Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015

Worldchild 2014 - Birth in the Manger of Outrage


"And maybe Uranus the human, Pluto the guard, and Jupiter the conciliator in their heavenly shape above the earth are filled with praise about the young humane spirit, about the eternal dead-spirit of the living Pluto and about the conciliatory Jupiter-width in the spirit of the mothers as far as they find resonance within the living human beings."
 „Und vielleicht sind Uranus der Mensch, Pluto der Wächter und Jupiter der Versöhner in ihrer himmlischen Gestalt über der Erde voll des Lobes über den jungen Menschen-Geist Uranus, über den unsterblichen Toten-Geist des lebendigen Pluto und über die versöhnliche Jupiter-Weite im Geist der Mütter soweit sie Widerhall finden unter den lebenden Menschen“
Montag, 17. Februar 2014: Sonntag: Weltenkind geboren im Nebel

And as I was reading this yesterday, it was coming to me:"Huh?"
And this is said to have been the week of the operation "Maidan"?
Where does this stand?

But to my fundamental excuse I can say, that to me as a paragon of the animal - God - order
is the one embracing all of his lights and is embraced by all of them, the lord of the miracles,
I know, this is my child-like faith.
 And the adult in me tells me,that I and you do exist in our inconceivable complexity and subtlety is to me religious primal ground for keeping hold to G O D as the all - genius and all-bountiful master-workman and - as god as I can - in his realm that I believe in - to read the  S i g n s and T i m e s - at least in outlines.
Anyway I wrote on Monday February 17. 2014 about a coming delivery in the signs of Sun and Neptune in conjunction:

Sunday: World - Child Born in the Mist
True could I - or what's the same - my consciousness not yet see this baby - cause, what is in Pisces one cannot "see", cause it has not yet experienced "Ursprung" (original leap), cause in the stage of Pisces all contradictions are yet (or again) united - and the two parties, contradicting one another, I didn't know at that time. Indeed i knew by Josef Roth that in Galicia the hate against the Ruthenians was simmering already 100 years ago, but from Donbass I  only knew that 68 years ago the steppe was fertilized  by the blood of heroes, of people  who outgrew over themselves against the Nazi-Wehrmacht, while they cast their life (Pluto in Leo) into the scale for Mother Russia.
Today i know
that new born child has an old name
it's called like the land of it's forbears

but the lesion of the contagion with hate
is called Lemberg, or Lviv, or Lvov, or Lwow
and last year two days before the takeover
in Kiew it looked like that in Galicia

mind you, before ... the takeover in Kiew
and this is the way it looked on 2. 20. 2014  for the passengers of 5 busses, male and women, who were on the way  back to Crimea from Kiew, where they had protested against the Maidan

I harbor the thought, that only two moments of that kind have been sufficient, to give birth
to the "World-Child" that nobody knew yet, conceived by infamy and outrage.
And I'm inclined to accept, that moments of these kind might have happened within a number of places.
Then followed Odessa and the fuse was burning for a newborn being

* Novorossia 2014
born in the manger of outrage
by people who didn't choose
to play the Jews of 2014

being cast by fate
as the say goes: "wrong place-wrong time"
neighbors only a few house-numbers away
from our address
declared 'under disability'
by the world- center of infamy
on a global scale

abandoned on the scale of state
in the own country
at the rim of the Eurasian Union

What one year ago only the "self" could know (which is speaking in me sometimes and weekly, and what I only can give voice to without understanding for now - Pisces bear that - as it had not yet experienced its origin, as the hymen of dark fate had not yet been torn, as whose bright kernel now fork-lifters, miners and artillery- women of the Don-bass have appeared  to the delight of all friends of humanity, strengthened by masters of  combat from diverse countries, turning out as steadfast in vigorous appearance.
All this showed it to me over the time of one year, as far, as it became sensual comprehensible and the consciousness was ready to sort the contents of conception.
This week now is again birthday of a new vintage of the world-child and every new is little. And who
can endure that is replete with future.
Geschrieben und gespeichert: 22.2.2015 zu Murnau, gepostet: UTC 18:27.
In English: 2. 24. 2015, UTC 21:50.

