Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2020

A Restart by Surrender to Softness and Rage

 6. 1. - 10.  2020,  0:00 UTC 
and under the northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colors and elements 
Fire, EarthAir  and Water  of the years 
under the Northern Zodiac 
(click to enlarge)

Genesis 2. 
15 The Lord God took the man and put him in theGarden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;
17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

but God had also made the snake, that by knowledge of good and evil man should be different from animals, for being " mankind in our image, in our likeness."

In the tale of the old the spirit of man speaks out. Therewith by reawakening of him, who marvels, what children use to do, the marveling = 'reflecting' might be born anew.

This one might be born in all four cardinal directions and in all day- and night-times, even in all 12 times of the day, like the raster of a star in universe, sum of a cloud x, condensed to a star x, distributing the chaos on their characteristic  channels, meaningful according to the laws of the universe.

Off which's chaos mundanomaniac's spirit here has moved to an unsuspicious place in Central Europe, leaving an astrologically lived trail, for long beyond his presence...

23. Week 2020
so what
let's begin with the beginner

the blind restart
same like last week
(like in Scorpio restart as waiver)
so in Pisces  restart in surrender 
to softness Pisces
and  to rage Mars
and like last week in square-'resonance'
with Sun in Twins
= passion on streets and places
while Mars nears Neptune
till next Wednesday
his heat will be cooled

Such an intensive Mars - bi-week only occurs 4 times in 16 months: 1 conjunction, one opposition and 2 squares.

while this time
a third deity
that of flesh and balance
of heaviness and relief
Taurus and Libra
goddess of the physical middle and emotional balance
just retrograding is
changing places with Sun
thus resulting in the  common square
of ire, heart, and community

as to all reflecting comprehension 
experience and perception lay the ground 
these two weeks with their rage
out of Pisces'
 depth of the psyche open the path for a new Zeitgeist
so the reemergence of the
the unconscious
real man in us
by the resurrender to the childly innocence
of man
in his ire and in his gentleness
in the lap of the father

which as Pisces
in each creature
is inherited

Here now we have  A n t h r o p o s  and in him  consciously the to us unconscious, cause sensually non perceptible  s y n c h r o n i c i y  with spiritual Mars and physical Sun/Venus  to which the mature astrological consciousness of  Anthropos by can build a Mercury- bridge  (by language) to being at home by feeling = Cancer. Bridge where to? 

Cancer always
builds the feeling- bridge
towards intimacy
to man's mother, sister, wife, whore, friend
and to woman's father, brother, spouse, wild man , friend

and Mercury's bridges 
are to follow
Paul Klee, 1937
the "Revolution of the Viaduct"

Mercury is a god of air and earth
with a sovereign lordship about
the marvels of words
in the created world
called Twins
and of the unique
soul called

and the current astrological bridge
the chronicler watches
leads via pillars of time
of  weeks
 of years
of half a millennium

and all of it  ruled
on and in
Twins' roads and neighborhoods
by Sun/Venus  
under the rule of
 ruled by Moon
goddess of receptiveness 

ruling Mercury's
Sun/Venus/Mars -Square
on her way
through the month

and Uranus, Saturn,Pluto, Jupiter
by Venus
ruled by Mercury
ruled by

over the valleys
and highs of the soul
by entering the heights of
on Sunday Moon's Cancer 
 become accessible
for trans-Sagittarian 
non-temporal spirit

And you must not consciously grasp all these constellations, a hunch is enough. Let those beams of words and images work within your depths, work on creating the astrological conscious gold-blossom.

Murnau, 6. 4. 2020, UTC: 10:09. 


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