Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2024

The Brightest Week

12.  17. - 24. 2024

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


"The European does not grant and does not expect
help; has he  moral principles, so he is correct, he grasps
do not interfere in the fate of the neighbor, neither
helping, yet disturbing, and do not expect that
strangers' arms helpfully reach over in his.
Hence the harshness and desolation, the edgy and
Kantians of the whole lifestyle. Who is here from the
When the train gets stuck, it stays in the gutter. 
It does not apply here as a shame to refuse help to someone 
else, although you could offer  it. Because there is no 
obligation,to give of one's own abundance to the needy.
But the needy , who is attached to someone else's property
he is despised on the ground, because there is a law that
 prohibits theft. To remain indifferent to someone else's 
distress is contrary to not against gas occidental legal
principle, probably but against the love idea that
dominates the Russian. Maybe you will feel the disgust
from here which shook L. Tolstoy when he heard the bitter
Observations he made in his novella "Lucerne"
he immortalized it. Maybe from here you will get to Dostoevsky
who wrote from Europe to his homeland, "Now are
almost two years abroad. In my opinion, this is
worse than a deportation to Siberia!"(and that was
not an empty word for him, he went through them.)

Schubart, Europe and the Soul of the East, 146. Week 51
This is once again the brightest week of the year, at the same time the darkest. In the darkest Week the brightest light comes from the element fire in 1603 .

Kingsconjunktion in the Fire-Element
18.12.1603, UTC 6:55:03.
Which does not prevent the Southern Hemisphere from suspecting, the counterpart to itself is the bright winter. Sun travels via 25° Sagittarius, where spirit fires of the element Sun, and in 27° Sagittarius, Venus the idea of security and the harmony are strengthened by the Sun. The degrees of Sun and Venus of the Fire- element are for about 800 Years in Sagittarius.l Meanwhile, Mercury is migrating via the Saturn/Jupiter Kingsconjunction likewise in the Fire element. One can guess how significantsuch conjunctions are, if one remembers, that Donald Trump was elected twice when Venus passed her 27° degrees. Here is the latest election:

5. 11. 2024
Transit auf Donald Trumps Horoskop

The square with Neptune reaches Sun on Wednesday when it wanders over Venus. Here the expression of life and the 'idea of love' and reconciliation meet each other. In the same week, the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, meets the square with Saturn, so to speak, the Son meets the father. The one standing close to each other in the square still lasts until the first days of January. This would be a time to incorporate what is worth preserving about the old into the consideration of the new. The unifying merging of Pisces and Twins as a square: child and and time and space at the same time.

Murnau, 12. 17. 2024, UTC: 17:14.


Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2024

Damaskus - Kabul a Kind of Arabic Renaissance?

12. 9. - 17. 2024

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


"In its beginnings, the Russian soul, like the
occidental in the Gothic style, harmoniously tuned.
Harmonious spirit blew through the oldest Russian
Christianity. The Orthodox Church is basically
tolerantly. She opposes violent spread of the doctrine
and bondage of conscience. Her attitude changes her
only when, since Peter I, she came under the suzerainty
of the the power of the state and its venerable
Principles are diminished. Harmony is above the
the face of the Russian priests. With their soft features
and flowing hair remind you of old images of saints.
What a contrast to the Jesuit heads of the Westend
with their smooth, stern, Caesarian faces!
'Indicative of the Russian saint type is in the
in general, the calm and measured of the whole spiritual
Attitude, the calmness and mildness, the spiritual
sobriety far from all insanity and hysteria,
at the same time masculinity and humility ...'" (Arseniev)

Walter Schubart, Europa und die Seele des Ostens,
(Europe and the Soul of the East) p. 72

50th Week
Got to start with the 48/49th week. What an event! Within ten days, a fifty-year family- old rule been swept away by a movement. Movement, whose origins stem from the attacks against the World Trade Center. Al Qaida, Al Nusra, Hayat-Tahir al Sham.

The events are only too clearly reminiscent of the 'lightning' takeover of power by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Where is the power from?

Here is, what a mundanomaniac has to add:

remember: since 1935, Neptune has been wandering through Capricorn in the septars*) of the king's conjunction in the Earth element of 1802. This means nothing else but that Neptune, the Dissolver, cannot help but dissolve the state. Even the (formerly) powerful United States has nothing to oppose this.