Montag, 23. Februar 2015

Resolution of a Center - Birth of a Wilderness

2. 23. - 3. 2. 2015
Below the Northern Zodiac
and Below the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the Four Elements Fire, Earth, Air und Water
from the Years 1603, 1802, 1980 und 1305
 (click to enlarge)

 Murnau Buoy

Heavenly Water Levels
from Monday to Monday

(the most important

2. 23. 2015
and thereupon based on

Chronicle of Signs and Times
as Heaven in Earth and Earth in Heaven Mirroring Constellations of the Wandering Lights Over the Northern Hemisphere

Motivation  to perceive
school of observation
of  the 
astropoetic inclusions of the week
for own musing
 about the similes
 of the heavenly given above the earth
in the sun-planet-family

2. 23. 2015

to a noisy 2,5° distance the resonances
of Saturn and Neptune come close together

child and grandfather are "talking" to another

grandfather is in the time (sagittarius)
fatherly accident
child out of time always undivided (Pisces)
like the living ellipse

and Sun heart of the year
will be visiting the child in its realm
in Gods lap
Neptune on Thursday at 7,2° Pisces

and if this is 
then it has to be so

last year the resolving milieu
of Pisces was obviously tangible
in a collective hysteria
there was half a revolution
in the center

cause the bottom of humanity
suddenly griped
and the hate bubble burst open
filled with misanthropy

to tell it in another way
Sun - Pisces - Neptune
it's the resolution of a center

in analogy to Sun
is for every (planet-) family a center causal
by whose squander
the entire family is thriving

the center of the northern hemisphere thus
is wandering through the universe
alongside the zodiac
awaking the entire circle with life
right today Erich Kästner's Sun has birthday
with his respect for children
and also the Sun of Elisabeth Langgässer
with her respect for Jewish people

in the child - world the pretension
of certain "Masters of the universe"
is laughable
this is what - my heart tells it me  -
the child in the Kremlin has
realized long time ago and
and has spoken out 2007
in Munich embarrassingly and distinctly
every child can understand
his adresses
every tradesperson and
every oligarch

the state is easy
in a realm so large it must not have appetite for more
and the new Russia would have never
 originated so steely in humane kind
had not the great dragon behind the Atlantic
and his bellows in Brussels and Kiew
been so fervently fanning it

in the entire revolution
the best of a civilization came to the top
the Russian civilization
in alliance with the Middle Kingdom
in the fully revolution
and in the quiet struggle against the perpetual corruption
the ever same impatience of the demons
and their inability to wait
and hence taking the things out of Gods hands
and f*ck it off

the remedy against it is the patience of Neptune and the Pisces
the patience in the lap
of the childish soul

so much for Saturn
father - now on the spiritual ground of the son -
and his fatherly bridge to the child
there in the yonder before the time
of its temporality

and it is in the end of the week
the complementary partnership
of the recorder Mercury
and son and lord of providence Jupiter
whose mirror-images are refracting
in the Leo-center
and are subtending with Mercury in the Aquarius periphery

and in another Aquarius week
Mercury tells and takes note in dialog
what - freshly out of the future - still has no name
as  giving  those deserves only the father
not name  is made accessible by Aquarius but vision

and then now arrived those three weeks
when that (hopefully not too) bloody mystery
blind Mars ... replete Venus in Aries
the pounce into the herds
has begun
a kind of easter-time
and this is the week before the extraordinary
moving into the all-over-the-year-resonance between Pluto
in the extra temporality of Capricorn
and Uranus in Aries
- man in insurrection -
the brisance of Mars
and the resource- richness of Venus
with the meaning of an violent addition
in this milieu
hard to imagine for the chronicler

finally the companions of the Moon-boat
and of the marriage of sail and keel
meet together this week in Taurus to be able to pass  in
united herds fairly unhurt through the tracklessness of Venus in Aries
without permanent alert

till since Wednesday noon
the nerves cool down
in the momentary distance to the centers
of interest

and Friday noon then begins the soul-soothing
coming-home of the soul
into the motherly lap of feeling
to which is given time
until Sunday midnight

Geschrieben und gespeichert am 23. Februar zu Murnau
UTC: 16:05, gepostet:UTC 16 : 32
In English: Wednesday UTC 22:45. 

