Dienstag, 31. Dezember 2024

Better Not ... Mars/Pluto and the Victims of Aviation


12. 30. 2024 - 1. 7. 2025

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


"... it seems that the disease-causing or unfavorable
moment consists in not taking over
a content that is ready for consciousness

Emma Jung, in PAULI/JUNG, Correspondence, p. 54.

1 st Week 2025

There are two constellations and a 'move' that characterize the movement of this week. The constellation waves over from the previous week and the first crash:

25. 12. 2024, OZ 13:00 (click)
the ascendant is arbitrary, the decisive ones are the dynamic resonances, which I have highlighted with a wider brush The problematic opposition energy / victim, Mars/Pluto, which has already been indicated last week on Wednesday the 25th December with the crash in Kazakhstan. Mars and Pluto were almost 5 ° apart in opposition, which is not always a compelling resonance , but the Moon goes exactly over the 90° square to Mars / Pluto on that day. Thus, the complex is, so to speak, comprehensively filled with life. The second crash occurred on the 29th December in South Korea. Here the ascendant is correct.
a rare meeting while
Pluto/Mars in encounter
sacrifice and heat

same time the square square
Venus/Uranus oscillating
traveling 'container The
' bus, train, ship, plane
resonance with Uranus
the electric being of thought
result: cancellation of consistency
high number of life victims corresponding to the square Moon/Saturn/Jupiter format' of: Saturn = limiting of an extended bunch of temporals by connection with Moon = life and Mercury = traveling- At the end of this week: the square Mercury /Neptune. Since Mercury characterizes being on the move. Concerning the control: Mercury's constellation with Neptune = 'nebula' always meaning resolution of the orientation. It can be charitable, like in an operation and catastrophic, like a bus accident. Mercury will reach this square in the maximum next weekend. I wouldn't like to travel there either.
On Friday, Venus will move from Aquarius to Pisces, dissolveing will be limitations and balance on the deep level of unconscious human feeling.

Murnau, 12. 31. 2024. UTC: 17:21.


Donnerstag, 26. Dezember 2024

Find Home!

Through the zodiac we know: the year has 12 months these arise from the contrast of 4 elements in three Stairs. Everyone is something and many things not on 3 levels

put together a certain formula of life from the construction kit of the time in the Spirit of God unique in eternity appearing at the moment of birth,

an element in which it appears for example, Cancer the element of Water Water is the urge to the center Element which gathers in valleys and caves and makes fruitful what is there and all the inner rivers called Soul inits four elements Fire Earth Air Water Such structure wants to live in the unconscious of every living person. To be born to be star-like means to be spreading warmth to all sides, which can only mean to temporarily release the guidance from consciousness in order to let the 'swell' of consciousness resonate, which has its own time that the green element cultivates and promotes in us. for the Earth- The element of consciousness - Virgo /Earth rising on the ascendant it is truely the second Earth is memory of the Earth- soul in the sense of perception usefulness outweighing the other weighing pan

Libra in the spirit of beauty above her all this gradually wants to happen in a 'normally lived' life to be accommodated in order to get around - star-like - what we are designed for All this is waiting for us to be lived why we as thinkers are created: for a fulfilled way home out of the warm heart 2. Christmas Day, 2024, UTC: 22:13

Merry Christmas !


Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2024

Dissolution of Measures Valid Hitherto


12. 23. -  31.  2024

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


Evil is relative, partly avoidable, partly fatal; this also
applies to virtue, and often one does not know what
is worse; for example, one thinks of the fate of a
a woman who is married to a recognized saint.
What sins do his children have to commit in order to
the overwhelming influence of such a father at all
to be able to feel their life as their own. Life
as an energetic process requires opposites, without
which energy, as is known, is impossible ...
One of the strongest roots of evil is the unconscious, and
I therefore wish that the already mentioned Logion of Jesus:
"Man, if you know what you are doing, you are blessed if you
do not know, you are cursed and a transgressor of the law",
it would still be in the Gospel, even if it was only once
is notarized. I would like to use it as a motto in front of a
set of renewed morality.

