Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2017

As Yet 143 Years - Old Feeling New Thinking

1. 2. - 9.  2017
under the Northern Zodiac
and under the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colours and elements 
 fire, earth, air  and water
  of the years 160318021980 and 1305
 (click to enlarge)

"The great events of world-history are fundamentaly
 of deepest pettiness. Essential in the last line is only
the subjective life of the single one. This alone
makes history, in him alone all great changes happen
  first and all future and all world-history descend 
as tremendous summation after all at last from these
hidden wells of the single ones.
We are in our most private and most subjective 
life not only the sufferers but also the makers of a time. 
Our time - that is us."


 Since 1980 new thinking
'birthday' of the air-signs
on December 31.
on Saint Sylvester's Day
Geburtstag auf Neujahr

31. 12. 1980 UTC 21:23
new Kings Conjunction in Element air
last new was of 1186 


Every year on December 31./January 1. on the
northern hemisphere
Sun is at the 'fuel-point' of the thinking heart
or heart of thinking
 and is nearly at the same time at the 'fuel-point'
of the feeling heart
or heart of feeling
both while falling into one another
each one does ist in attendance of Mercury

cause one day later 
'birthday' of new feeling
12. 25. 1305 (jul.) UTC 11:51
Kings Conjunction in element water 
next will follow in 2159

In the new conjunctions of the fatherly Saturn
with the sonlike Jupiter
changing the element of the signs
a new series in the way of a time-style for centuries
in element air
these two planets represent the highest top
of thinking acc the air-sign Libra 
thinking's summit in the sign of love since 1980 
(but was in the same sign since 1186)

Father and Son 
 meeting  in Libra
 in which the personal and emotional love
governs the body

and one day later
Saturn and Jupiter
highest top
of the element water

since  1305
ruling the feeling

Father and Son meeting
in Scorpio
 in waiver of the
freedom of form 
like the key's  to the lock

 now Sun and Mercury
of both elements accompany the  turn of the year
in the beyond of thinking
 in Capricorn
on the northern hemisphere
and in the presence 
of feeling in
on the southern

that is the exceptionality of these elementary
heart/brain/think/feel - days on
old/New Yearsday
on Earth
since 1980 till 2159
and now to the week:

let's just start with Saturn
harboring the highest fatherly sobriety
remaining a third year in Sagittarius
 spending this week together
with the "blue" child of the Gods
Neptune of the air element
child of  thought and the father
of the Gods and men
one week of this kind
in about 30 years

Mars and Venus now
 since Tuesday together in Pisces both
  ruled by the water element
in the depth of future

hence since Tuesday 
governed by Venus 
 has relocated 
and with him the resonances
with Uranus and Pluto
man arising
 on ways paved by
happy waiver

like an adult child
still is in slumber in the child man
so the Pisces  yet are  in every pupil

awaiting to be brought into life
by the adult


told differently:
the assembly of three
Mars Venus Neptune
attac -maintain-
these weeks in Pisces
together  in the
pureness of child
awaiting to be brought into life by adults
into the fruit-soil of the collective soul
according to the heart


And now about Moon 
an everyday - motherly tincture
ruling our element of soft change 
in and out of the body
to notice is the readyness
to fill the depths of the Earth

halfway through
with sense
and the questions
with answers

and with Moon the lap
of  motherly wisdom
keeps moving 
since Wednesday afternoon
in Aries, thus kind of spiky
till Friday evening
"before association"
 a one- man-  band

then till Sundaynight Moon 
in the sociable Taurus
of the social herd

Now with Sun again
with the giving heart of our splendor Sun
in Capricorn 
 beyond timewall
and before timewall
 in the beginning  Sun in Capricorn
heartfruit shared with the
dead in  Gods mind

on Saturday:
Sun's yearly conjunction with Pluto
heart with duty
living with waiver
changing from circle to chain
embracing the given
forged by Scorpio

on the common anvil of hearts
of two in common karma

  Sonne Pluto on Saturday
in the mirror of
18° Capricorn
in 12° Twins

and  Venus our common Venus should be watched

 on Tuesday she passed the Mars - place of the water-element in zodiac
and today on wednesday Venus passes the Moon of the Earth element

and coming next Monday Venus will be passing
Pluto of the earth - element
like every year a day of balance
and waiver
for the attendance of our dead
with those coming

Murnau 1. 1. 2017 UTC 17:20

Murnau 2.1.2017, Gepostet UTC 15:47.

In English 4.1.2017, UTC  18:24

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