Mittwoch, 30. September 2020

Two KIngsconjunctions to Meditate - and a Red Pluto in the True World According to Sun's Family on Earth


 9. 28. -  10. 7.  2020,  0:00 UTC 

and under the northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colors and elements 
Fire, EarthAir  and Water  of the years 
under the Northern Zodiac 
(click to enlarge)


lat. religere

" a thorough and  conscientious  regard of, what Rudolf Otto 
aptly called the 'numinosum', namely a dynamic existence
or effect not being brought about by an arbitrary act ..." 

JUNG, Psychology & Alchemy


".... which in difference to other religion ... teaches a symbol, which 
has the individual  way of life of a human and son of man as
content and  even understands this individuation-process as
incarnation and revelation of God self."

C.G.JUNG, Presence and Future, Coll. W. 10, § 529.


"actually a secondary phenomenon, which relies upon, that
 something primarily has happened to us, which  instills into 
us 'pistis', i.e.  thrust and loyality."

ibid. § 521

... a modern astrology with 'pistis' is it, what weekly greens inside of me. Indeed also very old trees, even millennia old ones being withal, sometimes are piping up.

I'm conscious, the crucial, the horoscope of the individual, being unique in space and time, basically is spared in the 'Astromundane Diary', describing the constellations of contemporary or former presences, in which the northern hemisphere of the Earth is rotating.

Applied on the southern hemisphere, its inhabitants now also are in autumn ? - so at least is the prevailing opinion of the contemporary astrological community in north and south. ihat all runs according to the norther heaven About this mundanomaniac since long ago has told, what seems to be necessary to him.

Hence, northern hemisphere only: late September = early Autumn = Sun in Libra.
Southern hemisphere = early spring Sun in Aries

40. Week

Earth in Aries
Sun in Libra

one divides oneself into two
is the mantra of the seventh zodiacal 
first heavenly sign
 imagination = bodies in the balance

in the terrestrial half
mirrored by Virgo 
and her earth-heart's 

this for the heart of Anthropos
and Sophia
deep within of us
and high above around us

on Friday Sun
 meets the 'radiation' with

replacing that of 1186 

on Friday Sun meets
the 'blue' father and
the 'blue' son 

united in the mirror
of psyche mirrored  in nature
with the body and the mysteries of the air
in the  incessant
at 9,5° Libra

Meaning prevails without conscious attendance in all natural processes. . So nobody can give you your 9,5° Libra than yourself 's friendly attending your  unconsciousness. I't a patient  let it be, ... and watch which is most promising.

It's a place to pray and be ready for incessant gifts maybe. The major place for nerves, feeling thinking, major cause the similes of air are on three stages Twins Libra Aquarius simile to
earth soul heaven within Anthropos and Sophia and around them.
This 9,5° Libra -Meeting 1980 gave for about 800 years the new 'dress' of the element air in the mix of four. see here: 
For measurement, imagination and thinking the 'dress' has changed 1980: hence the ultimate catastrophes of the 20th Century truly are end-catastrophes of a very old one, of a dying  way of thinking, and like a sick tree, with immune-defense- weakness attracts  the parasites , so a society with weak immune defense against lie attracts the demons, when the way of thinking is sick...

So now a meditation
 on Friday
 with the blue
Father and Son united
in the air
with Sun
anyone's heart
might be helpful 
in all three
living floors
between heaven and hell

mirrored in the 
Zodiac's first mirror

30° Pisces = 0° Aries
0°Pisces = 30 ° Aries
and Mars
giving the first kick
to every change
remains though in Aries 
in the
back through the wild land
 remaining in the resonance with
Saturn Pluto Jupiter
in the the father's realm
of beyond:
'This is the End'
and the brother's :
'die for your truth'
and the son's 
encompassing spirit
of reconciliation
in resonance with Mars
the first moover
in retreat
still igniter and now
in the resonance by visit of
red Pluto
of the 
it's a place where fire calls for
sacrifice for the soul

and that's with
 Venus ' worlds
ruled by balance
 and self-satisfying

till Friday part of 'the game'
of Lions
then, what remained
now in the milieu
of prudence and reason


and Mercury has entered
the 'totalitarian'
of meaning ruling the realm of imagination
called Scorpio

which as highest- most stature
of soul allows
contrary to nature 'the freezing'
of desires
for savor lust and freedom
in the waiver 
of arbitrariness

Like the Alchemisten im Mittelalter  knew: 'The soul governs the body"

early this week Mercury was in the radiation
in the element water
at 0, 8° Scorpio

