Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2024

Dissolution of Measures Valid Hitherto


12. 23. -  31.  2024

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


Evil is relative, partly avoidable, partly fatal; this also
applies to virtue, and often one does not know what
is worse; for example, one thinks of the fate of a
a woman who is married to a recognized saint.
What sins do his children have to commit in order to
the overwhelming influence of such a father at all
to be able to feel their life as their own. Life
as an energetic process requires opposites, without
which energy, as is known, is impossible ...
One of the strongest roots of evil is the unconscious, and
I therefore wish that the already mentioned Logion of Jesus:
"Man, if you know what you are doing, you are blessed if you
do not know, you are cursed and a transgressor of the law",
it would still be in the Gospel, even if it was only once
is notarized. I would like to use it as a motto in front of a
set of renewed morality.

C.G.JUNG. Psychological Interpretation of the Trinity Dogma,
Col. W. 11, §291
52nd Week 2024 This week shows Saturn as the abutment of Jupiter and Mercury by contradicting them. The contradiction comes from Pisces, from the dissolution that is given to everything finite. In Pisces he becomes purely the childish father - Saturn in Pisces and together with him is the 'son' in the world, Jupiter, the conciliator in Twins and with him is Mercury /world/ drive and soul being in spirit - Sagittarius as a jewel in the unconscious of man not made by us. Where Saturn embodies your king/authority, Uranus embodies your fool, anticipating the 'higher' foolishness, called 'spirit', advancing new order, which is not yet understood. With it, Venus has a square that sets the standard for her Libra-being in the sense of justice. These square connections, they must be good for something after all. Everyone has/is the whole circle. One must not stop except alone at once's location. And where is it? Astrological answer: the descendant, the complementary There the destiny building kit is richly equipped with complementary meaning. This has nothing to do with any 'profession' - but with a vocation that lies dormant in the unconscious and it is missing as long as it is slumbering.

Murnau, 12. 24. 2024, UTC: 16:58.


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