Dienstag, 14. Januar 2025

Astrology is a Garden in a Wilderness in Terms of Time


1. 13 - 21. 2025

0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


AGRIPPA v. NETTERSHEIM (1486 - 1535)

"It is the unanimous opinion of all Platonists that,
as in the archetypal, All in all, so also in
this body world is All in all, although in different
Depending on the nature of the recipient (being or
Thing). So the elements are not alone in this
in the lower world, but also in the sky, in the stars,
in the demons, in the angels and finally <also> in the
Creator and archetype of the All.

De occulta philosophia libri tres

zit. N. C.G. JUNG,
Synchronicity as a principle of acausal relationships
Coll. W. 8, § 920
3rd week 2025 This week has a move: on Sunday, January 19, Sun
leaves Capricorn and enters her reign in Aquarius, in the realm of unconscious thinking , which, with sufficient enrichment, pushes itself into consciousness in the form of 'inspiration' and this is the acting, the canceling (gas) of the lifting God, lifting by synchronicity:
Uranus the emptiness Father Heaven the images of time are the images of the circling emptiness of the universe whose emptiness the ideas, hunches of the ancestors filled with images of
Aries Taurus Cancer Leo Scorpio Capricorn Fishes
Twins Virgo Sagittarius Aquarius
have replenished,
which allow man to participate in the wisdom of the gods in their 'signs and times', in the extra-temporal wisdom of the number in the Spirit of the Creator who recognized the woman in the man as a medicine for man. Why do males need medicine? It has to do with the names. The idea of Eve came to the Creator in view of Adam as the namekeeper - why does the namegiver need a smart virgin for? This is the fountain its name is Soul its times are:

These images have their place in the unconscious, the 'All-in-One' that is inherent in all of us, from where, if sufficiently enriched, they approach the threshold of consciousness in dreams, over which they ascend in ideas as 'visions'. Now for the Sun symbol
the second stage of fire
gives the answer
Leo: the fire of the


The contents under the sign of the Sun are the soul's creating and generating abillity. These contents are this week 'prompted' by opposition:
finding the key in
the complementary function

in planetary scale: America - Eurasia. *) *) in this quote in Smoothie X10, this hunch is hinted to "President Trump is for a patriotic antiFed America First, with the support of World Antiglobalists" ! when it comes to 'TRUMP', earlier this week.
it's about
this dynamic
of the tension
of oppositenes
being composed
within a Mars -world

2 fires
the Russian:
deliberately composed
by deliberate waiver

the western
forced by
The Sun in Capricorn establishes a behavior on the height, where above the 'lower' things those who are entrusted with the sublime duty to decide and maintain kollective wholeness. Figuratively : humilation on the thrones of the states and hills above the plain, commissioned to protect and maintain the appropriate measure. In Saturn, the state-forming instinct is embodied in the living cosmic child, captured in the image of Capricorn. Saturn is currently in Pisces. The saying goes: the fish starts to stink from the head. So Neptune in Capricorn since 1935 to 2026
is decay on the level of state
likewise the innocence of all coming
as condition in the element Earth
like the innocence of the numbers

so decay and innocence
of Saturn
by Neptune in Capricorn
in the septars of the latest
in 91 Jahren

Neptune from

20. Septar Kingsconjunction earth

1935 - 1942


till 2026

via last version
32. Septar Kingsconjunction earth element
17. Juli 
2012 - 2019

the entry 

of Neptune

into the new milieu


33. Septar

So much about the 'work' of Neptune
 in Capicorn since 1935
till in Aquarius 2026 


The Sun, which is sovereignly ruling, currently moving in this moderate Capricorn -milieu, being opposed now by Mars, the blind detonator, which has his raging as hate-fire in the living world of Cancer since Tuesday, January 7. This Mars is opposed by the Sun as ever-present 'anti-Mars', which always acts on the other side of the universal (God's) balance. The immensity of the sacrifices in the fervor of good and life corresponds to the immense omission that exists on the part of Sun's Capricorn =state. Their sign: the dry fire hydrants, in the face of the annual recurring threats of major fire events like in the impreparedness of the indonesian neighborhoods in the earth-shock of Christmas 2004 The example of Vladimir V. Putin's human "state machine" in its fatherly love and foresight for people shows how collective risks can be anchored in politics in a state-responsible manner. A machine? Yes, it is tight by spirit and a collective man-mashine in respect of man.

Pluto/Mars We have lastly seen this tension in the opposition of Pluto with Mars, when Pluto, acting from Aquarius (air element), became active in Taurus in a fiery way at the location of Uranus. This also includes the dynamics of the falling winds, which descend from the cold Sierra and touch the devouring fires in the poor and luxury quarters of Los Angeles. Now Sun / Pluto
instead of Mars/Pluto, conjunction
instead of opposition
a different kind of function is necessary and can be found in the possible
Sun/Pluto in conjunction at the maximum at the beginning of the coming week. Pluto always presents this question: sacrifice or renunciation = gift. Nothing protects against 'fate' more than voluntary renunciation of reward: a Bismarck, a Putin are priceless, are big donors, are Scorpions. Therefore: 'donate' in time, or, as now in LA, that the'fate' forces the renunciation, so to speak in the hot 'Titanic effect'. Pluto in the zodiac for Scorpio represents the 12th share of wealth= Taurus, pleasure = Leo, in genius = Aquarius, which is not due to the individual, but to the community. Withholding this share makes it due for the disaster from the outside that those who suffer it are due for everyone else.
A square becomes effective at the beginning of the week: Venus/ Jupiter, and at the weekend a second conjunction: Venus/Saturn. With Venus, Taurus = community and Libra= partnership is affected Affected by Jupiter =advantage Affected by Saturn = serviceability. (cf. Laotse 11)

Murnau, 1. 14. 2025, UTC: 15:40


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