Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2023

The Sucide-Program of the West and Wisdom of the Ancestors in the East

7. 26. -  8. 2. 2023

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac
Above the Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth


"We can't help but to be coined by our ancestors
who wanted to see the things in a certain way, 
and therefore we instinctively own certain points
 of view. I would be neurotic if I saw things 
differently than my Instinct urges me to do; 
my snake would turn against me, as the
 primitives say."

C.G.JUNG, Col.W. XVIII/1 § 141

The world is dividing 'over' our heads because the division undoubtedly happens in the psyche. whose dwelling is the high arena of the human head and whose arms run through the entire human body from the toenails to the ends of the hair and back.

And the water inside of us
what the contemporaries
have forgotten
You must return back

The West shies away from this as the devil shies away from holy water. The grail-like veneration of the blue-yellow suicide, which the Western media celebrates on all channels shows:  the evil has broken into the world of man again.This alone helps: to recognize and mitigate it - to eradicate it is not possible, because it is the shadow of creation. The Son of creation's shadow is Satan, who beguiles the world with cheap colorful ribbons and expensive stones, and leads it into the abyss. This is what JUNG calls 'the snake': it is the virus of 'self-destruction' that celebrates historical epidemics all over the West, against which the Eastern world, which is consciously shaped by its ancestors, activates its immune and suppression mechanisms.

"Fraternal peoples, ancient union,
Братских народов союз вековой,

Ancestors to whom the wisdom of the people was given!"
Предками данная мудрость народная!

The focal point of Ukraine is the place of the apocalypse. just like the Titanic was in the Anglo-Saxon hubris that sped ahead of the Western mass extinction.

30th Week

Lord of Fire
and association
with Father 
in the psychic sea of 
hence missing in the 
material world

Mars' current ruler
this week united with
Venus retrograde
who owns  in the human herd of
Jupiter's circumspection
Uranus' primal leap
called 're' - volution

Uranus' psychic Aquarius nature
with its high 'gate' to Pisces
connecting spirit / air
and soul / water
in the neighborhood
of the holy image of the
carried by
which in Pisces signifies
 eternal meaning 
of the paternal
in the creation
the world
by the care of
the right dimensions 

and the world now is divided 
into father-repressing
and Father-loving societies
where the Father is missing
 the snake rises
of self-destruction

while Mercury with Saturn
in opposition of Virgo  to Pisces
coming week
utility of Virgo and 
eternal fatherliness
of Saturn in Pisces
takes Mercury - the day
into the eternal form of

 strength of the heart
at the beginning of  
Venus retrograd
till Saturday Mercury
in terms of the power
and creativity
of the center

while Mercury
then in Virgo
aproaching to the center of
in Saturn/Mercury
to fight or unite
utility and humility

last weekend
opposition with
had signified
the renunciation at the Grail
by the multinational
in which the
common watch  of the sky
forever reflect all
dreads and chances

Murnau, 7. 26. 2023, UTC: 14:05.

Draft: 23. 7. 2023, UTC: 14:29.


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