Dienstag, 13. August 2024

Major Reconciliation by Russia 's Mars


 8. 12. - 19. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


18."And the Lord God said, It is not good,
that man be alone; I want to give him a
A helper who is around him."

lat. religere

"careful and conscientious attention to what
Rudolf Otto aptly called the numinosum, namely
a dynamic existence or effect that does not depend
on being caused by arbitrary actions

C.G. JUNG, Psychology and Religion, § 6. 

  this "existence" is addressed in the German-speaking world as Geist ( 'spirit') - so it is not physically representable as 'it', but it can be experienced mentally and imagined as the rhythmic 'existence of the gases" = of the 'spirit', which are subject to rhythmic formations on the 12 levels of each universe ...

33. WEEK 2024 

a powerful week two squares one Opposition 
Look on the week:

An immense worthy Mercurius. Why? Look at what he rules.

Saturn Mars Jupiter Venus 
  Numinosum of the week:
in the connection:

Mars and Venus Beginn + Roots Square temporarily for this week
the detonator
+ charge connected with Pisces '
in square Saturn the eternal
with Jupiter the connector
lasting over the course of a year Concerning Venus Taurus Affairs herds territories borders Mars detonator of things
both now connected in the Father-Uncle -aspect of
with Jupiter
in square eternal standards
Capricorn the old man
Jupiter son strategist and connector of the
in Twins

the meaning of an emerging time put together in terms of time emergence
in rotations Fatality as Possibility Judgment as Reconciliation Looking at Taurus the herd
mirroring Aquarius Uranus child of heaven

currently dedicated to him the sacrificer Pluto
in us
booty in eternal renunciation as in the early period known by the fathers

know Note: It is possible to imagine the enormous sacrifices that the USA has missed
concerning own Skorpio, own waiver
having have denied and missed - - -
all the meantime
between the ultimative days

Russia knowing
what kind of sovereignty
it owes to its victims

US and any relentless dreamer
is drifting through the constellations without order
and does not know
this one
is the drift of the looser

No One is Everything but all
together are One

to devide and rule
Looking at Aquarius, the sky Pluto
within our
current spirit it's us the waiver which cut oneself off
the fantasies
of the killer Waiver on a share of being entitled to within the whole
waiver but - you might be donated to forge

to waiver for

it's Jesus'
in essence so starting with Mars and Jupiter
two fires Energy and Strategy in your strategic celebration 2024 in the sphere of surroundings diplomacy Twins
distribution to all heavenly houses

Jupiter- 'gigantic'
Mars-Distribution spreading
all over the entire
by Russia's
for a
planetary leader's
Mars is 'blind' by nature - the frenzy - which everyone knows as anger, firepower and breakthrough Mars/Jupiter is when the entire tip of Mars is assembled as detonator for the front end of a sufficient stuffed warhead.

Whoever brings this to the field now penetrates, splits the opponent and sets the boundaries according to the true territories, in this world as well as in the other world. Saturn
carries out these boundaries paternally strictly
in the chiseled protocol
of the incarnation
of man
as a god
through all generations. This week now belongs to the big triangle of 2 squares and an opposition
This is something big that unites in a rhythmic complex world Twins soul Virgo
spirit Pisces moved and connected

New territory 2024
twice spirit
twice fire, once earth, once air
- eternal changes in the shaker of fate
share of salvation
and of the homeland
in all 12 houses
of being and it is
the year
the flooded Earth - Saturn in Pisces - with the sky above the Earth
Uranus above Taurus
in the mirror of existence

33. Week 2024

in Mercury's 
weapons for the security
of man's world

harboring Uranus
the sky,
receiving from Pisces Seas and oceans pouring out over
dry earth
meaning in order guarded by
Pluto the waiver promoting Taurus
as his counterweight

everything guided
by Venus
controling the willfulness
by its counterweigth
according to the accounting reason
gifting the one
and sinking the other

while Mercury is in the mood of
retreat back from balance of harmony
towards reason muting the blind lust
according to
Sun in the next week still full this week
Virgo of words and numbers the calculating Soul in accord with
Venus' resources and the imagination of sex scale denomination with all the consequences for the existential

Mrrnau, 8. 13. 2024, UTC: 13:28.

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