Montag, 16. Februar 2015

Mars and Venus to Jump - Hearth over the Dawn

2. 16. - 23. 2015
Below the Northern Zodiac
and Below the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the Four Elements Fire, Earth, Air und Water
from the Years 1603, 1802, 1980 und 1305
 (click to enlarge)

 Murnau Buoy

Heavenly Water Levels
from Monday to Monday

(the most important

2. 16. 2015
and thereupon based on

Chronicle of Signs and Times
as Heaven in Earth and Earth in Heaven Mirroring Constellations of the Wandering Lights Over the Northern Hemisphere

Motivation  to perceive
school of observation
of  the 
astropoetic inclusions of he week
for own musing
 about the similes
 of the heavenly given above the earth

in the sun-planet-family


a date means
to arrest
something floating 

to do this
we are constructed
and in danger
to forget

where the firm
dwells in the floating

and it's good to us

to receive this point
as a gift
and  stick to it

a mountain is a slow 
a father is a mountain
of time
slowly breathing

the humans recognized

and fixed him
without knowing

the zodiac

deep below of us
realized him in Capricorn
the old father
Saturn mowing the
meadows of the generations
as gods peasant

in the heavenly fields

of geometry
over the horizon

and for this week
a 'sea-change' is awaiting as the moment
when the rulers

of attack
and  resources
Mars and Venus
lords of the one and the two
 leave the passage of solution

and are jumping from Pisces to Aries
together on one same day
meeting in the leap
from background
into foreground

splitter Mars

and unifieress Venus
together now in Aries

since Friday
under free sky
preyer and city

In the battles for Novorossia until now it was easy to  allocate the attacker Mars to Kiew, while the defense-goddess Venus to the two cities.
If now the unified cities hold the strategic initiative, thus the power to decide, where and when there will be action, so this in the concurrence to whom Mars and Venus, attack-energy and resources, in open terrain  will be more available.

Mars Venus
in "Aries-ingress"
like astro-freaks like to call it
meaning birth into appearance
the looming out
of Gods thought
in open fields

Mercury god brother meanwhile
gathering speed again
in the open-your-eyes-ride
under Aquarius
the birdlike
winged human wormtravel-gods here 
they grasp
 the mission
before time
over mountains
having yet no name
 to stand still

spouse's father
in the triangle of gods

so far for Mercury in his
upper mirror

in the second zodiacal mirror Aquarius-Sun
in its last moments
Sun is awaited by the first mirror
by  the depths of pisces
for the passage
of the spark through the twilight
and it will be Wednesday
what says nothing

and those diving - start of Sun in Pisces
is rife with
retrospections of the elements
water and earth
here is at 0,3° Pisces the  'green' Mars
wrath of water
the repressed gods power
of Neptune 
since 1305

as well as
earth-Moon at 1,4° Pisces 
concealment for earthly beings
in the lap of the secret and clean
in their tides 
since 1802
and here is at 6.8° Pisces
earth-Plutos blessed waiver
in the lap of creation
also since 1802
and now ... to the weekend Sun runs
towards the resonance 
of Sun and Saturn
 of center and height
and into the resonance of two elements
evermore-water with Sun
and son-fire 
with Saturn
being immobilized 
in museums and libraries
and sister Venus will be present
when Mars in the passage out of the sleeping world
into the starving world
with its vehicles
invades on Friday
where the eyes of Uranus
already since four years
are fixing to human ideas
what still has no name
by the father
so much for this week
which has announced itself
in entering and lowering dreams


and so the dream-boat seems to ride dreaming ahead of the light day 
in the sign of the  dawning bedroom
under the sky
to what extend Moons journey this week
pre-dreams the coming heights
waiting to come on Thursday

furthermore the coming lowering then 
down into the ground of loving kindness
and further then morning wards
since Saturday
in the sign of  emergence
Geschrieben und gespeichert
16.4.2015 in Murnau
um UTC 14:37

UTC 16:10.
In English 2.18.2015, UTC 22:45

Montag, 9. Februar 2015

Great Solutions in the Mirror

2. 9. - 16. 2015
Below the Northern Zodiac
and Below the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the Four Elements Fire, Earth, Air und Water
from the Years 1603, 1802, 1980 und 1305
 (click to enlarge)

 Murnau Buoy

Heavenly Water Levels
from Monday to Monday

(the most important

2. 9. 2015
and thereupon based on

Chronicle of Signs and Times
as Heaven in Earth and Earth in Heaven Mirroring Constellations of the Wandering Lights Over the Northern Hemisphere

Motivation  to perceive
school of observation
of  the 
astropoetic inclusions of he week
for own musing
 about the similes
 of the heavenly given above the earth

in the sun-planet-family

.2. 9. 2015

another Saturn-Neptune-week
most significant
as preannouncement

what is Saturn-Neptune?

both belonging as Lord of Capricorn
and Lord of Pisces
to the fourth quarter of the zodiac
faces of  God alive

in this chronicle
because of intuition
with God
something extra-temporal likes to become
 recognized presence
 like circle square and triangle
in every shape
God alive in three kinds of shape

