Dienstag, 10. Juni 2014

If There is a Week ... Then it is This One

 9. - 16. 6. 2014
below the northern Zodiac
and below the northern Kingscojunctions
of the four Elements Fire, Earth, Air und Water
from the years 1603, 1802, 1980 und 1305
(Clic to enlarge)

Murnau Buoy

Heavenly Waterlevels
from Monday to Monday

(the most important)
9. 6 . 2014
and thereupon based on

Chronicle of Signs and Times
Heaven in Earth and Earth in Heaven Mirroring
Constellations of the Wandering Lights
Over the Northern Hemisphere

Motivation  to perceive
school of observation
of  the 
astropoetically inclusions of he week
for own musing
 about the similes
 of the heavenly given above the
earth in the

If there is a week - then it is this one ...
in which the resonance of  Pluto to Mars and of Mars to Pluto arrives at its perfect intersection reaching its maximum
with  Pluto and Mars the  potencies of „plan“ und „start”
ad together
a version of that would be: „Start of operation“
nearby at the same time
resonance of Uranus god of man in young  ire
yet still a bit apart
before the outbreak in two weeks

and Mercury shining on harlots and narrators
will then again for yet three weeks
be used and abused
for world lies  und acts of providences of the twins
until then
he is turned to

Venus world peasant land in impenetrable
in defense
in mutually axis  with the land of the high center and the cross
crown land of  Saturn in holy resonance with Venus
and the roots world

in this roots world
- bread and circuses -
Venus unites on magical grades of the zodiac
with the red man god of fire Uranus
 on 14,1 ° Taurus
and with the earth dark first arrow of the earth
in the shape of Mars on 16,9° Taurus

and keeper  Pluto with his divine and demonic potential on earth
in service of  the eternal chain
connecting us with the death and the unborn
unites again for a time  with the old green gods of water of the year of 1305
water – heart- Sun and water-brain-Mercury  in the high land of pilgrims united with the keeper of the chain

Jupiters target-aimed circles approaching the heart of the earth on 24,6° in Cancer 
 birthday of all from 17. July - including Angela Merkel -
Earth Sun = sovereignty of the collected gravitas
for unification beginning next week

Neptune  child god and  Redeemer meanwhile inaccessible by immediate presence  in the lap of its Maker

and Moon going along with the boat of the released feelings and deleted days all nightly filled with dreams …
… yet through the hall of enthusiasm …

then since today through the rooms of the anima bordering to death 
until Wednesday afternoon 
and today Tuesday the travelling feelings tangled in red human idea and dark earth ire being sent out of Taurus

then Thursday till Friday evening the dreams are in the perception of private journeys of Jupiter to the expanded family

weekend then in the state dreams of the pilgrims
the paternal humility
as Saturday noon the dream of the offering
will be met by the soul

and Sun finally – heart of the inquirer in sovereignty -  Daystar of ego on the roads of Mercury in the inner worlds
approaching the meeting with world moon of the fire element on 24,8° Twins at beginning of the week
 where a being at home is given
for the fire in the spaciousness

(Please have mercy with my attempt to do my weekly analysis in English as well as I can do it. Forgive me my mistakes as my mother language is German.)

Posted: June  10. 2014, UTC:19:08.

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