Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2023

After Losing the Balance in Amok of Soul - Sovereignty in Defense


6.  26. - 7. 5. 2023

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac
Above the Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth



"The fallen had, like my Greatuncle Hermann,
which has been lost in front of Metz, a special
 place in the family, were nearer to the  hearth 
fire, although were not greatly vaunted."

Ernst Jünger, Siebzig Verweht, p. 254

These "fallen at the hearth fire',  no other civilization has more of them, than the russian one, but also the chinese. Both, in a defending war,  lost tens of Millions of living souls. 
In the russian like in the chinese remembrance the heros of the war keep living on, because their sacrifice was was offered in a liberating just war - the german 6 Millions of 1939 - 1945 however fell in a war, which was, in the aftermatth,  pooh- pooh , lost time in a collective psychosis, of which most of germans don't like  to remember.

How will it be in the aftermath of what was 'Ukraine' then, when all is said and done?

In this war, which in the open lasts since 2014, the latest turn  now  last  last weekend happened in the square of Mars (later this week Venus) with Uranus. That is the coincidence of outbreak, Mars/Aries,  and unexpected occurence, Uranus/Aquarius. Since Uranus has his current rule in Taurus, the 'unexpected' refers to the 'time-quality' of defense.

Since there are known statements  of the  insurgent Prigozhin's expectation, of the Russioan Army,  facing a catastrophe in the coming  ukrainian Summer offensive, the real outcome of the latter was definitely unexpected to him. Russia decomposed the ukrainian offensive within two weeks. Hence his idea to thrive on the discontentment with the russian military leadership came down to earth.

26. Week

the fast one
to describe him is
to describe
what emerges
off the depth
of the

Mars in Leo is a soul-Mars, an I-Mars,  being  indifferent to the the general, to the collective, and  has to be so, to maintain the uniqueness of the birth of one human soul. As mentioned earlier, the unity of life is buildt off contradictions, and accidents use to happen, if  personalities aren't able to maintain a kind of middle position between the extremes. The latter is the desease of all ideologues.

Remember 2014
the silent Gleichschaltung of the media

construction of the lie

once upon a time in the west
the suffering lie

Sure enough  the month of Sun in Cancer  is a great time of personal grandiosity.

So with Napoleon 

22. June 1812
Napoleon in Russia

like with Hitler, 

22. June 1941, Operation Barbarossa"
Hitler in Russia

so jetzt bei little Wagner- Prigozhin: 
23/24. June 
Sun in Cancer

"What we are facing is essentially a betrayal. Inflated ambitions and personal interests have led to treason – treason against our country, our people and the common cause ..."

Sun in Cancer, is the outmost inner-relatedness on all levels, from family to nation, in which 'the others'
for the sake of one's own uniqueness don't matter - base-frame for monsters, but also necessary for the maintainace of the middle uniqueness of the soul/family-stream (water) towards 'this word' and their princes - but also towards all other worlds and wonders of the general holy spirit.

That is the triunity of the archetypes in the zodiac

hence houses:

 1-4 matter
5-8 soul
9-12 spirit


Mars and Venus now further in Leo, hence the soul-third, triggered - to fight or unite - with Uranus' spirit of man's defense-land  Taurus, which yet doesn't know the soul, can not know and may not know it.
One may not underestimate the soul-third, it has like the other two thirds the power, to tear the zodiac - decisively - to itself. Hitler eg. had the ASC Libra hence 'soul-balance',  time for personal solo efforts. Since he had a Taurus-Sun in house 8,  his soul was posessed by the ideas of his 'defensive' greed.

Napoleon had ASC Scorpio, Sun in Leo, hence was double- possessed by ideas of his personal soul.

Like in the zodiac always fire follows water, so the active soul-exclusiveness of Leo/Sun/fire extraversion, following the passive receiving introvertive soul-exclusiveness of Cancer/Moon/water.

