Dienstag, 28. Mai 2024

A Complete Bud of a Blessed Time

5. 27. - 6. 3. 2024

0:00 UTC

Under the zodiac above the northern



1802 - 2577

our aeon in the earth element

Saturn/Jupiter's Kingsconjunction

 17. 7.1802

Baptism of an aeon

Baptism with silence

Baptism wit Spirit

Spirit is silence



1 Moses 3

"but God said, 'You shall not eat of 
the fruit of the tree that is in the midst
 of the garden, neither shall you touch it,
 lest you die.

entire civilizations between India and the Pacific have left this mystery to the silence of the priests - instead of, like the ancients, leaving this taboo to the wise menb of the tribe itself teaching the children.

We in the West follow the 'cool taboo breakers' until the edge of age where we stand 

beyond our destiny- lacking God

The  zodiac teaches us about the Spirit and its four elements. Three spirits are  present beyond time. The first of the four, Sagittarius = spiritual invisible pusher, fire element. His arranging hand becomes present in what we call 'providence', something that is not given to our will, igniting the soul fire, mirrored by Cancer.  The conscious Sagittarius is the conscious arranger and link of destinies.

Earth Spirit
mirrored by

Air Spirit
mirrored by

Water Spirit
mirrored by 

Now 22. Week

in the airy spirit of Aquarius

mirrored by Taurus

Now 22. Week

In the spirit of Pisces 
 the water spirit



22nd Week 2024

mirrored by
of the new beginners

Pluto in Aquarius

mirrored as a spiritual
in the kinetic quarter
by Taurus

now that the fatal role has fallen to The United States of America:

 to be the bad example internationally

in  arrogance

makes crazy

in the suppressed frenzy

after the collision

with the



It looks to me like that the Iran's 'faith in sacrifice, the Shia has befallen the Raisi travel -group,  like it did with Suleimani, symbolizing  spiritual victory 

 Pluto in Aquarius

soul in heaven

faith in sacrifice

 Shia, rule of the sacrificer, symbol: the raised right hand = 'fidelity', imposed to mirror the second sign Taurus.

Now, in the 22nd week, the 'divine'/archetypal travel- company of




 entered in Gemini

decree of Mercury

 in the spirit of 

world and nature



ruling in Taurus


limits of community

in Twins



So now

Jupiter's benevolence

Venus root and Balance

Sun joyfull heart

in the world

of Twins

with  Mercury in Taurus and Venus in Gemini having a charitable ring- exchange ratio at their disposal.

It's about world and borders. And another 2 weeks, but Venus and Sun are continuing to travel without  direct contact to Jupiter.

Consider this: there is Jupiter in Gemini  every 12 years for a year.

  Three weeks of  Sun and Venus travelling together through Taurus/Gemini 

connect Jupiter's spirit with

body - Venus

and soul - Sun Venus

Now something general:

Only astrology allows you to look at the spiritual 

 quarter that is completely  unconscious

4th world

 'worlds  ahead of time

 Pisces Aquarius Capricorn 

Spirit World

 traveling  towards time

 knowsn by our heart

created by our soul

with reason's

so he enters


the Capricorn writes

for a lifetime

for posterity 

the heart in Aquarius

beyond time 

is weighed

as the heart knows the spirit

with the spirit

it's holding the balance

at the scale 

A man without a spirit is for



a human piece of wood

Spirit and Life

are as dependent on each other

as the world and the image

opposits are keeping the balance

because extremes are

not viable


in mutations caused by


 changing the



 the changed mind calls for a changed life

and the style in the room is changing

22nd Week


so now

Renewing Mars in Aries

the beginning of care and order


Saturn and Neptune

in Pisces

Mind the russian general staff's clean-up.


in Twins


to begin with

also Jupiter

in the service to


their ruler

of Twins and Virgo

Now this week's

Mercury is travel companion of


so this is a future week

of  coming contracts: Venus

of coming reconciliations: oJupiter

of coming gifts: the Sun

These are all charitable constellations now, who don't care if humanity

or parts of it are in  reason and modesty, or reason and 

boldness building bridges over

the cracks of the  World

'where the light gets in' 

, the constellations come and go

the one who drives with their weather

conscious or unconsciously

does the human


to the creator

Murnau, 5. 28. 2024 UTC: 20:45.


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