Another place in the year to consciously dive into the unconscious attendance of a major resonance since 1305. The Father + Son of feeling. What might it be, the kings- or father's part in the dynamic mix and clearance of feeling, an what that of the Son? A fatherly feeling = consolating, a sonlike feeling = enthusiasm ...

this Kingsconjunction rules
since 1305 till 2157
so did on lastMonday
the basics of constant feeling

and on Sunday
Mercury will go
  green again visiting
of the element  Water = feeling
heaven= spirit
 of water = feeling
Uranus is it in Scorpio
clearing the stage
from outworn spiritual rags
which Neptune dumps in oblivion

31. 10. 1517 Wittenberg: Luther posting his theses 

31. 10. 1517
Resonances to the Kingsconjunction in  Element Water
of 1305

the aeonic resonances are a bit moving the souls in Mercuries realms this week
in us
but only cultivated conscious  attendance might bring culture of it
in the rhythms of our solar creation
 like in 1517
any happening in Scorpio since 2008 
is of superior meaning
according to Pluto
 in Capricorn 

Murnau, 9. 30. 2020, UTC: 17:04.


Mittwoch, 23. September 2020

Action in Retreat, Connection under Revision


 9.  21. - 30. 2020,  0:00 UTC 

and under the northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colors and elements 
Fire, EarthAir  and Water  of the years 
under the Northern Zodiac 
(click to enlarge)

"We are after all not only designed by  the past, but also
by the future, which long since is arranged in us and 
gradually is evolving out of us. Eminently this is the case 
with a fertile human, who  initially doesn't overview the
 richness of his possibilities, although they  are yet laying
 ready in him."

C.G.JUNG, Cool Works 15, § 100.

... only in his horoscope 'the richness of his possibilities' is already scheduled as a 'moment in the dialogue of the gods' (JUNG). 

Remark Mundanomaniac: this week I realized, that a child's horoscope might be looked on by me, but not will be read to the parents, as well as a 'gift-horoscope' ... 'to the birthday of my niece', a.s.o. Too big is the danger, to put images into the mind of the parents, or presentee, which they can't deal with.
The horoscope in my sight, is exclusively a tool of conscious reflection, of someone who is ready for contemplating oneself.

What is concatenating us (on both hemispheres) is: that the heaven = the collective unconsciouness = the future "long since is arranged in us and gradually is evolving out of us."

And this, like each 'mundane diary', tells the chronicle of the weekly message, ready to be received. 
The archetype of the 7 is at home in Cancer
 the week
invoked  in each Cancer-ascendant
 the 'nightly' inner truth 

and Moon rules Cancer in male and female
humans and their children

with what we were
with the ascendant as the
 home of the pure

all lie and try 
is later
and all is 
each is
out of four
before  the other three
elements and
and eleven

The basic answer to each person's identity is 
the element of the ascendant

are you a jump
and a bite
are you fire

or a mass
with Horn
on earth

or a
an' sayer
of air

or a floating
in wetland's

and the ascendant of man
we call Anthropos
with his Greek name
'Adam secundus' the second Adam
he was called after Rome

30° Pisces = 0 ° Aries

is Anthropos' zodiac 
deep within  each of us

Hence- the week is something also deep under and above mundo's consciousness. Hence his and your consciousness lacks the sensual connection with the body EARTH being part of Sun's encompassing Sun - Person and her Planete - Nature where in the green belt of life Earth moves from the beginning, as conciousnes of her - Earth

part and pacel of

Sun's ordering System
with the major rhythm of
the giants
Saturn and Jupiter

there is no other rhythm in Sun's universe
as dominant as
Kings Rhythm
the young
+ the old wisdom
that's a Kingsconjunction
so to speak 
the big wheel
we are traveling in
better four wheels
like for elements
an air wheel a fire wheel a.s.o.
and the rhythms of of the four kings
are traveled by our unconscious

and astrology watches the game of gravity
 the Sun- body like gold  in the center
like a heart in a body

with planets

and Moon of the Earth
like  Night and Silver
quicker changing
like water

buying less than Sun
but without
no life is and no

39. Week
Northern Hemisphere

 on the southern Spring has commenced

till Tuesday the heart of Anthropos
had a full year no input by
thank God for the zodiac telling
her  stewardship is
shining now

1 = 2
in the sign Libra

Sun = das Herz
called on the eternal scale

to let become appearance
as eternity 
thriving in love

that is the big call above the dark Earth
incending the light above the waters

which in Anthropos
appear as Aries in Anthropos
deep underneath our  conscious
as the first 
all lying

