Dienstag, 19. April 2016

Beloved Soul -Animal - 9 Years Old Today

4. 19. 2007
Mundanes Tagebuch
(astromundane diary)
First Blog

My friends, it is wise to nourish the soul, 
otherwise you will breed dragons and devils
 in your heart.

  ~Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 232. 

my part of the common child

exercise in balance
learnable with master Dö 
in house 8

guiding image

distributed by the give- away- striker
Aries - Sun present in  public
and simplicity
of an experienced child
the fatherly advice

I wish you good luck
you beloved soul-animal
and hail to your discoverers

am 19.4.2016 in Murnau UTC 10:30
in English UTC 19:35

Ps:  http://carljungdepthpsychology.blogspot.de/2015/07/carl-jung-on-egg.html

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