Montag, 8. Juni 2015

Dwellingplace of the Fire - One Week Approach

6. 8. - 15. 2015
Below the Northern Zodiac
and Below the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the Four Elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water
from the Years 1603, 1802, 1980 and 1305
(click to enlarge)

Moon"-home" of fire
will say: at the birthday of the recent fire-aeon
at 12.18.1603
Moon was at 24,8° Twins

Kingsconjunktion 1603
we don't know what this meeting of Sun and Mars with the "red" Moon will be. We are not used to think in such images. We are not used to even think about such thing as an aeon what the earlier humankind was familiar with. Home of the fire. What is it in good and bad?

Only thing which we know are the words. We know, can know, the myths of these words telling us something. But the place in the Zodiac tells us everything:  "Moon" ruler of Cancer,  equals home, inner world, in between the elements Water". And like water it means "everyday" you need to have it. Moons place is 4 (th element), Moons number is 7. Moon is the week and week seems to be the lap of life. No Emperor, no prophet called the week into being.
Moon, ruling Cancer means basicly "inner" world i.e. in the psyche.

Mercury ruling Twins at 3. Place in zodiak, means "outer world"i.e. material.

Twins completing the 3 dimensions in space and according to their element air carry the meaning of steadily  mooving  on ways connecting  the dimensions ...

In Twins Sun means living heart beating along the ways between hearts.
In Twins Mars means to dash on the connecting  ways opening new dimensions in space

an on Sunday now they are together, this 400 Years old "home of the fire" - red Moon - on the early stages of comfort. Together in the psyche of the beginning - as fire says zodiac is always the element of beginning: in space Mars, in time Jupiter, in self Sun.

Now when Sun and Mars and red Moon unite their natural and virtual lights on Sunday then are enclosed in this unification Uranus ruled by Mars  Jupiter ruled by Sun and Firemoon being so to speak the psyche of the element fire their unification could be cause for a more or less quiet celebration of a nature- religious respect.
The attendance of Mars however might be a guaranty that it even will be  rumble but certainly a heartily one.

The others of the Sun family they leave one another alone in this week but to their hearts content the Twins command about the resources of Venus who in this month lingers in Leo, meaning risk or to be blunt squandering. Where if not in Leo could the squandering be at home
how could we exist without the squandering of our star?

and the dreaming psyche? Wherever are dreaming animals spread on the northern hemisphere
the dreaming psyche keeps being - where the Moon is

and with  Moon the dreaming psyche
this Monday morning in the resonances of water- and earth element
and near to God in Aquarius

but Moon
spends since even this afternoon foreboding
deep down in the unconscious psyche called "Pisces" 
till Wednesday afternoon

and the fall into existence takes place naked with the entrance
of Moon in Aries
at Wednesday afternoon
currently embracing the nearness to God
in the spirit of Uranus

while on Friday afternoon initiates
the clothing of the soul
with the skins of the herds

until Sunday afternoon
when the being on the road of the earth-spirit
starts to capture the soul

Versified to the honour of the words on June 8 th 2015 UTC 13:11 in Murnau, posted 13:12 end 13:42.
In English June 10th, UTC 21:15.

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