Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2023

After Losing the Balance in Amok of Soul - Sovereignty in Defense


6.  26. - 7. 5. 2023

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac
Above the Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth



"The fallen had, like my Greatuncle Hermann,
which has been lost in front of Metz, a special
 place in the family, were nearer to the  hearth 
fire, although were not greatly vaunted."

Ernst Jünger, Siebzig Verweht, p. 254

These "fallen at the hearth fire',  no other civilization has more of them, than the russian one, but also the chinese. Both, in a defending war,  lost tens of Millions of living souls. 
In the russian like in the chinese remembrance the heros of the war keep living on, because their sacrifice was was offered in a liberating just war - the german 6 Millions of 1939 - 1945 however fell in a war, which was, in the aftermatth,  pooh- pooh , lost time in a collective psychosis, of which most of germans don't like  to remember.

How will it be in the aftermath of what was 'Ukraine' then, when all is said and done?

In this war, which in the open lasts since 2014, the latest turn  now  last  last weekend happened in the square of Mars (later this week Venus) with Uranus. That is the coincidence of outbreak, Mars/Aries,  and unexpected occurence, Uranus/Aquarius. Since Uranus has his current rule in Taurus, the 'unexpected' refers to the 'time-quality' of defense.

Since there are known statements  of the  insurgent Prigozhin's expectation, of the Russioan Army,  facing a catastrophe in the coming  ukrainian Summer offensive, the real outcome of the latter was definitely unexpected to him. Russia decomposed the ukrainian offensive within two weeks. Hence his idea to thrive on the discontentment with the russian military leadership came down to earth.

26. Week

the fast one
to describe him is
to describe
what emerges
off the depth
of the

Mars in Leo is a soul-Mars, an I-Mars,  being  indifferent to the the general, to the collective, and  has to be so, to maintain the uniqueness of the birth of one human soul. As mentioned earlier, the unity of life is buildt off contradictions, and accidents use to happen, if  personalities aren't able to maintain a kind of middle position between the extremes. The latter is the desease of all ideologues.

Remember 2014
the silent Gleichschaltung of the media

construction of the lie

once upon a time in the west
the suffering lie

Sure enough  the month of Sun in Cancer  is a great time of personal grandiosity.

So with Napoleon 

22. June 1812
Napoleon in Russia

like with Hitler, 

22. June 1941, Operation Barbarossa"
Hitler in Russia

so jetzt bei little Wagner- Prigozhin: 
23/24. June 
Sun in Cancer

"What we are facing is essentially a betrayal. Inflated ambitions and personal interests have led to treason – treason against our country, our people and the common cause ..."

Sun in Cancer, is the outmost inner-relatedness on all levels, from family to nation, in which 'the others'
for the sake of one's own uniqueness don't matter - base-frame for monsters, but also necessary for the maintainace of the middle uniqueness of the soul/family-stream (water) towards 'this word' and their princes - but also towards all other worlds and wonders of the general holy spirit.

That is the triunity of the archetypes in the zodiac

hence houses:

 1-4 matter
5-8 soul
9-12 spirit


Mars and Venus now further in Leo, hence the soul-third, triggered - to fight or unite - with Uranus' spirit of man's defense-land  Taurus, which yet doesn't know the soul, can not know and may not know it.
One may not underestimate the soul-third, it has like the other two thirds the power, to tear the zodiac - decisively - to itself. Hitler eg. had the ASC Libra hence 'soul-balance',  time for personal solo efforts. Since he had a Taurus-Sun in house 8,  his soul was posessed by the ideas of his 'defensive' greed.

Napoleon had ASC Scorpio, Sun in Leo, hence was double- possessed by ideas of his personal soul.

Like in the zodiac always fire follows water, so the active soul-exclusiveness of Leo/Sun/fire extraversion, following the passive receiving introvertive soul-exclusiveness of Cancer/Moon/water.

After Sun its now Mercury having entered Cancer. Now the collective soul is to batten down the hatches against land and spirit, to prepare its yearly wonders of holy feeling by the soul. That can be commanded to God or the devil - decisive remain to be the benign and the hatefull hosts.

Murnau, 6. 28. 2023, UTC: 15:19.

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