Sonntag, 18. September 2016

Sun Calles the Balance-Conscious

9. 19. - 26. 2016
under the Northern Zodiac
and under the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colours and elements fire, earth, air and water
 of the years 160318021980 and 1305
 (click to enlarge)

Maybe I should write up my thoughs, how to use the the Astromndane Diary once again. Meanwhile it is nearly nine a half years old (the German version, the English regularly two and a half), and i writen for no other reason ecept this "Report before God" and who likes to do so, is invited to red along.
Upon it's birth very conscious was to me the logion of Jesus:
 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let in those who wish to enter." Mt. 23.13
And when I posted my first blog, my liberated thought was: Nobody barring me heaven, nobody censoring me, no publisher and no editor ... and whom you touch that one is touched by you. And if those are fife or ten, so you haven't forborne what you can achieve and in coming times, in which the products of the psyche are hopefully better understood than today, who knows,  there might it be important that back then somebody elaborated my texts.
There even was a Meister Eckhardt whose thoughts even only past 500 years were discovered again, while I would not compare his with my humble abilities.

Further to my astromundane diary of the coming week:
For me as an inhabitant of the northern hemisphere each week appeares   the question: what has the constellation of the week to do with my person as a man in a certain time?
 The answer cannot be a rational one, as the wandering lights in the heaven in front of the zodiacal signs beginning with 0° Aries at the spring equinox of the Sun (called after the eponymous constellation images) are irrational givens, which apply as optical phenomenons under the realm of  the exact natural sciences, but on the other hand are as symbols collective projections of the psyche like dreams and visions.
Each week I try, as good as I can, to  read the collective meaning of the constellations, which indicate a unconscious psychic background climate. Whereby these climates and "wheathers" allow to "travel with the gods" as likewise to move with the demons of greed and power.  I usually use to formulate the positive possibilities which I conceive, and only sometimes I point at dangers, cause those are  the results of the unconscious drives of man occuring like natural catastrophies.
 The personal meaning of the constellations however can recognize, who has been introduced into and is conscious of his horoscope. With some routine someone like that will be able to easily find his answers of the special and everage kind.
This will be as normal in a coming time like today is reading and counting. This is my belief.
So the general has the priority in the mundane astrology ( mundus = world), one looks at the week firstly and blinds out  one self.

 we are in the last half week of Sun-in-Virgo-time
and right now  the last
batch of Mercurys children 
will be born and Venus tomorrow takes hold of the seventh
of the 12 golden months a year with the reign of seventh sign Libra and her goddess
the other Venus  
the Venus of the evening
our evening Star 

and another waxing week   

waxing conjunction of
Jupiter in Libra
with Sun 
and since yesterday
 a rare mirrorevent connecting Sun and Jupiter in the mirror of 
180° zodiac = 0° Libra in 30 ° Virgo
Sun = heart with Jupiter =  insight

enough with Sun - for the moment - the caller of all  abundance in each of his 

twelve golden earth months signs

and immediately now to Mars

 to whom accordingly always fitting are
the beginnings
  blind starts
and for all of us Mars is in Sagittarius 
and squarewise resonating
with Pisces  and Virgo
 and in opposition 
with Twins

so a beginning in Sagittarius should be a beginning
in what old chief Döbereiner called  "where
imaginations link to a Landcape of behold"
to me a beginning of a salvation
by Sagittarius =lucky conjunction 
 why salvation?

see solution is called all liquidation  

 what for in the zodiac the water signs are in duty
 so the symbol Pisces means the imense waters out of which all living has come
out of which waters of unconsciousness
 clouds are ascending which we call ideas
and in which all rivers of counscious perception dissipate
each night 
and because anything ascending from waters of unconsciousness will spin and mount and cross without our perception  - right-spinning like the daily  Sun  - into the Sagittarius - realm of  the day - the realm of two hours   fatefull coincidenc linking for life and in the mirror of heaven and earth or psyche and physis the salvation risen out of the Pisces enter time bright as Jupiter the beholder and its mirror-image under the horizon is reflecting in the shady humidity  of the  feelfull faults and Laps of  Cancer
and Mars  bringing all hidden to the surface being  the outburster
acting in Sagittarius so it's time for our Marsian ability to let  burst out the hidden fruits  of spirit reflecting the rivers of our soul -Mars salvaging from pregnancy

And Sun once again  gives in the 6th mirror of the zodiac to all of them living adjusted to the balance or  classic Libra
mirroring and then conjuncting with Jupiter in Libra
for balance between the sexes 
so balance between heaven and earth

Let's try to talk  about Mercury

ruler of the Sun till tomorrow
he is moving backwards through Virgo meeting the apex and shortly in slight meaningfull resonance with Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces
something like father and child 
and it is Mercury the ruler above the ways of the psychic landscapes
as well as above the Twins and the landscapes of the expanse
telling about this resonance in fatefull coincidents
Now it's time to face that Venus  will not be any longer at the Libra than tomorrow then the permitting Goddess of the air-element will enter the Scorpio in which the the images of the soul  form the cristal canon of water/life with other words: in Libra  love  is a natural fire in Scorpio love is a furnance keeping the increased fatefull heat
Now to our further attendance when we have died - the hypotheticly possible one -nobody can prove the attendance and nobody can prove the non-attendance - our forbears wher convinced that the ancestors spirit  remains in connection with the village  

 In the three signs beyond Sagittarius: Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces those attendance of spirit or non-temporal meaning like numbers words measures is to be  recognized by astrologers 
as well as the birthmarks of the Kingsconjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter in the four different elements in the zodiac being the four birthcharts of the aeon in which each "we" lives
which like a socket, as broader more general collective psychical socket resting below our individual personality .  
This broader socket is in this chronical dealt with every week as  diary of our aeon
The chart depicts the resonances of the four element's constellations which are connected with a visiting light in the four dappled colours this week in green for water  blue for air and red for fire
so the beginner and pusher Mars is visiting the most enormous potential of the fire-element the red Sun and the red Venus -  what a moment of a beginning for maybe something, what the friend of CARl JUNG ERICH NEUMANN called "centroversion" meaning the collecting of all fragments of life centered  in one concious perception by heart = red Sun and red Venus = uniting with associates in the spirit of Sagittarius = reconcilliation
and Venus tomorrow  entering Scorpio with likewise the  visit at the highest inner reef of the water-element in the shape of the green Saturn/Jupiter conjuncting at 0,8° Scorpio since 1305 
and Jupiter will be visiting around Saturday at 3,2° Libra the earth-olive Uranus - the man-God of the earth-element and first part of the grandola-constellation (sorry only in German) and next week the second part in shape of the red Mars at 4,3° Libra
so Jupiter has to  join the most significant two weeks in his whole Libra year
now finally to Moon - our everyday-miracle in shape of the illuminated night with its carrying arms for all livings
Moon  this week is wandering from the realm of Taurus since Monday morning to Maria the bearing = Leo on Saturday afternoon and on Friday noon there is Moons passing of the border between being and living or with other words between Twins and Cancer.
 Gespeichert in Murnau am 19.9.2016 UTC 19:10, gepostet: UTC 19:56.
In English 9. 21. 2016 UTC 23:10


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