The first septar Neptune in Capricorn 1935 - 1942
King's conjunction in the Earth element of 1802 20th Septar of 1821

and here we are
in the last Septar of Neptune in Capricorn 2019 - 2026

for example... on Afghanistan

Septar / Earth on Aleppo, 27. 11. 2024

It is the 10th seven-month period in the red spinning left Martian direction, dissolving in Cancer Sun and Moon, together with Neptune= a family rule. In the lower rhythm, it is Capricorn who dissolves Saturn, a state, in the 12th house. It is obvious that the old family rule, which is now also coming to an end in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, is coming to an end. Corruption at all levels has proved to be overpowering, the state and the military have succumbed to it.

The new states, China, Russia, Iran, the Taliban -Afghanistan but also the Sahel states are moving on the new level. Syria will now prove whether it has in principle followed the path of the Taliban and achieved a Muslim cleansing. And the week ahead? Mars/Venus have equal shares in the week, attack as well as defense. The Russian campaign includes both: the defense of the Russian people in old Novorossia, today's Ukraine, and consequently the attack against the deluded Ukrainians, who do not want to be Slavic and not Russian, but at least have to be neutral, because they are the teeth of the USA/NATO, who dream of smashing rich Russia in order to avert their own downfall in corruption. But here it is the campaign of Erdogan, the HTS and the Muslim Brotherhood, who have been sharing this Mars/Pluto - in Aquarius' spirit - together since November 27th. Bubble? Good, fits well with spirit. And it is spirit that the Taliban and Jolani share with the victims under the sign of Pluto. It has dawned this week the week of politeness, as in a mirror. There is also in the 2nd mirror the human spirit, who, Uranus in Taurus, reflects the sacrificial one, who above him in Aquarius reflects Pluto, the soul, in the spirit of the new generation of war and exchange, as the peasant needs, under him.

50. week 2024,

 Tuesday 12. 10. UTC: 13:30




Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2024

Venus in Abolition - Succcess Beckoning


12. 2. - 10. 2024

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


"Again the devil took him with him and led him
on a very high mountain; he showed him all
Rich the world with their splendor and said to him.
I want to give you all this when you are in front of me
prostrate and worship me. Then Jesus said to him:
Away with you, Satan! For it is written in the Scripture:
You shall prostrate yourself before the Lord your God
and serve him alone. Then the devil let him
and angels came and ministered to him.

Matthew. 4. 7
Week 49, 2024 This is the week of Venus in conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius.

Venus, as Taurus-ruleress, has all mechanisms of personal protection and defense at her disposal.

Libra -ruleress
'spell' of 'temptation into balance'
by beauty

ruler of Scorpio
collective protection
sacrifice for the species

19. 11. 1942 Operation 'Uranus
start of the encirclement
of the 6th Army
'Der Deutschen Wehrmacht' Pluto at that time between 1938/39
and 1957
in Leo = life = ability

~~~ we are dealing now
between 2024
and 2043
with Pluto
in Aquarius

devided in two sexes

The sacrifice that is established here is the lot of mammal in general, beyond families, tribes, nations, for Aquarius is the 'above' of all distinctions. Thus, in the current Syrian situation:


and their American donors
dark associations under the shadows of
capital sociopathy deception lie

by Syrians, Russians, Lebanese Hezbollah, Iraqi Shiites, Houty,

Venus in Aquarius
Venus Pluto
Venus Mars

in Aquarius
moving under the rule of
in the realm
of man
among people

Venus in conjunction with Pluto not only indicates the necessity of sacrifice to be made, but, Aquarius, abolition of territory, since Uranus indicates same thing in Taurus: a double abolition of territorial boundaries.

~~~~ middle of the week:
Sun in square with
Mercury- retrograd- will join Sun
together sharing
opposition with Jupiter

Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius are an indication of comprehensive plans in the field of transport and logistics, because with Jupiter in Twins, Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius can only do , what Jupiter in Gemini allows, rules and and orders: in the world of space, sign and signal. Saturn in Pisces
on the highest state level
in decomposition
catastrophic undertakings

likewise new
young state structures
with fatherly
irresistible success

Murnau, 12. 3.2024, UTC: 17:22
