Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2023

The Strategist and Linker In Aries’ Completing Enforcement of a New Conscient Command of Human Things

1.- 10. 5. 2023

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac
Above the Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth



Mose 3.
Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they

realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together

 and made coverings for themselves.


Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God

as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day,

and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 

But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid 

because I was naked; so I hid.”


11 And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten

 from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”


12 The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she

gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”


13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have

done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”




In the tale of Mose nowhere appears, that the LORD GOD commanded the woman, like Adam, not to eat from the tree. The burden of the sin, departure from command, remains tripartite between GOD, who didn’t warn her, Eve, because unconsiousness  is  a 'sin', and Adam, who then ate himself.




"Consciousness (daylight-brightness of the psyche) one

of the Archetypes of the unconsciousness"


"originates from the fact, that the I ('Ich') has the paradoxial

feature, to be subject as well as object of it's knowledge,

further from the fact, that the psyche is no unity, but

a "constellation", in which besides the Sun there are yet

 other lights. In fact the subjective I-personality, 

in other words, the consciousness with its  different 

contents, in its different aspects is being watched

by an unconscious or rather in the space of the un-

consciousness situated observer."


(transl. mundo.)


C.G.Jung., Mysterium Conjunctionis, Col. W. 14/2,   §. 167




And the astrology suggests that the consciousness with it’s contents is one, the streams of time (= content) rushing  through the unconscious realms of the personality,  constantly opposing, as other polarity: 

Unconscious 'we are always both' is not introduced in front of  consciousness,  it’s calculuses are without the given  unconscious parts of the complete truth.

Wanting wisdom, missing the unconscious parts, not to be read in books but only experienced  in life. 

 Circles are the rhythms paths of each star- family in the universe, so also of the Sun-family, Earth included, since the becoming of a star by the Sun. Dynamically representing a cosmos in its, our, constant rhythmical gyrating around the core of our score, on the paths of meaning, zodiac’s orders as daylight/seasons-sign-key according to the measure of the LORD GOD,


30 when he measured thefundaments of the earth.


JUNG says: “the psyche is no unity, but a "constellation"

mundane-astrology says

life is moving within the time-module

 as paradox 

of core and moving circle

both is life’s way


Planets around Suns, since the beginning Star’s psychic/physical existence, on the gamut down from galaxies via stars via human brains to the chemical to the electrical, nuclear circles from galactic large to nano-fine; 'music'. Music alone makes evident, something is permeating us, like the trail permeates the dog and rhythms becoming audible we got to dance …heart is the dancer, even the dumb ones feel the rhythm.


And so  below the  brain, diving in us our own mythical unconscious Adam in conversation with God in the daringness of heart, creature’s unconscious talk with the creator  in the certainty of hope, thrust and gratitude.


Now let‘s go to the 18. Week and to the gliding fate of ‘adam secundus’, the simple divine man in us, gliding along the northern latitudes, noted by the mundanomaniacs.



18. Week





As the week started


Sovereign and cunning


Mercury retrograde

  Sun onwards


 On pathways of Taurus

spring gauging in concurrence

borders and territories




beginning the week

in conjunction



Conversion of signs

 + and -

 Uranus heavenly on Earth

Keeper of the human truth

in Paradox 

control, capture and utilization

or Twins and Virgo


by pretension



Likewise  Venus underway in Twins on

undetermined ways of

intellectual experience

 of the duality of things






 At home in Taurus 

Underway in the airy realms of



Thoughts and words

Beyond  own borders

In world-territory


Revolution and heart

One week each year

heart and spirit





Lady of bed and herd

In passage this week

Of the main-resonance


with Neptune

there is now asked

for three

camp and balance

and the childly truth of

meaning and being



while Mars further rampaging

 through the innermost kernel

of man's  dwellings 

 two more weeks

in passage of the decisive square

with the strategist Jupiter

from Aries to Cancer

transcending to the square 

between of them

from Taurus to Leo.

with Jupiter himself

the strategist of embracive

notion in Aries

approaching the

square of the coming week with

Pluto in Aquarius

While Scorpio  moving

Waiver and faith in the creature

challenged by and with Jupiter

The strategist and linker

In Aries’ enforcement of a

New conscient command of

human things

Murnau, 5. 3. 2023, UTC: 16:26.


Murnau, 5. 3. 2023, UTC:







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