Sonntag, 24. März 2024

In the Reflection of Last Week's Tragedy


3. 25 - 4. 1.  2024
0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac around the
Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth
(Click to enlarge)

All the primordial worlds before man were physical
exist. They were a nameless event, there was 
no definite being, because there were those minimal
Concentration of the also existing psychic  not yet who 
uttered the word outweighing the whole Creation :

"this is the world, and this is me"

That was the first day of the world, the first sunrise
after the primeval darkness, when that conscious
complex, the son of darkness, the I, recognizing
subject and object, and thus helped himself and 
the world  to the definite being, for he gave
her and himself a voice and a name.

The light-radiating solar body is the I and his
field of consciousness 'sol et ejus umbra'
outside light and inside darkness

In the source of the light is darkness enough
to form projections from it, because the basis 
of the ego is the darkness of the psyche

C.G.JUNG, XIV / 135

"The driving forces of a mass psychological
Movement are archetypal in nature. Every 
archetype contains the deepest and highest, 
evil and good and therefore is capable of the most
 opposite effects."
G.W. 10 § 474

"Is the realization of an archetype not conscious
so there is no guarantee for this,
that it realizes itself in its favorable form;
rather, the danger then threatens
that a harmful regression occurs. It seems,
as if the soul, for this purpose, has  its
 consciousness as there are to prevent such 
destructive possibilities

JUNG,  Col. W 10 § 475

Week 13, 2012

looking back on the previous week
at Venus
herd's ruler and Archetype of security
and Libra of  balance

visiting Saturn
 the beyond
10th ruler
in the zodiac
 ruling the Capricorn
before and after presence and except
his son
Spirit is granted

in the mirror of the
and the given

so we would also be in Taurus, the earthly mirror of heaven that builds on God

in the comfort of grace
in the hereafter
the evil in this world
is woven in

it was that moment on Friday in the Crocus:

 Venus with the Lord of
the hereafter
 end of temporal
so bare the
 drama of the 12th week
 having shown
that evil doesn't miss
constellations of certain
as well as the good
are displaying
their virtues

this now, our thirteenth week, is completely devoid of any drama in the sky, to be mirrored on Earth no parades, no complexes - what's coming takes shape invisibly and only when its time is mature it becomes visible.

Consciousness, on the other hand, can, considering information of time, consciously register the essence of upcoming complexes ... as if I dreamed. A coming astrological civilization
is hece a civilization of deep human reflection.

In this regard, after this one, the next week is interesting for Venus:

'Herd Things'
Venus Conjunction Neptune
Dissolution of a temporal inventory

Neptune also leads, like Saturn, into the spirit - before- and - beyond the temporal.
In the good it is the becoming of a child , in the evil it is the great social secrecy.

This week everything remains as it has become

Murnau, 3. 24. 2024, UTC: 17:27.


Mittwoch, 20. März 2024

King and Lawyer in Offense


3. 18. - 27. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac around the
Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth
(Click to enlarge)

Baptism of this aeon
1802 - 2577

Baptism with silence
Spirit is silence

17. 7. 1802
Kingsconjunction Element

Mose 3.

1. And the snake was more cunning than all animals
in the field that the Lord God had made,
and he said to the woman, Yes, God should have said
you should not eat from all kinds of trees
in the garden?

6. And the woman looked at that well from the tree
to eat, and that he would be lovely to look at, and
a funny tree would be because it makes you smart; and you
took of the fruit and ate and gave her husband
also of this and he ate.

and HE had not commanded her, only to him
and he ate
the myths tell as as story how it has always been and how it will always be, unless - we are free - human - learning beings ...

And the powers that inhabit us, we have, 'put in the cradle',  their twelve-fold image
- no - not getting into the cradle, but getting into the first breath of this living heart, which is 9 months old at that moment  - and with this First Breath  the heart takes the imprint moment of a heavenly sign in ascension, with a ruler in one of 12 houses
of Time.

ascendant ( ASC) existing in the stuff of  one of 12 (*) times. 

Ascendant - first great knowledge

The moment of the ascending rung of the zodiac, the ascending chain of times,
ascending  time-wheel,  now presente:

It is ascendant,  morning, sunrise, Virgo in her soul - earthly- realism distinguishing in detail.

to be brought to the consciousness unconscious 'text'  by the miracle of the 'zodiac's clock' of astrological interwovenness in God's wheel of Sun and it's children.

