3. 24. - 4. 1. 2025
0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere
Soloviev 1883
"The future word of Russia is that
in union with God's eternal truth
and human freedom the word
of reconciliation between the
East and west."
Report of a returned:
Three weeks ago, he underwent surgery on his left carotid artery. The surgeon's secretariat meant: 6 - 7 days of hospital stay. Now it has been more than 3 weeks. 6- 7 Days may apply to 30-year-olds, but the 83-year-old had to suffer from the following: bleeding after surgery due to high blood pressure: therefore 2. general anesthesia, opening of the sutured wound, patch on the suture new suture, artificial respiration, 1. surgery at noon, 2. surgery in the afternoon, awakening the next afternoon. Blood pressure up-down-up-down. After 2 days of intensive care, return to normal. After 2 more days, suddenly in the evening 144 pulse. Again, 2.5 days of intensive care. Accompanying: stool and urinary retention. Artificial oxygen. Cardiac catheterization: "partial collateralized closure of the RCA" Could not be resolved. Recommendation: Heartcenter München. In addition, since the operation, intestinal germs later cough, as it often happens in clinics after antibiosis (here against inflammation in the lungs).
Conclusion. All is well but discharge with urinary catheterization. Very weak, at the end of the month: 3 weeks of rehab. Now oxygen saturation is 95%, pulse is 55.
Conclusion: after a stroke 10 years ago 1. real surgery in life. The probability is increased for several more livable years.
Question : Could you have foreseen all the complications in the horoscope? Answer: No. Of course, Sun / square / Jupiter: that it turns out 'angular' but well could be justified.
Anyway, now I understand that it became a 'two-stroke' and that the heart was involved in deciding .
13th Week
This week the hustle and bustle at the vernal equinox shows: 0°Aries: Blind hustle and bustle.
Mercury and Venus slipping back into Pisces
The Sun, on the other hand, continues to wander into the depths
of Aries = heart on attack
But Neptune ends its orbit in the zodiac of 164 years = 8,350 weeks and on Monday begins a new round in Aries. The last time of entering Aries was April 14. 1861. Remarcable what started two days before:
The conjunction Mercury, Venus, Neptune, ending in Pisces, indicates the complete opacity of the current collective plans and considerations, the complete, panicky confusion, the extremely illusory nature of the intentions and decisions that are loudly propagated in the terms 'ceasefire' and "SPECIAL ASSETS", nothing more than obscuring 800 billion euros of SPECIAL DEBTS. This shows that the US colony of Western Europe is willing to follow the colonial ruler into the trillion-dollar debt situation, who put the burden of the current madness on the narrow shoulder of the unborn.
This situation with Mercury, Venus in Pisces continues throughout April. Only in May, back in Aries, a progression of Mercury and Venus, albeit blind, is to be expected. Mercury and Venus: paths and boundaries in the inner and outer world. In Aries = just as Mars allows, desires.
Mars ruling Aries , back in Leo since April 19th: Time for the sovereign to make prey.
Murnau, 3. 25. 2025, UTC: 15:06.