C.G.JUNG. Psychological Interpretation of the Trinity Dogma,
Col. W. 11, §291
52nd Week 2024 This week shows Saturn as the abutment of Jupiter and Mercury by contradicting them. The contradiction comes from Pisces, from the dissolution that is given to everything finite. In Pisces he becomes purely the childish father - Saturn in Pisces and together with him is the 'son' in the world, Jupiter, the conciliator in Twins and with him is Mercury /world/ drive and soul being in spirit - Sagittarius as a jewel in the unconscious of man not made by us. Where Saturn embodies your king/authority, Uranus embodies your fool, anticipating the 'higher' foolishness, called 'spirit', advancing new order, which is not yet understood. With it, Venus has a square that sets the standard for her Libra-being in the sense of justice. These square connections, they must be good for something after all. Everyone has/is the whole circle. One must not stop except alone at once's location. And where is it? Astrological answer: the descendant, the complementary There the destiny building kit is richly equipped with complementary meaning. This has nothing to do with any 'profession' - but with a vocation that lies dormant in the unconscious and it is missing as long as it is slumbering.

Murnau, 12. 24. 2024, UTC: 16:58.


Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2024

The Brightest Week

12.  17. - 24. 2024

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


"The European does not grant and does not expect
help; has he  moral principles, so he is correct, he grasps
do not interfere in the fate of the neighbor, neither
helping, yet disturbing, and do not expect that
strangers' arms helpfully reach over in his.
Hence the harshness and desolation, the edgy and
Kantians of the whole lifestyle. Who is here from the
When the train gets stuck, it stays in the gutter. 
It does not apply here as a shame to refuse help to someone 
else, although you could offer  it. Because there is no 
obligation,to give of one's own abundance to the needy.
But the needy , who is attached to someone else's property
he is despised on the ground, because there is a law that
 prohibits theft. To remain indifferent to someone else's 
distress is contrary to not against gas occidental legal
principle, probably but against the love idea that
dominates the Russian. Maybe you will feel the disgust
from here which shook L. Tolstoy when he heard the bitter
Observations he made in his novella "Lucerne"
he immortalized it. Maybe from here you will get to Dostoevsky
who wrote from Europe to his homeland, "Now are
almost two years abroad. In my opinion, this is
worse than a deportation to Siberia!"(and that was
not an empty word for him, he went through them.)

Schubart, Europe and the Soul of the East, 146. Week 51
This is once again the brightest week of the year, at the same time the darkest. In the darkest Week the brightest light comes from the element fire in 1603 .

Kingsconjunktion in the Fire-Element
18.12.1603, UTC 6:55:03.
Which does not prevent the Southern Hemisphere from suspecting, the counterpart to itself is the bright winter. Sun travels via 25° Sagittarius, where spirit fires of the element Sun, and in 27° Sagittarius, Venus the idea of security and the harmony are strengthened by the Sun. The degrees of Sun and Venus of the Fire- element are for about 800 Years in Sagittarius.l Meanwhile, Mercury is migrating via the Saturn/Jupiter Kingsconjunction likewise in the Fire element. One can guess how significantsuch conjunctions are, if one remembers, that Donald Trump was elected twice when Venus passed her 27° degrees. Here is the latest election:

5. 11. 2024
Transit auf Donald Trumps Horoskop

The square with Neptune reaches Sun on Wednesday when it wanders over Venus. Here the expression of life and the 'idea of love' and reconciliation meet each other. In the same week, the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, meets the square with Saturn, so to speak, the Son meets the father. The one standing close to each other in the square still lasts until the first days of January. This would be a time to incorporate what is worth preserving about the old into the consideration of the new. The unifying merging of Pisces and Twins as a square: child and and time and space at the same time.

Murnau, 12. 17. 2024, UTC: 17:14.