Ascendant Virgo - maturity of life, the female universe in flesh and soul, drive and psyche ready for union with the opposite sex - by  sensitivity of speech, alertness and nervous basic tremor ... Virgo.

Mercuria, mistress of the Virgo, is now decidedly inflamed for the wild new territory, Aries, which all newly born are entitled to -

which now - in the eighth house - makes her flare up in the Mercurial urge of speaking -  hero of fire - of renewal.

so new prudence -
Mercury in Aries
former secret on the surfac

until Friday
Mars in Aquarius
the fire in the spirit

since Friday
Mars in Pisces 
deep down
safe in innocence


 Taurus and Libra
safety and balance

feeling in  incomprehensible depths
bound in Pisces
in the child's father
in Pisces
Peace and home

therefore - four times a year -
now this week
Venus and Saturn
common Enjoyment and age

based on the feeling
of deep

which every person on the
Wandering through the 12
Continents of
 been received to
just now
at home
in innocence

Venus/Saturn Week
in Pisces
pleasing the wise
the paternal
 association with
 goddess of
and root

in this week of the year, which is unique as a conjunction, Venus moves via Taurus Jupiter and Uranus - and thus Sagittarius and Aquarius, moved at the screene of Taurus - the social community - where Jupiter and Uranus, -  unexpectedly pleasant located- by Venus and Saturn  united are: 

 at the disposal of the king
in Pisces
cleening the order
hence the people's

hence the King's Week of the year:

Lao Tse 25

Something mysteriously shaped,
it was created before heaven and earth.
In silence and emptiness
is it the only and unchangeable,
is always present and in motion.
Maybe it's the mother of ten thousand things.
I don't know his name.
Call it Tao.
For lack of a better word, I call it big.

It is big and flows thither
It flows into the distance
From a distance it returns.

Hence: "The Tao is great;
The sky is big;
The earth is big:
The king is also great."

these are the four great powers of the universe
and the king is one of them.
Man follows the earth.
The earth follows the sky.
Heaven follows the Tao.
The Tao follows the,
which is in harmony with nature.

this is my praise of the childishly pure king
 in the sign of
this week appearing
in the wonderful and free
mankind in
The civilization of
The Russian Federation
in which the religious
Buildings and the human soul
are well-groomed and respected
in three days
loved and chosen

17. 3.2024
20:00 Moscow

Closure of polling stations
in encounter
the new 
of the fighter for
in heavenly rage

Now Putin's transits:
on the day

10. 7. 1952 Leningrad
Wladimir W. Putin
Transit 3. 17. 2024

Libra ASC: Balance
Venus Pisces: roots in innocence
Sun/Neptune: Power in innocence

This is now 'the week after'
Sun in Aries
King in offense

Mars in Pisces
assault in the depth
of feeling
secret on 

while spring for 
Mercury and

While Moon moves along the soul-alley of heavenly feeling in earth

Murnau, 3. 20. 2024, UTC: 15:43


Dienstag, 19. März 2024

In Sebastopol and on Krima - the Encounter with the Memory of the Beginning

Last day of the old year

- tomorrow the equinox - the beginning of spring -

 last afternoon before

in  reflection and 


The old Sun - ruler of the

Spring Month



has met us

just minutes before

our lion's strength

and softness


and center


shining on the last hours

in Pisces


New Beginning

follows the end

 in the speeches of the heart


as the audible of the invisible

thinking of the



Murnau, 19. 3. 2024, In memory of the beginning, UTC: 15:04.

Mittwoch, 13. März 2024

Clear the Deck

3. 11. - 20. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac around the
Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth
(Click to enlarge)


And God said: Let us make men;

a picture that is the same to us, who rule over

the fish in the sea and about the birds under the

 heavens, and over the cattle, and over the whole

earth and about every worm that creeps on earth.


And God created man in his image,

in the image of God he created him;

and he created them,


and a wife."

( Ref. to a Picture of a naked figure in the
 center of the Mandala)

"This seems to be specifically feminine. At
a man its almost always some abstraction
 e.g. a geometric figure, expression
of his innermost being. Probably form,
logos and eros, impersonal and personal
are the basic differences between men
and woman."