After Sun its now Mercury having entered Cancer. Now the collective soul is to batten down the hatches against land and spirit, to prepare its yearly wonders of holy feeling by the soul. That can be commanded to God or the devil - decisive remain to be the benign and the hatefull hosts.

Murnau, 6. 28. 2023, UTC: 15:19.

Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023

The Miracle of June 17th and the Dynamics of Weekends

6. 19. - 28. 2023

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac
Above the Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth


"Jacques Chirac is not with us anymore, he was a major political figure. I asked him once: why do US leaders behave in such a manner, act so aggressively and short-sightedly in some cases? He answered me in Russian: because they are uncultured. Direct quote.

And this has to do with the level of general education and understanding of the trajectory of real-world processes or lack of understanding of these real-world processes. But, no matter what, we respect all our partners. I hope that the current challenges we are facing, including in the sphere of security, will lead us to an understanding that security must be equal for everyone, something we have always told our partners."

Vladimir Putin, St. Petersburg, 6.17.2023

This sentence of Putin alludes to the essential point, which Putin shares with the Astromundane Diary, better, the astromundane diaries of a coming new time:

the respect

of the objective


which also the mundane diary follows proactively, namely those, which one always can follow  'practically 'from below' but also 'symbolically' from above. And so a weekly practise in understanding our archetypal 'program'  played by the gods/archetapes can be done.

 archetypes  do talk for themselves

spirit above

mirrored by

being below

in the gyrating


of the 



in weekly


25. Week 2023
Northern Hemisphere

entrance of the light
into the night
of Cancer
the wet inner 

Mars and Venus in Leo moving mirroring Scorpio,  in the command of Sun. The central force, Sun, be it in Moscow or in Kiev, has another two weeks, to push the ofensive quality of Mars into  the field. But while  

Mars leaving
Mercury entering 
Mars remaining
in the commend of

While today, Wednesday Sun invading  Cancer signifying the central events to change from

outer space
to inner space

from  space
between cities
into  cities
where life
was sheltered
the homelike
of soul

about the dynamic of the week

the igniter
finalizes the week
in square with

the raging and the human god
 thereby  on his heels
goddess of defense
and balance


Sun and Mercury
experience the square with
union in contradiction
is  due here

union in contradiction
is wisdom

professionality and wisdom

to unite

 is what it is

Non-united beings experiencing the dissolution by Pisces in the struggle of mercurial calculatians against the wisdom in the "understanding of these real-world processes".

In the constellation of June 17. the multiple appearance of V.V.P. in St. Petersburg is revealing:

7. 10. 1052 Leningrad
V. V. Putin
Transites at  6. 17. 2023 
on the podium of SPIF
and in the circle
of the African


Mittwoch, 14. Juni 2023

Ultimative Week of Multinational Power Driving the Hegemon into Desperation


6. 12. - 21.  2023

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac
Above the Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth


"The driving forces of a mass psychological movement are of
archetypal nature. Each archetype contains deepest and
 highest, evil and good and therefore is able for the most 
contrary effects."

G.JUNG, Epilog to 'Aufsätze zur Zeitgeschichte, Col.. W. 10, §474

Is the realization of an archetypus not done consciously,
  there isn't any warrant for  realising itself in his
favourable form; moreover then danger threatens, that
a pernicious regression occures. It seems, as if the soul for 
this end has her consciousness, namely to avoid such
 destructive possibilities."

ibid. § 475

Obviously has been, what occured between 1933 - 1945 in das Deutschen Reich, a 'mass psychological movement'. What now happens in the Ukraine in the last 9 years has a similar fatal effect on the psyche of the Ukrainians, like the virus with the swastika.

The mass psychological virus of the last time was a spiky ball, the virus with the trident now, currently experiences, that it has provoked an immune response in the Russian civilization, comparable to that, like of necessity, the UdSSR  had originated  from 1941 - 1945 in the Great Patriotic War, led by the anti-Hitler Stalin and his general-staff.
(The latter this year celebrates the 250th birthday of its founding.)

