal inner rivers.
A second conjunction is indicated by the Sun and Mercury, in Aquarius wisdom of the species - conserved by Saturn , mirrored in Gemini and Virgo - reality and psyche - connected with the instinct of lust and experience -Leo, in that they manifest themselves in Taurus in being/having the wisdom of simplicity.
By the end of the week, this cosmic connection is at its peak in terms of effect, when, as a couple, they unite in square resonance with Uranus's mind, driving to the unity of freedom of thought and flocks.
In the same spiritual Aquarian wave with Pluto are triumph and legend, Sun and Mercury telling the story of heart, service and customer undiscovered like spirit in the city
In the same spiritual Aquarian wave with Pluto are triumph and legend, Sun and Mercury telling the story of heart, service and customer undiscovered like spirit in the city
Week 6, 2025
in the weeks of heart
in the Spirit of Uranus
in the city of Taurus
while Taurus' fate is
following Venus'
ruled by Mars
in the inner streams
of psyche
Spirit a kind invisible psychic noble gas of completeness, always in rotation grooving like the sunlight around the horiozon, so any spirit, indicated by swirling planets in the sky above Sun and his a swirling planets of higher life on the green belt around Sun's heart with two its two separate hemispheres, in the consciousness off conscious, otherwise unconscious, possibilities of man.
From the point of view of the God of children, loving man as a joint project of bringing together the separated 12 pieces in the zodiac, of the complete psychophysical entity which assigns its place to everyone.
This union is taking place incessently in Pisces = in silence
Aquarius Pluto = make yourself useful where and when you have found yourself, Mercury in words and angles and create and venerate
Warmth in the heart
the idea of man
Warmth of patience
Warmth of curiosity
Warmth of readiness
Sound in the ear
Sound by the World
Sound of the soul
In Aquarius
Sound of the Spirit
Sound of God's
in the mirror of the cities
heaven above
but in Pisces, that is,
in silence takes place
what is constantly happening
a united world
of fish, hydroflorae
and the Zodiac
the constantly rotating movement
ob the noble gas of the spirit
warming floawing
' from God '
but admitted, always necessary
is a countercircle,
from places of cold and
shadow -must - index,
also having powerful powers
These are commandments
what 'the work' is to be built
from result
- united people -
'zodiacal people',
cooling on the planet
in God's fatherly
cosmic garden
making Mercury
silently covering
every day.
Murnau, 2. 4. 2025, UTC: 14:51.