C.G.JUNG, Letters,  12.28.1927

The astrologer works and takes place at the same massive, like JUNG. They differ about the same like on the south side and the north side of a mountain.

What JUNG finds and calls, he calls 'Urbilder', (original images) later he called them in Greek: 'archetypes'.

Zodiac = the 12 archetypes of heavenly/earthly times,  in the zodiacal order   holy appearing:  order of times in six days of creation:

six times from
"let there be light ...

six times 
became earth ...

stages of Creation

above Zodiac's

0° Aries---0° Libra

characters as
times of the day
and year
dance of the day/Year

11th Week 2024 AD.

Mercury is in attack on
 Mars' stage

Morning and spirit
Venus Saturn Sun Neptune
mirrored in Aries
con wit of 

unconsciously in
and around
every person's
Soul Animal

2024 eleventh week

now Mercury 
master of narratives and utility
in the bath of truth 
passed in 

Mrs. 'Fuck the EU' Nuland
has throwen the towel
in the same week
belonging to Mercury 'Team'
no longer
the jump into the fire
of anger and 

the center
will follow next week into
Aries Team
still hiking this week

happen- and let it happen

Sun - Neptune
Heart  -  Child

while Mars in Aquarius
in spirit
 energy in thought
of spring
and Beginning

in the 'electric'
origin as idea
in human thinking

the revolution of heaven
always leading back
from origin
to meaning
'the child'

'electrical origin'
in thinking
free from overlays
 now having existence
in the 'electric charge' of thinking 
in the herd
the so-called.
'back to the human'

while Venus is now
also on first
 and final destination
12th in the zodiac
 the anonymous depth of the 

the childwise
 human soul
Peace, security and meaning
for the children of men
to find
in the times of the purification of 
 personal faults
in the
unconscious 'childlike'
of coming home
a child
of God

clear the deck

Murnau, 3. 13. 2024, UTC: 14:25 and 15:06.



Samstag, 9. März 2024

Thunder for the Cord

March 9.

 my latecomer to hail you not only on this March 8th


without your spell there would'n  be a


you seem to be given

by your father

back to paradise


and near to you

my secret

spirit in



and the silence of living together in the deep sea of  certainty and the pressure off the

deep sea of of childly innocent feeling - kind of Neptune - one of 12 in each one of us.

It this Pisces-time wer'e in that Twins, Virgo, Leo and Capricorn are in the eternal bath

meaning - together with the child self - pure meaning - Pisces

... and the electricity in our system, stage of human consciousness in ideas 

called Aquarius 

last week 

Venus' ideas

in Aquarius


budds of  coming

fruits and progenity

origin in the realm of 


togetherness and innocence 

idea above

scooped off the surface of

the soul

with this unbelievable unconsceivable being away in the same moment eternally 

being here at my


and in Aquarius 


two more weeks

 in the army of heaven


the devil

who only has


on Earth

in this wonderfull time

in mature ire of heaven

on Earth


on the rascals  of money.

Uranus in Taurus

 air and  ideas

Pluto - sacrifice

Mars - ire

Venus - pro -vision

in the origin of 


taking roots in the herds

of conscious 


Murnau, 3. 9. 2024, UTC: 14:16.


Donnerstag, 7. März 2024

In the Balance of the 12 and Rochdale's Speach


3. 4. -  13. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth
(Click to enlarge)

"After all, the human body is also
made of the fabric of the world, and on such
the fantasies become apparent; yes, without 
this are you inexperienced at all. You would 
be without matter something like abstract
 crystal grid in a mother liquor, in which the
 crystallization process has not yet been deployed.

The symbols of the self arise in the depth of the body 
and express its materiality just as much such as the 
structure of the perceiving consciousness.
The symbol is a living body, corpus et anima; therefore
is the "child" such an excellent formula for the symbol.
The uniqueness of the psyche is one that is never quite,
however of the size, that is always close to being
 realized, which at the same time is the indispensable 
basis of all consciousness .
The deeper 'layers' of the psyche, will
with increasing depth and darkness, get lost of the 
individual uniqueness.  Going 'down', is  with
 approximation of autonomous functional systems
more and more collectively, in order to the body, 
namely in the chemical bodies,to become universal
 and at the same time to become extinct. The carbon of 
the body is carbon at all.
'At the bottom', therefore, psyche is 'world' at all. "
C.G.JUNG, 187

