Dienstag, 21. Mai 2024

Within an Astromundane Benevolent Supercomplex

 5. 20. - 27. 2024

0:00 UTC

Under the zodiac above the northern



"Do the Sioux Osages celebrate a ritual on the Prairie,
so the cosmos must be present and the celebration with
experience ... Just imagine, there is suddenly a lack of
this or that piece of world content, because the person
it has been eradicated... In terms of modern Ideas
 could be said: The Indian knows no environment.
 "Environment" is, after all, completely 
thouhgt from man of; the world as 
a background, as worth preserving, as far as the 
benefit of man requires, noteworthy only as a 
human-related environment. The contrast of 
Native American attitude and european selfishness 
is obvious."

Müller, Indian World Experience, 1981, pp. 46-47

"Thus, the first knowledge of mental law  and
regularity, was found of all things, in the stars,
and another one in the unknown matter."

C.G.JUNG, 13/255, §285

Astrology         Alchemy         Philosophy

Psychology         Physics

The whole world, the human mind is trying to grasp it. The world of the Prairie was manageable, it was millennia. In peace, what could settle among all primitive people would settle: The spirit of the millennia.

The complete world, it is represented forever in the zodiac. There is no entity, which wouldn't find its place in it. And there will be no healing of the distorted world without the zodiac.

And the Spirit  crystallized in western man under the sign of the Cross and the circle.

Aquarius leads back to Pisces 
of the circling wheel and
 leads forward to the
he himself is the origin
out of Pisces - the possible
leading to the wheel of time
the completeness of Capricorn does not allow any immensity, therefore Saturn is the "gardener" with the scissors of fate.

 Saturn ensures
the species
and determines by restriction
the measure of freedom
which  in Aquarius
is still  unmeasured
therefore, Uranus rules the theory
Saturn  the measure
Uranus is thinking
Saturn the Court
What kind of weight is it that currently weighs in the sign of Pisces?

the measure in Pisces
in childhood
quenching and purifying
in Pisces
Saturn is
a simple person
 who eternally preserves
the hope of the world
in the tao of his innocence
and modesty

not to forget his professionalism, which becomes a magnet

Week 21

yes we are experiencing a time
as we have not experienced any

and world success
every week
in a new combination
of the 7 days
of the unchangeable

Let's start with Mars, this week:
the god of the fast,
fire and lightning.
4th week in his own element
Primeval world
Penetration, separation, cutting
three more weeks
out of a total of 7 in 52
with its all-season Mars
now 7 weeks at home
in the storm

of course, Aries is the mirroring
of Pisces'
Energy of water
- constructive as well as destructive -
transformable into fire and vice versa

"The power of fire is beneficent, if you
Human tamed guards ..."

Mars is currently able to move freely in Aries and meets no resistance.

And Venus?

The same applies to Venus, in her own way. She reigns in the zodiac houses of defense and balance.

You are in the second  'star-rich' week: to Venus are

and until Pentecostal- Sunday afternoon

This constellation is an unusual and central piece of the world- puzzle of the present, which Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have effortlessly applied together. This is a sacred constellation in the zodiac and it is rewarded with great blessings for the Northern -  and consequently the Southern Hemisphere.
More about this another time.

Now it is a new figure that meets in the sky: its ruler is Mercury.
He still rules until the middle of June in Taurus , whose Venus with the Sun is just moving into his Twins.

Here in Twins it is no longer about all or nothing, attack and defense, but about the agreement on a neutral basis in a form in which both can move.

The Gemini have to mirror Capricorn, in earthly measures and helping in orientation


The unimpeded entry of Mars into the world till June 9
The resistance of Venus until Friday 24 May
The resistance of the Sun until Sunday, May 20

After that, Venus,the Sun and Jupiter logistics, power and insight in Twins are part of the diplomatic capital of Mercury, marking  boundaries in Taurus until June 15.

There is Power/Sun,
Strength and Balance/Venus
Origin and Idea/Uranus
Insight/Prudence Jupiter
united in the ultimate strategic
of the pre- and post- Pentecostal Week

because, for Venus, the week is a humanly benevolent supercomplex such as it rarely meets in centuries. For the Sun and Venus thiw week is: from the Uranus- to the Jupiter- complex

and right into the air-world of Twins

Murnau: 5. 21. 2024, UTC: 14:33.


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