Samstag, 24. August 2024

The Fire-Story - Further Told

 Penultimate union 


Jupiter and Saturn

receiving the 30year-baton of  

Great Conjunctions

of both while

running around

in a sign 

of the element


 after  a string of about 200 years 

then meeting in the element


7. 23. 769
Penunltimate Kingsconjunction
in the element 

Then after 834 years 

came the next one:

our currently



18.12.1603, UTC 6:55:03.

Now we are moving into the secrets of rhythm. The Arab/Iranian astrology invented in the 8. century the rhythmical birthdays of the Kingsconjunctions (KK). Each following birthday of a KK, with Sun at the exact place like in the original KK is a giver of a 7-years period with 12 x 7 months of  changing rulership starting with the Ascendant.

The great muslim-civilization was still young, when, after killing the Omajads, the Abbasids ruledand it was the great mesahalla, who, with colleages,  gave the astrological expertise for the founding of Bagdad.

One luminousness of the Abbassids was Harun al Rashid, in whose time Kalif's sponsored in Bagdad  the Bait al hikma, 'house of wisdom'. And in Bagdad lived and worked  the graet Abu Mashar (787- 886)

Compared to our consciousness the wise scholars of Bagdad render us as true barbarians, while they appear as  spiritual Pyramids in western Asia.

Abu Mashar wrote among other books the  : Kitab al milal wa-l- duval.

Hence the four elements which in different proportions give us the character of the animal-stuff, we are living within with consisting of fire, earth, air, and water.

As earth gives the couldron, fire gives the energy, to move into the different natures.

My main work has been on the element earth, outgoing, that the end is, by outliving the cosmic formular of a human, descripted in the hieroglyphs of the Zodiac, one is a place and in the community of humans, by becoming aware of  man a unique oneness of  soul to become human 'god' by serving ones oneness surrounded by all the other onenesses ...

 Well earth I thought attributes the cauldron, for the four elements, to be mixing with another therein.

Now in our days to my consciousness is coing the vibration of fire. And, beginning to pay my attention, a thread is beginning to  emerging in my current  days

And I follow the Kingsconjunction's septars of the fire-element which has happened 1603.

To capture the month of the Kursk-Battle look at the period of 6'1943 - 1' 1944 in red and green:

both directions (starting at ASC) have to actualize Aries,  triggering Mars in Aquarius, which can only do what Uranus allows, and Uranus does it within the entire cluster: with Uranus= the toppler and Neptune's dissolution in grand scale = Jupiter refering to reconnaissance = Mercury, and and defence and supply = Venus.

49. Septar of the fire-Kingsconjunction valid from 1939 - 1946
on Kursk

The Story fire tells

And borne 1942, living in Hamburg till 1980,  my main-attention always was its situation. So my trip into the fire-element went into the 49. Septar of 1603 for Hamburg, which suffered the 'Operation Gomorrha' and lost 32.000 + souls in 5 nights between July and August.

Now I went to the places. As living my life in Hamburg, a town with a fiery fate I entered ino he week of Gomorrha 7.25- 8.3. 1943. 

and her it is, in the fourth house
of Hamburg

in the 4th house 
where the family eats, drinks, coocks
sleeps and loves

of Hamburg

triggered by Neptune of ruling Pisces since June '43, and the 'Kettenreaktion' (chain-reaction) of collective winged (Uranus) mass (Venus), will (Sun) traveling (Mercury) assembly (Jupiter) of dissolution (Neptune).

The immensity of 30-40.000 dead in raid of fife nights and days at night by english, in daylight by american bombers.

A constellation is a formular. It is an offer of the gods, to have a fate to fulfill in a conscious = benign way or in a serious of nefarious campains.

If humanity is understood as a common  body so is this a severe fatefull cluster, which is to be used in a 
in a conscious benign way, or, demonically unconsciouy, in an super-adverse sense.

The 49th contains the full drama of Russia, between retreat and victory laid 5 years and about 23 Million person's death.

Here some other images of those 7 years.

110. 10 1041
Shukow takes command of the West-Front

Operation Uranus at Stalingrad

7. 13. 1943, Battle of Prochorowka

Operation Bagration

 Operation start at the
Seelower Höhen

So far, the work is in progess.

Murnau, 7. 16. 2024, UTC: 16:41.

The current fire - septar  2023 - 2030 for Moscow
I will discuss it in the coming days.

Murnau, 8, 24. 2024, UTC: 21:42.


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