"the "child" such an excellent formula"
the key

That's what it's about with astrology: 
to live
and let live
 the "12 Formulars" 
of time
cause by
bowing to the inevitable
you get the key

of 1
is 12

and 12
is 1

and start anew:


'at the top', to continue Jung, "
is psyche at all


which brings us to the zodiac
the organizing wheel of wheels
 given to the ancestors
in our heart

like times of  Earth's circles
 around  Sun
of each system

don't forget: each star is a system, a family.

 each planet is a child of the star 

one of the children

has to be the

God of the whole

or core

of the system


the zodiac is not part of the system
but law of the universe
 a given
for any system

and we 

in our concious hence

true being


Saturn Mercury Sun Neptun

completing their year 

in the

deep emotional world of 


off which  all spirit 
is emanating
out of 
the depth
into the higth and width of
the sky

it's the cloud

the pressure of
Innocence in the world

with its planetary anchor

that 190 + peacefull living ethnies
in the Russian Civilization

out of which all origin to the sky = Aquarius is possible, and in the  material mirror

the innocence of fire, expressing the pressure of the the depths inPisces,  a pressure of innocence of the masses - therefore the evil west feeds off  the deadweight of debauched innocence.

Here in Pisces the sanctification is carried out, this is the purification, involuntarily - 'Titanic'- way - voluntarily, every day epiphany - symbolized in the ice bath's of the Orthodox people, on Jan. this is Epiphany every day, the baptism with the Spirit that is in the water Neptune.

Likewise, the sanctification/purification of Mercury in Pisces in northwest 

" The archetype - what you should never forget -
it is a mental organ that is found in everyone. Either of
a bad explanation means a corresponding
poor attitude to this organ, as a result of which this
will be damaged. After all, the one who suffers is
the bad explainer. The "explanation" should therefore
always so that the functional sense of the
Archetype is preserved, which means that a sufficient
and meaningful connection of consciousness with
the archetype is guaranteed. Namely, this one is
a structural element and therefore a vital necessary component
the spiritual household. He represents or personifies
certain instinctive conditions of the primitive, dark
The actual, but invisible roots of the
C.G.JUNG, 9/1 §271

of Earth opposit Sun
northern Hemisphere

Wheel by wheels
are we ourselves that we are 
spinning around
and we are the year
on the earth-circle around sun
which is currently
completing the year-circle
while we Earth are at 
when heart's time
is in Pisces

as the zodiac is not part of the system
but law of the universe
 a given
for any system

the Zodiac
in the projection of the 
the universe in the
projection of
the zodiac

actually 10. week
Mars and Venus
Punch and Shield
wandering after
Square - Intensity
with the strategist Jupiter
in Taurus
square-Intensity with
Uranus the derailleur
in Taurus
mirrored by the latter in
 the world of laws and borders
and interests
of the social species

with other words
it's a kind of
square between
Heaven and Earth

Aquarius and Taurus
not only a square
but also
the second mirror of the zodiac

2024. 3. 6. 
of the zodiac

while on Monday 
Lord of Twins
in Aries starts adding
the ire of Mercury
to Pusher Mars
in Aquarius' heaven
in human brains
in constructive square with Uranus
ready for
another year of Mercurian truths
accompanying Earth
around Sun
Mercury  till Sunday
 wandering through the depths of the mind
in the mirror the heat of the Earth
Anger and pain
giving birth 
giving to hunger
and now there are
starting Sunday
the cracks of that mildness 
those of Aries
healing scars cutting

before on
Mercury passing Neptune
fog and haze
no orientation
in the unconscious

Mercury (from Earth)
new zodiac
30 Pisces =

Sunday as a square:
Mars / Uranus
ire and 
Human spirit 
in the earthly flock
in resonance with
Birth Pain- Planet
in the heavenly swarm
heavenly fire into the middle of the
of the demons
and their demonic herds
at the end of the week

in the beginninh of week 10
delimited in the
in the whole

in the balance of the 12 of the zodiac
should that not be a problem
to remain unresolved

like it happened in Rochdale
last week

2. 29. 2024

Sun/ Saturn
The King
truth to 
pathetic PM
Murnau, 3. 6. 2024, UTC: 15:55.

Murnau, 3. 7. 2024, UTC: 14:18.