Dienstag, 25. März 2025

Retrograde Jostling for a Fresh Start


3. 24. - 4. 1. 2025

0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


Soloviev 1883

"The future word of Russia is that
in union with God's eternal truth
and human freedom the word
of reconciliation between the
East and west."
Report of a returned: Three weeks ago, he underwent surgery on his left carotid artery. The surgeon's secretariat meant: 6 - 7 days of hospital stay. Now it has been more than 3 weeks. 6- 7 Days may apply to 30-year-olds, but the 83-year-old had to suffer from the following: bleeding after surgery due to high blood pressure: therefore 2. general anesthesia, opening of the sutured wound, patch on the suture new suture, artificial respiration, 1. surgery at noon, 2. surgery in the afternoon, awakening the next afternoon. Blood pressure up-down-up-down. After 2 days of intensive care, return to normal. After 2 more days, suddenly in the evening 144 pulse. Again, 2.5 days of intensive care. Accompanying: stool and urinary retention. Artificial oxygen. Cardiac catheterization: "partial collateralized closure of the RCA" Could not be resolved. Recommendation: Heartcenter München. In addition, since the operation, intestinal germs later cough, as it often happens in clinics after antibiosis (here against inflammation in the lungs). Conclusion. All is well but discharge with urinary catheterization. Very weak, at the end of the month: 3 weeks of rehab. Now oxygen saturation is 95%, pulse is 55. Conclusion: after a stroke 10 years ago 1. real surgery in life. The probability is increased for several more livable years. Question : Could you have foreseen all the complications in the horoscope? Answer: No. Of course, Sun / square / Jupiter: that it turns out 'angular' but well could be justified. Anyway, now I understand that it became a 'two-stroke' and that the heart was involved in deciding .
13th Week
This week the hustle and bustle at the vernal equinox shows: 0°Aries: Blind hustle and bustle. Mercury and Venus slipping back into Pisces The Sun, on the other hand, continues to wander into the depths of Aries = heart on attack But Neptune ends its orbit in the zodiac of 164 years = 8,350 weeks and on Monday begins a new round in Aries. The last time of entering Aries was April 14. 1861. Remarcable what started two days before:

The conjunction Mercury, Venus, Neptune, ending in Pisces, indicates the complete opacity of the current collective plans and considerations, the complete, panicky confusion, the extremely illusory nature of the intentions and decisions that are loudly propagated in the terms 'ceasefire' and "SPECIAL ASSETS", nothing more than obscuring 800 billion euros of SPECIAL DEBTS. This shows that the US colony of Western Europe is willing to follow the colonial ruler into the trillion-dollar debt situation, who put the burden of the current madness on the narrow shoulder of the unborn. This situation with Mercury, Venus in Pisces continues throughout April. Only in May, back in Aries, a progression of Mercury and Venus, albeit blind, is to be expected. Mercury and Venus: paths and boundaries in the inner and outer world. In Aries = just as Mars allows, desires. Mars ruling Aries , back in Leo since April 19th: Time for the sovereign to make prey. Murnau, 3. 25. 2025, UTC: 15:06.

Montag, 24. Februar 2025

In Pisces: the Cleaning of the World-Axis


2. 24. - 3. 4. 2025

0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


"... on closer examination, it turns out that for the
inner life by no means takes effect, what applies to the
spirit (pneuma), namely that the metaphorical language
the only possibility is for >>outwardly sensual
to appear<< - itself silent, not appearing activity already
consists in speaking, my silent conversation with myself.
The theoretical metaphorical language, in fact, is appropriate
to the activity of thinking, the work of our spirit, but our
soul life with its characteristic intensity is expressed ver
much better with a look, a sound, a gesture than in
spoken out. When talking about emotional experiences
thus, the experience itself never comes to light, but always
what we think about it when we turn it into an object
making the 'reflection. In contrast to thoughts and ideas
feelings and passions can just as little become components
of the world of appearance like our internal organs. To the
appearance in the outside world comes in addition to physica
signs, only what we think of them. Every showing of anger
contains in the difference to the perceived anger, already a
reflection oit and it gives the sensation the highly individualized
form that makes sense for all surface phenomena.
Showing anger is a form of self-expression: I decide what should
appear. In other words, my feelings are just as little determined
to be shown like the internal organs through which we live."

Hannah Arendt, Vom Leben des Geistes, München 1979, p. 41.
This edition of the astromundane diary has the special feature that it treats the week in which mundanomaniac will be operated on the left carotid breef ten years after cerebellar infarction. This is nothing too special at
the beginning of the 84th year of life, but nevertheless a huge event that brings the question of life and death close. The fact that the operation falls exactly on my 83rd birthday is due to the fact that my wife in need of care belongs in good hands and a very dear competent friend was not free before. I now approach the procedure on Wednesday with confidence and regard it as a very extraordinary special gift that falls on the day when the Sun passes my Sun and Jupiter passes my Jupiter, both of which are connected in a lifelong, not too sharp square. This constellation is connected in the clearest way with the exact astro-magic, which I, as a Mundanomaniac, am obviously called to carry into the world.

