Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2024

Spirit, Pain and Renunciation for the Better or the Worse

14. - 22. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere



What man wants is peace in order to be able to live.
Defeating our neighbors also does not confer how the
treatment of cancer brings healing. Man does not
begin to live by triumphing about his enemy , nor
does he gain health by endless cures . Joy of life comes
from peace, which is not static, but dynamic. No one
before he has experienced peace, he can claim that
he knows really, what joy is. And without joy there
is no life, even if you have a dozen automobiles, six
Butlers, a castle, a private chapel and a bomb-safe
shelter. We are sick of our attachments, be they habits,
ideologies, ideals, principles, possessions, manias,
gods, cults,religions and so on. High wages can also
be as harmful as low wages; leisure can be just as
bad as work. Everything we cling to, even hope or faith,
can be the disease which brings us down. Renunciation,
self-giving is something absolute: If you cling to a crumb,
you nourish the germ that devours you. And what is it about
clinging to God ? God has left us for a long time, so that
we may realize what joy it means, to attain godhood
by one's own efforts. What is all this whining in the
dark, this constant, pleading for peace with the increasing
misery getting worse and worse? Peace - faith people really
believe that peace is something that can you stack up like
corn and wheat? Something on that you fall down and that
you can devour, like wolves do it, who are struggling
for a carcass? If people talk about peace, I often experience
that their faces are covered with anger and hatred or disdain
and contempt or distorted by pride and arrogance. Other people
want to fight for peace to to achieve this - deluded creatures. There
will be no peace before out of heart and mind every thought of
murder is eliminated. Murder is the top of the broad pyramid,
the basis of which is egoism. What stands must fall. Everything
that man fought for, must be abandoned before he can begin,
to live as a true person. So far he is a sick animal and even his
divinity stinks. He is not the lord of many worlds, and in his
own he is a Slave. The world is governed by the heart, not by
the brain. There is no area to which our conquests are not
bringing death. We have turned the back to the kingdom
of freedom. In Epidaurus, in silence, in the depths Peace came
over me, I heard the heart of the world beating. I know where
salvation lies: you have to renounce, you have to give up,
sacrifice yourself, so that our little hearts beat in harmony
with the great heart of the world

42nd Week 2024 This week begins how the last one stopped: Sun square Mars Uranus opposition Venus Pluto square Mercury

So it is Mars in Cancer, pain and anger in the milieu of the family, both privately and collectively, that are at the same time constellated with Libra's openness of heart to the world.

Squares are always an invitation to combine elements that are foreign to each other, such as water and air, feeling and thinking, or private and public, into forms in which both sides can move. But on the raw level in nature these forms do not exist, there is the struggle of the elements with each other.

It is entrusted to man, of the finest level, to find the mature, fine mixture of the peace and coopperation of the elements with each other. The constellations are the most important challengers and teachers in this. Modern man's astrological illiteracy is the greatest misfortune of having rejected the salvation of heaven for the peace that comes from understanding the world and us.

So also in the square Pluto with Mercury, where renunciation and benefit contradict each other. Now Mercury is ruled by Scorpio, however, to put the benefit, rationality in the service of the higher collective good, Pluto in Capricorn, serving the plans of the 'selfless state' with precision and acumen.

Pluto in Capricorn is analogue to Pluto in the 10th house in the horoscope.

10. 7. 1952

However, the 'selfless state' is also the goal of the lower instincts of the obsessed rulers, who demand the 'selflessness' of the cannon fodder. Pure selflessness is sharply opposed to them in this square this weekend. See Russia and the Shia.

Finally, the week also beganin the continuation of the opposition of Venus to Uranus, the human spirit in Taurus, in the herd collective, where he can hold himself badly.
Uranus's human spirit calls for the renunciation of Venus's greed and non-commitment, as far as she is willing to renounce in Scorpio.

"Everywhere the psychoanalyst is waging a hopeless struggle. For every person whom he returns to life healed, "adapted", as they call it, there are a dozen unhealed. There will never be enough psychoanalysts, no matter how quickly we produce them. A short war is enough to destroy the work of centuries. Surgery, of course, will continue to progress, but it is difficult to see what this is good for. We have to change our whole way of life. We don't need better surgical instruments, we need a better life. If all surgeons, all psychoanalysts, all doctors could be taken away from their work and gathered for a while in the amphitheater in Epidauros, if they could discuss in detail the urgent needs of humanity in peace and quiet, the answer would come very quickly, it would be unanimous: REVOLUTION – a world revolution from top to bottom, in all countries, all classes, in every layer of consciousness. The struggle does not apply to illness, illness is a by-product. The enemy of man is not the bacilli, but man himself, his vanity, his prejudices, his stupidity, his arrogance. No class is immune, no system offers a panacea. Each individual would have to rebel against a way of life that is not his. This revolution would have to be conducted continuously and relentlessly in order to be effective. It is not enough to overthrow governments, rulers, tyrants, one must throw overboard one's own biased ideas of right and wrong, good and evil, just and unjust. We must leave the hard-fought trenches we have dug ourselves into and storm out into the open, hand over our weapons, our possessions, our rights as individuals, as a class, as a nation, as a people. A billion people who aspire to peace cannot be enslaved. We have enslaved ourselves by our petty, limited outlook on life. It is indeed praiseworthy to give one's life for an ideal, but dead people are not capable of accomplishing anything. Life calls for more to be offered to him – spirit, soul, intelligence, goodwill. Nature is always ready to fill the gaps created by death, but nature is not able to provide the intelligence, the will, the imagination to defeat the power of death. Nature replaces and renews, that's all. It is the task of man to eradicate the murder instinct, which is limitless in its entanglements and manifestations. It is useless to call on God, just as it is useless to answer violence by force. Every battle is a covenant made in blood and agony, every war is a defeat of the human spirit. The war is nothing but a grand manifestation in the dramatic style of the deceitful ridiculous quarrels that take place daily and everywhere, even in the so-called peacetime. Every person contributes his or her bit to keep the butchery going, even those people who seem to be standing apart. We are all entangled in it, we all take part in it, nolens volens. The earth is our creation, and we must accept the fruits of our creation. As long as we refuse to think in terms such as world goodness and world goods, world order and world peace, we will betray and murder each other. This can continue until the last Judgment, if we want it that way. Only our own desire can give us a newer and better world. Man kills for fear, and fear is a hydra. If we only start to kill, there is no end, an eternity would not be enough to defeat the demons that torment us. Who was it that introduced the demons? this is a question that everyone has to ask themselves. Let each of us examine our conscience. Neither God nor the devil is responsible for this, and certainly not such miserable monsters as Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and cronies, and certainly not such bogeymen as Catholicism, capitalism, communism. Who put the demons in our hearts to torment us? An apt question, and if the only way to find the answer is to go to Epidauros, then I urge all of you, one as well as the other, to throw everything and go there – immediately! …"


We have a saying in German: "The best cannot live in peace if the evil neighbor does not like it." All of us in the West are the bad neighbors, we have allowed the wise, firm and clear Vladimir Putin, who spoke 2001 in the Bundestag in Berlin, to be thrown only with dirt, after his Munich speech in 2007, while in the Bundestag and in the media, measures 'against' hate and 'incitement' were decided.

Murnau, 10. 15. 2024, UTC: 15:41





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