Comparable to that of Ukraine since 2014, no place on our Planet since then has had such infestation like Ukraine.

Now,  JUNG's sentence  gives a handle: for my cognition this is the psychic- political key sentence, to take heed: "the danger, that a detrimental regression occurs."

We do not know a more detrimental regression than the german under Adolf Hitler and as its decalomenia picture the ukrainian one around the adjunct-SS of Stephan Bandera,  leading  the seized to the killing fields like its paragon.

The ruling families  in the western 'democrazies' don't give a dam. They could do as pleased the last 80 years, Whoever would attack the USA, protected by 2 Oceans.

But where there is war, there is prey. Why should the US-elite ever miss it, on the drivers- seat of world politic, until lately ...

Now the counterpaty, Russia; that are not old and new ruling families, but  working families,  in a free civilization of united people re-birthed under Putin, a baptized comunist of an comunist-family, This was only possible by the fact, that a non-corrupted professional elite somehow within the large KGB  hibernated in the great social catastrophe while the  nineties in different functions - Putin temporarily drove  a Taxi.

 'Our generation', which  is exposed to the current  breathtaking geopolitical drama, reaches in my experience back until the fourtieth. The oldest are now 83, 'this generation' are three; 1040 - 1970, 1970 - 2000, 2000 - 2023. They,
we,  are exposed to the fate of mass-sacrifice, unwilligly in suffering
against the plague and   voluntarily in the patrotic war.

that is to follow by watching
in the service of the super-personal
the collective father
who now after serving Uranus
now serves
plus Saturn
father and child
truely now  in the service
of the child-god

for to take consciously part in it  
 "if the soul for this end has her consciousness,
 namely to avoid such destructive possibilities"

and the consciousness of the Russian Civilization
appearing in quotes like this
"Russia doesn't start wars
Russia ends them"

But that's the drama: USA has worldwide more than 900 bases, the youngest 3 on the Philipines. They are the military backbone of a gigantic squid, which has 'only' economical interests but has everywhere well endowed embassies of the crazy American Demons.

Enough, the regression of the american top families has long since shaped into stone, central congressional place: the 'Capitol'- the state-architecture of DC citating Rome, the imperial modell, of which one is seized in the  "shining city on the hill'  DC and Jerusalem, And now one  to follow the archetypal  idol down unto the consummated meaninglessness.

The Kremlin by contrast citating, what has been done by the Ancestors,  conjured in the hymn:

"Brotherly people, ancient union"
Братских народов союз вековой,
"ancestors, to whom the wisdom of the people were given"
Предками данная мудрость народная!

So the archetypal confrontation in which the descent of the imperial 'Rome' and the wisdom of the people united in the Russian Federation are meet another and the the wisdom of a Vladimir Putin and his colleages, which have prepared the  unavoidable end-war in concious regression  since some 20 years.

That is now the stage  which the northern mankind,  half the beehive of the Earth, since 2014 is exposed to in a geopolitical infestation.

The imperial plague AIDS under the american homsexuals has embodied them - the t-cells, the guardians of the defense are disempowered preverably in the homosexual community. 

In the Ukraine its about the human mass psychological health,  as sign of health excluding  the detrimental variety of lie consciously - against the official and public daily lie, which lastly leads the unconscious not-excluders to the killing fields.

The military battleground alone now takes the ultimative truth of the time on the stage  of the Planet.

24. Week 2023

the sovereignty of the Lion
becoming obvious
in attac - Mars
and in defense - Venus

there are yet 8 days
of the
power of the center
attacking and defending
 the detrimental
 in the area
of Twins
open fields
between the cities

in square:
in Twins
shining intelligence
with Neptune
childly straight truth


Mars' Aries
the attack
Venus'  Taurus 
replenishment and defense and
Venus' Libra
balance of both of them
working the house of 
 central power

 herself now 
positioned optimally 
in  square with 
Sagittarian wisdom of 
in the defence-concepts
of Taurus

by his square with 
aquires a
determining trait

detrimental: Gestapo

healthy: something 

like the public t-cells
of the current Russian

Crucial to me seems to be, is the status of a state  based on lie or truth. 

