Mittwoch, 13. September 2017

Cleaning the Talk and Walking the Walk - and the Three Colours of the Week

9. 11 . - 20. 2017
Under the Northern Zodiac
and Under the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the Four Colours and Elements 
 Fire, Earth, Air  and Water
    of the Years 160318021980 and 1305 
 (click to enlarge)

Funny to realize again that 
ASTROMUNDANE DIARY  is a Wednesday-thing
 another one is the MUNDANES TAGEBUCH,
a Monday-thing. As astrology operates on the 
equation:  time = content like the year or the day
the unknown as invisible force of Mercury
known only by the time of the "Mercury-clock"
on Wednesday will shape another image of the
 same content compared to Luna on Monday.

One qualiitative difference: the "Diary" contains two 
days more,  two days with the due weekly antecedents
 of Wednesday.

9 13. 2017

Jung compares awareness with a cone of light

only able to light up a spot
in extreme by microscope  

this spot allways is surrounded by the encompassing
darkness of the unconsciousness 

 this experience is in mundo  every week
with  the orbicular darkness around being
enlighted by the 10 and the twelve
timekeepers called signs and lights
of our celestial home
orchestrating the drama of man
in six days of creation + 1
by circambulation

the horizon is the line of consciousness of each horoscope

 to be imagined as a living mirror between heaven and earth
mirroring the daily orbiting signs and gods/lights/divine players

 "houses" are not moving
 their character below and above
derives from the zodiac 'immobilized'

each horoscope on the planet has it's east point where the Sun rises or ascends
that is on the northern hemisphere horizons left and the rising Sun moves to the right
on the southern hemisphere Sun rises at the right end of the horizon and moves to the left
against clock-hand.
From the ascendant are coming the streams with their rhythms according to the element and sign rising in the moment of birth
the lower reality- and the upper symbolicly flows
in the 7- Moon - rhythm
in the 10 - Sun - rhythm

Thus man can observe his/her life-time since birth in 7 and 10 Month/Year-steps
while by that being able to learn the 'language of fate' after God's rules to
grasp it cognitivly and to learn to love it

all these considerations are intellectually comprehensible, but still exceeding the pupil of consciousness, like e.g. that into the equation God or god was inserted.
Jung teaches: gods = archetypes = Selbst(Self)  = not distinguishable and overly powerfull arranger and he and Nobe-Price awarded physcian Wolfgang Pauli were united opinion:
psyche and matter mirroring each other arranged by the  overly poverfull "mirrorer"
Wolfgang Pauli (in the Pauli/Jung Letters 1932 - 1958)

"The mirror is, I believe, not only the intellect, but the consciousness anyway."p. 20 (German edition)

"But in actual fact physis and psyche might be two aspects of the same abstract matter of fact. Hence for the illustration of the psycho-physical relation a mirror-principle is offering quite naturally."p. 158

" the relation of physics and psychology with myself is that of a mirroring, the appearance of the psychologer in the dream hence the doing of the "director mirrorer", who remains invisible in the background."
"Now as I know from experience that a constellated - i.e. activated -archetype may not be the cause but is certainly a condition of synchronistic phenomea ..."

"In other words, the archetype forms an image that is both psychological and physical. This of course, is the formula for synchronicity albeit with the difference that in the case of the latter, the psychological causal chain is accompanied by a physical chain of events with similar meaning."

The higher astrological view on heaven and earth apprehends a reality whose rhythms became apperceptive since Kopernikus' view on the system/family seen from the Sun.

The mighty family-paradox = each planet sends and receives, the rhythms of the others, but Sun in the center doubtlessly is the great intergrating resonator, originated out of one of the resonance-clouds in universe.

enough considerations in non-temporality
let's do the week:

Now it's Virgo's high-time  mirroring Libra's balance of two in which son
Jupiter has father Saturn as guest in his sign Sagittarius by

  placing his non-temporal basic measures within Venus' time of common karma.

And invited by Mercury in his own realm are Sun, Mars and Mercury himself

where Mercury layes the table 

it's the female Mercury caller and keeper of  Virgo
in common with her run in  heaven's
sixt sign hosting Sun and Mars
host Mercury travels from 0,6° to 12° Virgo in tight coniunction with Mars
ire + brain
a hot wild week for energy and brain
when between today and Friday
Mars and Mercury passing the resonances of 5,1° Virgo
= Saturn/Jupiter Kingsconjunction in the earth-element of 1802 
guiding by resonance the earth-elements elementary depths
about 800 years
well earth' Saturn+Jupiter
= Vater and Son of the earth
today till friday
for guests in Mars' and Mercury's realms
so Uranus
so Sun

now a day after 5,1° Virgo 
comes 6,8° Virgo = fire's 'red' Neptune
of 1603

in opposition - resonance with earth- Pluto
in 6,8° Pisces
 the maximum- resonance in love
read Shakespeare

and waxing for the new week
will be Mercury's current opposition with Neptune
followed by the same for Mars
one week later

it's a stride between all and one
or a love affair
between the depths and the surface
winter's dream and late summers
warm love affaires

now to the heart and center
Sun in Virgo center of everyday's reason
shining far beyond the partial person 

mirroring the mere wort
that was with God in the beginning
finally having arrived in the
constructed by two
 called Libra 
called fairness or today "win-win" 

and then late next week the full occupation of Virgo
by entrance of Venus
doing another last week the bidding of Sun's
self-will with her resources

now at last a more distanced view
on the week's higher levelsther are colourings to perceive
in the chart of the week

coulours connect like instruments

 Blue= Saturn

this week Sun + Saturn
heart + winter
in a square concert of Virgo with Sagittarius

Orange = Uranus
Uranus + Jupiter

man and son

Green = Neptune
Neptune + Mars + Merkur

Kind + Zorn + Hirn


connected by the rule:

ruler rules about their sign/s
and are ruled by their 'guest'signs
all 10 are in the mirror of the earth ruled and rulers

now here are connected

heart=Sun = center with Saturn
the fatherlyness in the self
which yet has the winter in it's view

Uranus = man = with Jupiter
the son of the father

the loving hero


Neptune = innocence with Mars/Mercury

beginnings of  
cleaning  the talk in soul's communions
by couples


finally Moon and his monthly voyage through the elements
in their three times of appearance
in two-day-steps

with Moon travels our receptivity along the unchangable circle
of all life according to the 12 signs of our ancestors

 and is balancing monthly the dear solar blindness of the daylight = councouousness
in the cosmic embracement by the darkness of the night in which the

other lights appurtenant to the center (= psychol.: parts of the person) are visible.

10.9.2017, Murnau UTC 17:12.

11. 9. 2017, UTC 14:43
In English: 9. 13. 2017, UTC: 20:28

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