Montag, 8. September 2014

Mangod Deadgod Travelgod - Celebrating Fire Earth and Air

8. - 15. 9. 2014 
unter dem Nördlichen Tierkreis
und unter den Nördlichen Königskonjunktionen
der vier Elemente Feuer, Erde, Luft und Wasser
aus den Jahren 1603, 1802, 1980 und 1305
(Anklicken vergrößert)


Murnau Buoy
Heavenly Water Levels
from Monday to Monday

(the most important)
25 . 8. 2014
and thereupon based on

Chronicle of Signs and Times

Heaven in Earth and Earth in Heaven Mirroring
Constellations of the Wandering Lights
Over the Northern Hemisphere

Motivation  to perceive
school of observation
of  the 
astropoetically inclusions of he week
for own musing
 about the similes
 of the heavenly given above the
earth in the
what has'n begun begins on Sunday
keeper of the soulchain
will release Mars
this is not only an sign-change
it's a tier -Change

it will be Sunday
and it will be the move of Mars
from  soul
=  middle 4 signs
to spirit
= upper 4 signs

with Sagittarius the spirit commences
in it's basicly  gyrating conditions
whereby Saturns Capricorn allways marks the pole
around which the spirits are movin
as such one now for a lot of Years
is the keeper of the chain between
 the dead - the living - and those coming
Pluto now keeper of the rightfullness

and now this week has begun
where in the square of elements are  stepping together
these gods
this life obtaining deadgod Pluto
with mangod Uranus
and with travelgod Mercury with his travelling letters
and messengers
shared square = shared paradox
east needs west
west needs east
and the woman gives birth to the father

but then ...
since Sunday in the realm of the
gyrating son of the square 
Jupiter to whom Mars now
lends the force for six weeks

since end of october
together with the pole-dogs of the father
shares the bloody-ire
for five weeks

but yet this one week
in concord with Pluto
is laying upon the shoulder of grandson Mars
the immortal chain of the

and Venus appears with the argument of the  gravity on the market
of the souls which the Virgo reigns
right there Venus grazing
with the Argument of gravity
and the beautifulness
steps to the apron
Venus argument of the herds and stages
on the market of souls
till end of September

but this week the paradox early
gyrating proximity of Neptune in Pisces
sharing complementing partnership "opposition" and innocence
with  ponderous  worldsated Venus
in the purposefull interests of  Virgos uniqueness

(in the frame of Mercurias protocols at the soul-scale
in concord with deadgod Pluto and in concord
with mangod Uranus)

while the star heart Sun in mercuria
celebrates the lionforce of the Virgo
 in union with Venus
what in turn brings the divine sun guest
of the lioness
the gyrating Jupiter brightness of the spirit ito play
  revealing what is within
that thing we call sun
or heart
and Moons sometimes wavering vessel of the night
drifting throug the peace of mind under Pisces until Wednesday morning

when with Moon under Aries a new titanical week begins to suck the mind into her
worldward alienminded factual immediacy.

Written: 8.9.2014, Murnau UTC 13:12, posted in english: 10.9.2014, UTC 21:19

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