Dienstag, 9. Juli 2024

The Scales Traveling with Viktor Orban

7. 8. - 15. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the northern


Heaven and Earth

Moses 2
4. So has heaven and earth become, since they were created
at the time when the Lord God made the earth and the sky.

5. And all kinds of trees in the field were not yet on earth,
and all sorts of herbs in the field had not yet grown;
for the Lord God had not yet caused rain to fall on the earth, and
it was not a man who built the land.

6. But a mist came up from the earth and moistened all the land.

7. And the Lord God made man out of a lump of earth,
and He blew the living breath into his nose. And so
man became a living soul.

8. And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden towards morning
and put the man he had made into it.

9. And the Lord God caused all kinds of trees to grow up on the earth
funny to look at and eat well, and the tree of life
in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of the good
and of evil.

Sayings of Solomon ... the wisdom of Sophia

8.22 The Lord created me in the beginning of His ways,/
before his works in prehistoric times;

8.23 at the earliest time I was educated,/ at the beginning,
at the origin of the Earth.

8.24. When the primeval seas were not yet,/ was I born,
when the springs did not yet exist, the water-rich ones.

8.25. Before the mountains were lowered,/ before the hills were
i was born.

8. 26 He had not yet made the earth, and the corridors, and
all the floes of the mainland.

8. 27 When he built the heavens, I was there,/ when he built the globe
measure over the waters,

28. when he fortified the clouds above/ and the springs
flowing out of the primeval sea,

28. when he gave his statutes to the sea, and the waters did not
He was allowed to disobey His order,

30. when he measured the foundations of the earth,, / then I was as
beloved child with him. I was his joy day after day/ and
played in front of him all the time.

31. I played on his round of the earth/ and my joy was
it's about being with people."
28th Week

It is this world of creation into which we have been thrown, fallen - with the wisdom, that loves us.

And people, as before, fall victim to the snake prudence.

Lao Tse

When the Great TAO is forgotten

do benevolence and moral teaching rise up

when prudence and acumen arise

is the great hypocrisy taking its beginning

How Christ has bequeathed his breath, our world, to man, so that we may perform works of filiation with God" ...

so trust
with breath
third element
of God
Holy Spirit
reflector of the laws

Mercury jumps in his 7 miles-steps of the sign of curiousness
exploring physical facts of the world
and its relations,
messaging physical givens
between psychic given
Hence in Leo Mercury
appearing as the 'royal'
while the heart
ruling in the receiving stage
of impressionism

What is now
the zodiac
God's Circle -
inside of us
and in the universe

not provable
whom we call God
to whom the signs obey
the 12 meanings

"I alone lack faith"
in addition, an excerpt from a letter from a dear friend: Letter: Thoughts from DieterF. to mundanomaniac: 
"With your astrological considerations, which I can always follow very well spiritually intellectually, without being able to read the astrological zodiac drawings, you have once again entered into my spiritual-philosophical thinking, the references to the Holy Spirit, the relationships between Kant and Jung, whose texts you always use for my productive philosophical good understanding for you, are an example of this when I read from time to time in your blog. Then the inner intuition appears in me, as if THE ONE WORLD AND ALL THE MATERIAL PRESERVED IN IT were actually represented in the images of the zodiac for eternal times. In addition, my idea then also appears to me that the sign of THE zodiac is THE TRUTH OF THE ONE WORLD FOR OUR TRUTH OF OUR ONE WORLD is actually a logical truth for our limited mind and systematically shows itself to be the right truth in the sign of the zodiac. However, I LACK FAITH in this kind of logical-systematic astrological mind. But, because MY MIND appeals so much to people who think philosophically, I understand him very well. And because understanding awakens understanding, and understanding thus MOVES understanding into and for human relationships and then ABOVE ALL INTO HUMAN FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER, this is probably the reason for our AGREEMENT WITH EACH OTHER."
during this time in the Northern Hemisphere when in Cancer heaven year in the psycho/physical world in and around us Venus and the Sun through depth and gentleness leading the lap then there is within us: power and strength because Venus is strength is sugar, sticks keeps 'the herd' together But the Sun is Lord Leo the sovereign heart
so these

Taurus, Leo Libra
in passive receptivity
the feeling of being in
the fourth and
Water element
corresponding sense

the inexhaustibility
feeling longed for
in the sign of being at home
from the maternal womb of life

that nowhere is lived in such breadth and power as in the
the russian civilization's
human collectivety

so these are on the one scale of
the eternal scales of fate
the incessant presence

the living heart of Russia

immortal Egypt: the scales of fate

on the other side of the scale
the American civilization
the collective heart of
Edward Bernaisnull

We are all witnesses of how the verdict turns out - every day.

In the middle of the week Venus leaves the
Cancer-Kingdom of Impression and
roars in the expressionism of Leo
A little Lion-stuff into the world

Furthermore, the nimble Mercury since last week
in Leo
stands as an intellectual and neutral lawyer
in service of
sovereign Sun
on the scales
therefore, available through Mercury
still a time to exchange
contracts and names of knowledge

By transit- Mars activated: Mercury = the messenger:

'Medium' : Viktor Orban

Nothing new from Mars yet
He continues to bite into
social 'tissues'
by mutual agreement
with Venus and the Sun

only next week
Mars visits Uranus.

So much for the stocktaking. Knowing this brings wisdom
about the meaning of Jupiter
whose time-arrows
of our solar family
around the heavenly dial
of the days and
the years

Murnau, 7. 9. 2024, UTC: 13:25

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