Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2020

The Blind in the Light - Defender in the Storm

2. 3. - 12.  2020 0:00 UTC 
under the Northern Zodiac 
and under the Northern Kings -Conjunctions
of the Four Colors and Elements 
 Fire, EarthAir  and Water
  of the Years 1603, 18021980 and 1305 
 (click to enlarge)


The human soul is an 'androgyna', as the
virgo has a male and the man has a female soul.
Richardus Vitius 1618 
in Jung, Mysterium Coniunctionis, Coll. W. 14/1, § 89.

After the enmity of the 4 Elements has been
overcome, the last and strongest contradiction 
still exist, whom the alchemists could not express
more precisely than by the mutual dependency
of male and female.

Middle, only that to which one returns,
not that off which one never embarked and 
drove out.

(as far as one gets it)
the unconscious
zodiacal man
of the twelve signs
 'Steps of God'
in us
and below him
the Eonic man
of the four elements

and all that meaningful connected
by the "transcendental unfathomablility"

"As well namely as man has a body, principally not different
form the body of an animal, so his psychology also has quasi
lower floors, in which the spirits of  bygone eras dwell, 
like the animal souls of the times of Anthropopithecus, 
further the "Psyche" of the cold-blooded dinosaur
and in the deep most depth the transcendental 
unfathomablility and paradoxy of the sympathetic
and the parasympathetic proceedings.

C.G.Jung, Mysterium Coninctionis, Coll.W. 14/1, § 272.

Our individual lot is disseminated among many, Gods  dances in the endlessness of circles in Universe, into which Suns do implement order by the steady conversion of his children the planets and their rhythms since  the burning beginning.

What is astromundane diary? watching meaning before enters time. And trying to read the script. What does it mean on Earth ? It's up to everyone to decode heaven by the astrological key. It's good for health and brain.

6. Week 2020

Aries silent till Friday
the Venus enters Aries
new beginning for Taurus and Libra

while Mars'
blind impulses
in Sagittarius
are elementary fire refined to spirit
this Wednesday having  to kick
blue Neptune into appearance
to quench a thirst
in our thinking
for those images of
reconciliation and 
the lion laying with the lamb
beyond time
where Jupiter ruling Sagittarius
this year moves in the realm of 
 father Saturn 
accompanied by brother Pluto

but Mars' hot week is approaching
on Monday/Tuesday Mars passes
the brightest spot in the current zodiac
till 2338
Mars + Sun + Venus of
effecting where Jupiter moves
on the 'official' level of Capricorn
 rare bright insights might be
layed down

who moves higher than Capricorn
must have two  'wings'
one left  one right
like birds 
under the clouds 
and the light there
the winterly
heart and middle
currently alone
in  a space in a time  free of resonances
heart and heaven 
respected in man
by Aquarius-ruler Uranus
radiated in early Taurus'
realm of sociality

 currently not 'in the world'
but guest with Neptune
in the spirit of Pisces
in a passage through the childness
of all  life
and meaning
and Mercury immediately
met the green Mars of the
element water
Mars is congestion 
crush and rush of the
from Fukoshima in commemoration

on Saturday Mercury meets the 
olive Pluto
of the earth-element at
Pisces 6,8°
keeping the code of life in 
circles of time
for the element earth
providing the vessel for the 
unification of the four Elements

while Moon is dealing with the dailies and the zest for life, while the 'intensities' in the zodiacal man apply with the transcendental 'spirit' of the 'third floor' = Sagittarius till Pisces.

Murnau 2 5. 2020, UTC 18:09.


after correction

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