Only the state,  daring to give credit to  truth to it's people will survive the Earth-shakingt mass psychological movement of multinational liberation from the sanctions of the greedy western superpower, currently being driven into desperation by the economical and military power and prowess of Russia.

Murnau, 6.14.2023, UTC: 16:56.

Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2023

Mankind Leaving Dwarfing Spell


6. 5. - 14.  2023

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac
Above the Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth


Gnostic… Sophia … Planets 

"Seth and Norea ... remainder of mankind as descendants-
They were urged to all  kinds of  malice by the lower sevenness, 
like  renuciation, superstition and to a general  contempt
for all, what pertained the  holy sevenness, while the mother 
constantly countered them secretly, and  thoroughly kept, what 
exclusively belonged to her; that is the sprinkeling with dew of light.
Still more, they maintain the holy sevenness are the seven stars
 which they call planets ..."

Conf. Leisegang,  Die Gnosis, Stuttgart 1985, S. 180.


then came Uranus


then Neptune


then Pluto






the holy twelveness

in the circle of the

12 images


the holy fourness

of the elements

which in the bodily love

unite in the


of unity

 given to us as inner key to the solution of the conundrum of life being denied to those, who only know 'sex'.

Here the 23. week 2023 of the zodiacal man:

23. Week 2023

and only Jupiter knows

that humility of the


creating wisdom

in time

 starting with the earthly
union of
Mercury and Uranus in

man planet Uranus
+  speach-planet 
both air-element
and time
and the real details
of soul

together with the heavenly
multifold man god
above the brow
inviting to the intensive
those who let themself

likewise in the week of  the
great square
 rich of sacrifices
Jupiter / Pluto
traveling by Leo's
in Twins

in Leo
replacing Mars
in the victim-square
with Pluto/Jupiter


hence change from individual fate 
to mass fate
regard: Titanic

collision 1912, 14. 4. , 23:40, UTC 3:O7
Jupiter meeting  Pluto

mundo comment:

the pike of the arrow entering
is Aries

signifying the massiv shaft
 following the intruder

Thereto fits the simultanious death of the many in India. The Pluto-sacrifice-aspect arises from the
necessity of waiver
which Scorpio's Pluto has to demand
of Taurus Leo Aquarius
richdom power and independance
Venus Sun and Uranus
to maintain
the balance of the holy 12
so easy being  outrunned
by guilt
invisible debt
 easy to prevent for humble human
but difficult for maniacal mankind
in the stage of dwarfing

measure of the claimed volontary waiver
is the maintain
of family/ kin/ tribe/ roots/ ( DNA 
greed/lust/ independence
in the zodiac
by the

in the emergence of the week the sacrifical aspect  recedes and leades a reconciliatory Jupiter/Venus square  donating to the intensively flourishing multipolar world of roots ( Venus) of  fortune (Jupiter) in the  two strategical weeks for all,who walk sovereign through their day.

Saturn however
fatherly humility
and greatness

the ocean of meaning
where childly love
is grazing
at the bottom
since the beginning

 Sun-will to serve
essentially serving 
 for himself
but if the die falls to him
and no Uranus 
makes him available
sacrifices the skin for the herd

only waiver and time

And to  the puniness of the today valued 'greats' are relating the  handy gadgets with which one can catch them:
forthglaring in the general  dwarfing, underlying the unfathomable wealth of the wicket few.

Murnau, 5. Juni 2023,   UTC: 13: 44. und 14:07.
In English: 6. 7. 2023, UTC 15:17 and UTC 19:59.
