Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2018

Will Our Heart 'Explode' on Monday?

4. 30. - 5. 9.  2018
Under the Northern Zodiac
and Under the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the Four Colours and Elements 
 Fire, Earth, Air  and Water
  of the Years 160318021980 and 1305 
 (click to enlarge)

18. Week

What donates donating  Sun to  Taurus?
That must clearly be fixed in the astrological raster
describing our case circling 
Sun  = heart

the month of the earth-element-sign
allowing Sun currebtly
out of  center of living being
 vigour of the soul
between body and spirit
appearing donating 
by gathering and growing
like the green God
symbolized by the strength of the

and this appears by gathering in Twins
= beyond the borders of town and city and territory
and as Taurus is the opposite of Scorpio

and with Sun in Taurus
 Earth is
in Scorpio
in Sun's web

and this special week
Sun in Taurus 
security  abundance and roots
to the center =  heart of being
on the way to the center of Taurus
like forelast week  was Venus
with her whimper instead of a bang

here at 14,1° Uranus and 16, 9 Mars
is waiting
the yearly
 plethora of meaning 
from the
elemenary depths of the psyche
now for Sun the donator

at 14,1° Taurus the red god of the thinker
man Uranus
of the first element fire
regenerated for 800 years 

fire is always signifying 'the new'
with Uranus = the new thinking
of man 
topplig  tradition

and on same Friday Jupiter  in the opposite
condition to Sun
of sacrifice  waiver and loyalty
meets the  center of three weeks-long passage
of 18,9° Scorpio = Neptune
three weeks in 12 years

Neptune = innocence
of the earth element
the non-moving substance of gravity
in the psychic depth underneath
'the heavenly child'
in zodiac rejuvenated

both Sun and Jupiter
donation and reconciliation
 in the offer
of marriage
wealth and waiver


further Monday May 7.
the igniter Mars of the earth-element
in  territory camp and village
to be feared and guarded

will be met by donater Sun
never to forget
the demons circling  Sun
= gold

18'th week 2018

further on 

'father' Saturn 
at home ruling 11 signs
to assume eternal shape
'child' Neptune
keeps the bud of all 12

Murnau, 5. 2. 2018, UTC 


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