Dienstag, 21. Januar 2025

Fate in the World and Donald Trumps Aquarian Mystery


1. 20. - 28. 2025

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


"The first world historical encounter between the Promethean
and the Russian sense of the world falls on the year 1812. European
Historians like to present the events as if Russia had lured enemy's
army cunningly and planned to go to the steppe and into the horrors
their winter. This is not the case. Already at the Drissa the Russians
wanted to defend themselves in a fixed camp. Smolensk was then
really defended, and Moscow should by no means be abandoned.
(Kutuzov gave his word to Rastopshin on this!) It is a real European
misunderstanding when historians, looking back, to introduce into the
course of history intentions that have never passed. You can't imagine
that one, how the Russian back then can let things drift until happy
End. 1812 signifies the victory of the primal trust over the primal fear.
The ethos of faithful endurance overcomes the ethos of the planning
act. The Promethean sense of the world of Europe capitulates before
the world feeling of Asians, despite the genius of Napoleon. Utmost
tension of the will and maximum achievements of the military
organization was shattered by the unearthly suffering of the East.
The helplessness of Napoleon during the 5 weeks of his stay in Moscow
was perfect. He did not know how to do anything against people,
that had time and did nothing. You have to realize how completely
hopeless at first, the resistance of isolated Russia appeared to the
united Europe. In fact, there was only one possibility of salvation,
which namly has become a reality. We know that today. At that time
no one could know. At that time, one could only believe. Never history
has given the delusion of human autonomy a more bloody lesson"

Walter Schubart, Europe and the Soul of the East, 1979, p. 138.

4th Week
2025 Schubart bases the understanding of what we can call the fate of the Earth in the planetary cosmos on a rhythmic character: he describes a cosmic wheel of time with 4 spokes of which 4 ages are alternating with each other. He distinguishes 'eons' like cosmic breaths, of about 600 years in the sequence of World Ages
Harmonious Age Heroic Age The Ascetic Age Messianic Age

and with different fate this wheel rolls over the different floors of the earth. Russia is a soil different to America, and the northern Asian impact in Moscow cannot be overlooked. In the knife fighter of Yakutia and in the fantasized 'North Koreans near Kursk', the fascination of the other, the new, becomes tangible in the unconscious of the West. It is the Asian part in the 'soul of the East'. Through him, Moscow shows that and how it solved the riddle of the Earth: in respect for the sanctified given diversity of peoples and tribes. This 'religious' part in us, alive, in Russia allows mankind to become complete through respect for what is given in chaos and order

This does the word destiny know: According to it, something skillful has been given to us, into which we are, as it is, put into time wheels and this in turn allows the respective wheel to be understood as a 'wheel of wheels in the wheel', called Universe.

This immense understanding of the given is an immense personal enlargement - which has to be compensated by an immense personal humbleness of the invisible God as godness is underständing the given as the invisible garden
and this to understand the universe of meaning, therefore it has given:

of the zodiac
and its astrology

it is just a pleasant step for consciousness
to clarify moments, days, weeks, months, years
everything being temporal
or finite
in time
riding the divine fate

and of the humble
taking the given
supported by the invisible
kick , spirit grants
the heart

Schubart's picture is interesting because it describes a 'fate mechanism', in the current transition of one age togo down and the next is rising.
Already in 1938 he senses this transition working in the West as the downfall of the Promethean, god-hostile age of Enlightenment, and in the East the advent of the 'Johannine' age, of love as fate.

Now in short about my astrology: it arose from the considerations of the 'cosmic elements of fate: readeable in the sky by signs according to the truely spinning time- pieces.

Correspondig to them as the truely given clock gives a real

stair to the sky =

Given to

the children of the sun


with around heart

sensing the 12 realms
in Year

of which the
82. Psalm reads

and which on the Earth-level
are spinning around

For me, because of Saturn, Mars, Uranus in Taurus in my 11/12. House in 1942

26. 2. 1942

playing with open charts - me


this is the World War of the 40s and I realize why I read the autobiographies of Russian military leaders,
Paul Celan read how I read and quote C.G.JUNG.

So my focus was not on individual advice, but world astrology, technical word: Mundan astrology, (mundus, lat. = World) and since 2008 blogging: 'astromundane's diary' and about days, weeks, "times and times" Tage und Äonen.-

4, Week 2025 It is a week with 2 conjunctions and one opposition.
they are the cross-axis of time-wheel
basically : the work of the universe is
to gratify the union work
in the chaos of possibilities The conjunction always calls for the union of two (or more) different principles on one axis
in one common movement The opposition, on the other hand, wants the union of two (or more) opposing principles on two contradictory but complementary soils/elements. We are experiencing the constant derailment on this level precisely because of the separating and complementary unifying movement of East and West. Russia has the advantage of having mastered the unity of the different that the world needs, compared to the West, which claims that it has the unity: EU, etc. but acually only devides.
this is in astrology the axix of Mars and Venus
creating the principles of each other creating at bay The current conjunctions are right at the beginning of the week:
in Aquarius Sun and Pluto ... Sun unites with Pluto the humble discipline once a year - that's today on Tuesday - and takes place in Aquarius the invisible called spirit
Sun is the bringing-to-life-producing potential of time
according to Symbol of Leo and heart
which also, as a component of the whole, has its place in the zodiac, complete in the unexpectedness of fate = Aquarius. The fact that the inauguration of an American president is taking place in this constellation only says one thing: these president is full of surprises.

14. 6. 1946 Jamaica NY Donald Trump Transit horoscope 20. 1. 2025 18:00 Wash. DC Venus/Uranus: surprises in terms of boundaries and balance. Mars/Saturn/Venus: Beginning of a balance by restriction. Mercury / Jupiter: Advocacy for Reconciliation. Inauguration-Horoscope

This is On a day when loyalty, discipline, and renunciation -
is called
because not everything belongs to you being is given to us by fate and work
Pluto in us knows and wants man as godly This is how we are built, and the promethean displacement of humility before the universal or 'God's' spirit and power,
the promethean (Goethe) is the displacement of renunciation from humility
and sanctification of avarice and greed and horniness...
sanctification of the renunciation eventually made up for and in the collective compulsory
devils world
remember the devil is an angel with respective spiritual power
defeated by assistace of
Scorpio/ Pluto in us
waiver and free giving

There is power in respect, of knowledge in the word of 'karma'. If it were otherwise, we would not have survived the power of evil. The second conjunction in the beginning of this week, starting Sunday: together in Pisces are Venus and Saturn conjunction: At the same time,
Venus wanting to collect, occupy, enclose, preserve
and let take root: in Pisces
it says: as described above in 1812:
"do nothing"
let happen what is happening
happen according to fate
in a wishful surrender
Pisces produces the 12. fay
For Saturn = 'on the thrones of the world'
the same spirit
all volition dissolved in the fateful The transit horoscope of Donald Trump above
answers a lot of questions
and paints an invisible
of what is fate
like his

24. 7. 13
Donald Trump
Dodging the Bullet

From conjunctions to oppositions; there is one and it is triggered on Thursday;

Mercury/Mars in the complementary signs Capricorn and Cancer signifying complementary parts of the world. Because complementary means: opposite to each other like gas and brake, or man and woman. So the lot is: to fight each other or to complement each other in a common function forming form a unity.

Murnau 1. 21. 2024, UTC: 15:33


and Blog in Smoothie X 12:

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