Montag, 29. Dezember 2014

Four Powers and Six Realms United - and Nobody Knows It

12. 29. 2014 - 1. 5. 2015
Below the Northern Zodiac
and Below the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the Four Elements Fire, Earth, Air und Water
from the Years 1603, 1802, 1980 und 1305
 (click to enlarge)

 Murnau Buoy

Heavenly Water Levels
from Monday to Monday

(the most important)

12. 29. 2014
and thereupon based on

Chronicle of Signs and Times
as Heaven in Earth and Earth in Heaven Mirroring Constellations of the Wandering Lights Over the Northern Hemisphere

Motivation  to perceive
school of observation
of  the 
astropoetic inclusions of he week
for own musing
 about the similes
 of the heavenly given above the earth 

in the sun-planet-family


a better image of the order of the unconcious isn't conceivable
as the constant horoscopes of the blue planet
above the wheathers of his two hemispheres

now last week of the old year
first week of the new year
most important human date
without any equivalence to a heavenly border
obtained of the roman civilisation

in the sky further moving
over the northern hemishere

the light of the central soul Sun
then the light of the crystal function of Pluto
the light of the 3 in world and soul Mercury
and the light of the 2 in world and instance Venus
four powers six realms
still another week united
on the high chairs of the continents and names

but Mars master of the 1
in Aquarius' chant of the birds
and over the sky of the wild
the tender man is clamoring 
in the storm which is rocking
 this great week with the enlighted spirit of Jupiter
hop hop
and Saturn god of the adults with Neptune god of the child
in beginning dialog
from fire to waterand while no conciousness is taking notice of this
the archetypes are raving in us
as the unconcius is constantly perambulated
by the thoughts of God visible in the lights of his order
within like without
hence signs and times are to be recorded
in the continous chronicles of the
gods and powers 
in the mirror of the elements
and on weekend the central soul unites her heart of light
with the far away Pluto of the crystal-lye-lattice
who is weaving the tender threads with the 
powers of the dead in the duet
with the birdwoman
centuries are longing for her
all that in resonance with
the master of the origins in the real world

and in the moon-boat the sleeping conciousness
 is sailing through the nights
through the sign of every beginning
wild and tender feathered today on Monday

on bright Tuesday into the masonry of the Taurus
entering  and staying there till Thursday evening

when then till Saturday night the widths of the world
are sailed through by the perceiving senses

and finally Sunday belonging fully to the
home coming into the lap of the elements

Geschrieben und gespeichert in Murnau, 29.12.2014 UTC 14:13
In Englisch 12.31.2014, UTC  19:24

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