Saturn now is to be seen as the extra-temporal old
Uranus respectively as extra-temporal Son
Neptune the extra-temporal Child
and its animals


and here it is
Saturn-square-Neptune is
presence square future
of God and gods

strive between now
and always
strive among gods?
 do gods ever travel
without respect with
their kind
 like in heaven
but alas so often not
on earth
strife in humans
 for the sake of will
the refusal of respect on behalf of those
who alone deem to be chosen
for divine rule

Saturn is lord of  the realm of presence facing decline
may be for a long time 
Neptune is lord of the  coming realm  still being not in time
according to the force of the gods in the psyche
they reign on earth heaven
and in the depth of the material mirrors
of the archetypes 
now in spring therefore the announcement of the resolution
of the ruling old
the same in same strength nascent since November
rapidly increasing
culminating the passage of November to December
Saturn the ancient in Sagittarius
in the shoes of the son
in the
time of salvation of the conciliating archetype
sign of salvation calling life into it's form
hence it might find it's form

"Big time"
like Americans like to say
the resolution of the rule
of the paternal dimension
towards the year 2016

coincidentally of the ancient
remains the incorruptible
and the child
forever takes into possession
its essence
in Gods lap and love 
in the psyche and in time 
extending between spirit and soul

this culmination happened last week
to Jupiter in Leo
and  the archetype of sovereignty
 finally started to move in the west
and with the heart-lot in Aquarius
- the humane lot -
in resonance to Jupiter started to travel

17.7.1954, MEZ 17:57
Angela Merkel
Transit 11.2.2015, Minsk

the Sagittaria con-stellated by Jupiter began 
according to ancient wisdom
to travel wide
to the square-partner
who also accompanies the Uranus-Pluto-square
so everything has it's time


in the north and in the mountains
of every psyche
remaining at home in Capricorn 
the hunting of Pluto
is facing the despiser of the fathers
 - the devouring father-dragon -
under the banner of St. George
offering the sacrifice
of the plutonian psyche

permitting at the same time
the uranian humane-birds
to enter the wilderness of emergence
as a truth of heaven


...Venus still today (Monday) at 16° Pisces exactly in the mirror
of Uranus in Aries

Venus noch heute am Montag auf 16° Fische exakt im Spiegel von
 Uranus 14° Widder

the heavenly Gäa
mirrored earthly in her old lover Uranos
heaven on earth
the placenta of Eve mirrored
in the walking staff of the

psychoid mirror
thus in Aries' emergence
where Uranus leads the feathered humane- wheeler
in its facets which invite for oppositions and squares
Venus and Uranus
the heavenly humane community on Monday
as it takes
Gods lap for a cradle
of the spring


coming Sunday the Aquarius - Sun/heart in the sky will be visiting
a moving age-old "green" place at 26,6° Aquarius
the sacrifice offering "green" Pluto of the element water
which as offerer deep below of our feelings since 710 years
is accompanying  us to the
felt god-freedom in waiver


7.10.1952 Vladimir V. Putin

Transit 11.2.2015, Minsk

As it is evident there is nearly exact resonance between Putin's Sun and Merkel's Jupiter
as ruler of her ascendent. Both they are in perfect resonance with the big square of presence:
between Pluto and Uranus, between freedom and force, between Aries, the eternal new and Capricorn, the eternal old.
His ascendent-ruler and her ruler of house 11,  Pluto by contrast enjoys the opposition to the Sun of the day.
Each opposition finally is encounter and completion of halves to wholes.

And also on Wednesday - meeting of four in Minsk - Sun in opposition to both of them, Pluto of Putin and Merkel, while Putin's Pluto is very near to his MC.
Thus Putin's essence (ascendent) and destination (MC) are almost identical in the waiver for movements beyond the collective interest.

For Mars and Mercury I see no new entry this week
but Moon is always current
big lap for  psyche  finding calm in it's depths on the currents of the night for hurted archetypes
and injured will

and still in the coming night Moon accompanies the dialogs of the erotic temperaments 
where after then till Friday morning Moon is accompanying the call of Scorpio into the of sacrificial luck of  souls
entering  their form

when after that
two days till Saturday night the right - angularity of the perpendicular  Jupiter light
  woos the moontired into visions of conciliation and diversity
till awakening on Sunday in Capricorn above the nadirs of the emotional existence.

Geschrieben in Murnau, 9.2.2015 UTC 16:37, gepostet:UTC 17:25
In English: 2.12.2015, UTC: 0:14 AM