26. 2. 2025 Week 9, 2025
2nd Week Mercury in Pisces - until next Monday. Pisces Counterweight to Virgo contradiction of the spirit against rationality of adaption
and reason of space Twins Saturn in Pisces until the end of May Father pole and axis in the universe itself untimely fatherly spirit of God in Pisces
the purification of the world axis in the bath of humility the childlike God the world purification of the
areas in this respect, the humble 2 kings, Putin and Xi, who are ordering the world, are waiting for the third to be able to step into the stable - as always ... somewhere in Kazakhstan ... But even the childlike god Neptune rules kindly and modestly in his kingdom of 164 years at the end of his purification round: Neptune is on 29 ° Pisces. And now Sun the heart key to Everything in the second of these Pisces weeks the purification of the heart For the weekend Sun + Jupiter the square of mind and space which embodies the atmosphere Sun + Jupiter Pisces and Twins Heart and nerves So as far as Sun+Mercury+Saturn +Neptune in Pisces in this complex purification process in our unconscious according to the spirit which measures the time without self being time the horizon and axis of the year and of the day This is what heaven has told me for the coming week, which does not cost me an euro or a dollar. Heaven is free, my dear fellow human beings.

Murnau, 2. 24. 2025, UTC: 11:46.


Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2025

About the Philosophy of the Seveth Week 2025, and about the Dive of Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Neptune in Innocence.

2.17. - 25. 2025

0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


It is a mistake to think that the old Ones
really beheld bears and snakes in Heaven,
that is mythology that is inherent in all of us
and that is why each of us is able
to project it on heaven. There our world-
consciousness commenced, and from there we
have we got the science. Hidden lying
in the stars the depths of our inner
being .

C.G.JUNG, Children's Dreams, p. 379
Week 8, 2025 After the extreme Aquarius air element week in Aquarius
Pluto Sun Mercury

extrem: Sun/Mercury in Aquarius
square Uranus
in Taurus

This is another manifestation, of the early 'time of Aquarius', and it is a powerfull manifestation within the Herd of Taurus called NATO. The sequence of Hegseth, J.D.Vance, and the two Kings

and in heavenly parallel Mercury, Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Spirit shocks the
leading lowlifes
Air- Gas
third element
turns the minds
Twins Libra Aquarius
Space Image Idea ascending Being
(of all of us)
dream idea like all gases lighter than air

lifting shock-like uprooting roots
by ascence due to the coming
circumstances of the earth acting with their limitations now an extreme week of the water element. As of Tuesday, the Sun has also migrated under the command of

Neptune, who rules the streaming element soul We are dealing with an extreme herein time 1. Neptune in Pisces every 164 years
ruling in own sign
for 15 years till January 27, 2026 2. Saturn in Pisces almost every 30 years
till coming May 3. Sun in Pisces 30 days along 4. Mercury in Pisces until March 3. while all deeply dissolving in the unconscious
what is
old and worn:

Twins Leo Virgo Neptune
in dissolution concerning
space Rule Use State and (in)salvation like Neptune allows

In brilliant brevity, Wolfgang Döbereiner has recorded the collective movement of the 12th sign, ruler and house in his zodiac books:
Pisces "People moved away from centers (Aquarius), flewing over the periphery of things. The step from conscious adaptation to conditions and circumstances, has been completed. Salvation from reason opens the background of things."
Air is an element, water is an element. All unit of time consists of the 4 elements. To unite them in life - limiting each other- promoting each other - to beauty the common balance of the difference between the sexes and states - this ship is truely

worshipping Amen This seems to me to be the Russian idea at its core to continue in the spirit of Islam now being promoted together: American Russian Arab's spirit The larger wheel, in which our annual wheels rotate, was firsly described in the Arabic/Persian astrology.
Conf. AbuMa'shar The Kingsconjunctions in the 4 elements are the major 4 spokes in the larger elements wheel

and the rhythmic septars
of their birthdays
resulting as 'spokes'
of the greater elements's wheel

These are the Seven Waves, clusters of time-quakes
air-quakes like earth-quakes Stalingrad in Hiroshima Nagasaki

tragic 21. Septar
Kingsconjunction in the earth element of 1802 for 1942 - 49 Northern Hemisphere Earth

In the 'long waves of fate' whose rhythms the elements announce, forever announcing the Spirit of the Creator, who loves his creatures, as the childishly pious hearts know. In the sign of the earth element, Neptune carries out in 7-year -/monthly increments from 1935 till 2026 that - the resolving 'Neptune - waves'- migrating through the earth elements highest strata: Capricorn.

Neptune, god of children, dwelling in our unconscious, is the great 'cleansing machine'sweeping through the Capricorn-world of states and laws on the northern hemisphere of the Earth with the wise Eurasians Putin and Xi.

Powerfull collective appearances emerge
Universal: e.g. BRICS ++,
lokal: Dream Party in Georgia
now in 'Titanic' - Moments
the beautiful male faces of the 2 holy trumpmen
after these years of the grimaces of the democratic liars
After 14 years, the 'narrow' cleaning is almost complete
its our Neptune's wheels run around Sun

But there are the long waves of the four wheels of the kingsconjunctions
in the four elements
and the earth element has since
Neptune in Capricorn
in steps for
91 years

Another short a year - until 26. January 2026 - then Neptune, the collective soul, can ascend in the spirit of Aquarius.

Hence the dissolution of the state Constitutions in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, since 1935 wherever it was in decline, adapting to lower instincts and motives, at the expense of mercy. This applies to the fascist systems, such as the colonial, Such as the Russian postwar 'communist' in decline, in reality cold-bureaucratic and now also the European globalist, also cold bureaucratic systems - And the ongoing Saturn will be in Pisces until May 2025 the Father God ruled by the child god The decline of the planetary
Neocolonial Constitution Meanwhile, this week Jupiter uniting with Mercury in Pisces
in a function
of mind and space

Murnau, 2. 18. 2025, UTC: 14:08.


26. 2.1942, mittags

2. reading: