Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2020

What a Week - Entrance in Aquarius und Great Conjunction of Father Saturn and Son Jupiter - But no 'Grand Mutation' (Kingsconjunction)


12. 23. - 30. 2020,  0:00 UTC 
and under the northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colors and elements 
Fire, EarthAir  and Water  of the years 
under the Northern Zodiac 
(click to enlarge)  

"Are by the Arabian Astrologiam the arbitrary  attempts
of human squabbles, quasi in heaven formed and by the
 united planets. That is once again roughly failed, but one
has to (locate) these  squabbles, happening down here
 on Earth, in man's heart, and but the  emphasis and 
actual  outcome of  the same has to be searched on God's
providence, or better, with the same alone  let it rest."

Kepler, Discourse, 1623
(my translation)

For Kepler, like for the Arabic 'Astrologiam' there is no questoin, that a 'formation' happens, 'Arabian' by the planet-gods, Christian, following Kepler, above that by 'God's providence.'

My understanding is: 'Arabian' = preformation, 'Christian Keplerian' = God's actual outcome of the 'Arabic' preformed.

Saturn in Aquarius - to me the  'tower of the birds', is symbolizing the four cornered spiral-tower up into heaven of the zodiac, and the  ('birds') are symbolizing the nearness of heavenly ideas to God, while Jupiter in Aquarius transfers those emerging ideas  into a temporal now, while God and associated with Him the gods/archetypes remain in the unconsciousness, but their rhythms, are to be observed by human intelligence.

ascending out of the unconscious
off the dream-sleep of man
shady side of
between bright and
total black 

 6 invisible mirrors
between daily
ascend and descend
of light

spirit circling matter
around the horizon of consciousness
with it's signs and lights
under God
the kindhearted creator
and his six calls
and the six answers
of the Earth

six days  ... six mirrors

heaven mirrored by earth

 zodiac dreamed by unconscious
(male) Anthropos in Adam

the female, as source of all good and evil coming to Adam, with her complementary structure.

zodiacal mirrors dreamed by unconscious
(female) Sophia in Eve

Who wanted to comprehend Sophia, the female archetype of the complete human in man, has  found this autumn in my diary  material, being triggered by unconsciousness into my mind.

to whom
in unconscious completeness
each week presents
Eve as
encounters of

as scholar
ready for completeness
whom each week
presents the commission
ready for Anthropos
at the side of 

to let
under God
the 'Arabic' pre-formation
effect in the mindful 
which is the mother soil
of fate

52. Week


now in effect
Mars and Pluto
in their square
Aries = fire
and Capricorn = earth
Mars = fire
and Pluto = water
Aries =  element
Pluto = soul

or ire
and waiver

coincidently Mars, the lonesome single raider, moves on Sunday over the 25,3°  Aries, which is the 'radioactive' spot of the red Pluto of the mutation of the Great Conjunctions into the fire-element of 1603.

Mars + Pluto
impatience and faith



giving us tranquility and endurance
by Taurus
and balance
by Libra

She walks in Sagittarius, in the conciliating spirit of the son, thankful  to the father who ordered nature by measure.
On Tuesday Venus moved over 8,5° Sagittarius = Kingsconjunction (Great Mutation) of Saturn + Jupiter in the fire-element of 1603. In the contamination by them Venus shares insights into the inclusion of law into time.

begin of completeness
thanks to Sagittarius' synopsis

and at the end of the week Venus begins to move into the square-resonance with Neptune in Pisces, hence:

'Arabic' : Venus  goddess of borders on Earth
+ Neptune unconscious innocence
= solution of borders

Neptune childlike goodness
alas in unconsciousness
hence suppressed by narcissistic neurotics
Christian calm and balance
for the child of God
in everyone


orientation- function
in the material space
as Twins
in the emotional space as Virgo

in Capricorn beginning his hike this week in parallel with
but in double speed
moving ahead
through the winter-land of the polar sign
in the spirit of the eternal measures
fixed in  words

 Mercury then moves over the summit of the year - coming Sunday Sun and Mercury - heart and brain - of the

element, and on Monday/Tuesday Sun and Mercury of the water-element, on the high ground of the Capricorn-earth, which is barren like the walls of the mountains and moisty like a summer-rain.

And now, the part of this Wednesday-blog, which I had preferred on Monday:

... but the great superior happening this week is the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter

 the two biggies in the family

in the first grade of Aquarius,

where the blue Mars of the Kingsconjunction

 ('Great Mutation')

 is at home at 0,8°. 

according to the



(Great Mutation )

in element air

31. 12. 1980 - my drawing

Everyone can control the "Great Mutation"-thing, watching the real Great Mutation from earth- into air-element from 12.31.1980:  see: Saturn + Jupiter a 9° 29' 56'' Libra, that is air Element!!!

Now this week 

Extraordinary transit in the history of mankind, unfathomable happening in the world of archetypes: Jupiter + Saturn
and their navigation of  Earthly fate in a way of  wisdom of a future, which for not so many has begun already.

Mars always is  begin, and in the case of air 
begin of imagines in thinking
and today is connected
with Saturn and Jupiter
 with Measure and Law
father and son of thinking

The stultification-media refer extensively to the rarity of  current nearly common latitude of  the two heavenly hands, but crucial for the measurement is the longitude of the heavenly hikers past 0° Aries in the circle back to 360° Pisces = 0° Aries currently for Saturn and Jupiter  between 300 and 301° of the zodiac.

'Quality' of time - a taboo in media, too conductive for comprehension.

And a kind of stultification shows even it's reach into the astrological world, as such an easy check obviously hasn't been done, to determine the correct movement of Saturn and Jupiter into their Great Mutation (Kingsconjunction) into the element air.

 In the basics of the Münchner Rhythmenlehre  for a GC the position of the heavenly 'hands' is crucial, and it is 

today at UTC 18:21 = 0° 29' 10''

and now the 'hands'/planets lay one 'above' the other (have same length) but the rare common latitude of the centers  of the two  hand is without  meaning for time measurement.

Crucial is this aspect in the rhythmical astrology: Not the Great Conjunctions (GC) form fate of 8-9 centuries in the realm of an element  but the rare Kingsconjunctions (Great Mutations) which happen once between about 800 and 900 years. Their constellation are giving  the roots which, since the Arab Astrology, are comprehended to define the fate of 800 -900 years fate of one of the four elements.

For us important is the date on which

only 40 years ago
on 12. 31. 1980
the new Kingsconjunction
(Great Mutation)
in the  im Element air

in which air-Mars at 0,8° Aquarius
in nearest attendance of Saturn and Jupiter
might open the door 
in a collective act of meditation 
of any kind
by  innumerable 
 astro-maniacal males and females
 to Aquarius -Period
on the Earth round
at UTC 18:21

this blue mars of the air
is the opener for the reflecting imagination
for the beyond-border in creation
receiver and sender
for the transits with the blue element

together with Saturn and Jupiter
this 'Arabic' constellation
offers God an maybe attractive
exit to nod to
Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius
is entailing for our human race also
the danger of hubris in 
boundless psychic inflation
on behalf of State and Science

as a warning example:

transit Saturn with
Uranus of air  in Taurus

the last Kingsconjunction in the element air
of 1186 (till 1980)
on the day of

22. Juni 1941
the state and the usurpation of the boundlessness
start of "Barbarossa"

Murnau, 12. 23. 2020, UTC 17:55 


 and, after correction: UTC 18:11.

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