Now as an interesting example: 

14. 6. 1946, 14:54 
Jamaica NY
Donald Trump

 it is underneath this man's conscious being
this Mars in his unconscious 12th chamber or 'house'
his 'fighter planet' does n*t know but is
 like a child
royally Leo orange-man
in the robe of honest innocence
and early dumbness
deep below our daily robe

while his heart is in the chamber/house of the great men
could he be a tool of someone whose order  great planetary
 Statesmen at the end of the day are  or will be following?

and now ...

deep below and high above 
our consciouness

it's  the conqueror Mars
In Anthropos' first mirror 
 in the mirror of child-god Neptune
he is on retreat back into his

and the astrologer notes resonance Mars with Mercury as  opposits  united in completeness by complement.
both in the 'assembly of the gods' 

and like in Psalm 82
the father of the Gods is judging 
for the truth of the Sun-Body

whose conscious is on Earth called man

Now the heaven presents a truly rare court
not less than 502 years after the last one
of this shape:
the conjunction of father and brother
Saturn and Pluto

and in Addition this time 
son Jupiter

in Capricorn since

2008 (Pluto)
2019 ( Saturn)
2020 (Jupiter)

whatever ... a seed might be spreaded as children of this vintage, they are a rare one ...

at this place the astrologer in Anthropos  has to keep humble silence and to remain in the readiness for any wonder of the existing God whose traces of spirit = order in the organism of a star deriving meaning  by  four in twelve.

39th week

the attacker Mars

in retried

tough in the grip of the great lessening rareness

Saturn Pluto Jupiter in Capricorn

while the defensive triumphs:


Reserves spent

under' Leo's  royal'


since Tuesday in Libra

on the spirit's half

of the zodiac in Anthropos

with the anima Sophia

as female part 

within him

and without her

Anthropos and Sophia

and within them

attack and defense at the end of the day

some one is needed

not being part of both

 above their polarity

of earth and fire like



the third

in the realm of elements

and the second in the realm of soul




neural ability  

of the elements = language


 soul = love


Mercury in


a last week in the emotional condition of  


 with minimum of gravitas 

but resonance with higher ideas 

after the end of a confrontation

Mars and Saturn Pluto Jupiter

ending this year


to be orderly mixed with 

back -driving Mars

 and soul-discriminating Mercury

the beginning

the end

the truth

the wisdom

and the word

in a house with 12 chambers

of the human mirror

 between the 6 polarities

And watch the resonances with the bodyless lights of   the four Kingsconjunctions 

Murnau 9. 23. 2020, UTC: 17:34.

Mittwoch, 16. September 2020

Could be the Heavenly Wedding of the Hunter - following that of Child and Heart

 9.  14. - 23.  2020,  0:00 UTC 

and under the northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colors and elements 
Fire, EarthAir  and Water  of the years 
under the Northern Zodiac 
(click to enlarge)

What prompts off the unconsciousness into consciousness

"Its the 13 century ... in which a lot of  sects flourished, 
which, notwithstanding of all  differences display a common
tendency, namely to put the hypostasis of the Holy Spirit
into the center of  the religious life. At that the temporally
 something older tenet of GIOACHINO DA FIORE  has 
exerted  a noticeable influence about anywhere, so that we 
can find most likely traces in it of what apparently prompted
 out of the unconsciousness  into the light in those time."

C.G.JUNG, Mysterium Coniunctionis 3, § 308

"The status of the Holy Spirit means an remediation of the
original unity of the unconsciousness on the level of 
 consciousness. On this,  in my opinion, is alluded  in the
logion of Christ: "You are Gods."  This  state cannot yet be
understood entirely. It is a matter of  pure anticipation."

C.G.JUNG, Letters, 24. 11. 1952

At this place the astrologer is addressed concerning an age. Maybe the study of the 13th century will bring about something of building blocks, which allow us, to let  a preparedness grow, to behold  contents   in-flowing out of the unconsciousness, which - until now - is  lacking in each conscious account.

Ages, centuries are not primarily determinated by the actual planets; even the slowest one - Pluto - determinates only a quarter of a century. For centuries we have to view the 'Septars' of the Kingsconjunctions,  first of all those of the earth-element, as the earth always provides the basic vessels in which the four elements fight and unite  with each other,  arriving in a fruitful unity.

The Septars are 7-years-waves, in the rhythmical enlargement, 1 = 7,  of the birthdays of the 4 Kingsconjunctions.

Example: 44. Septar of the Kingsconjunction 
in the  element earthof  1007
11. 7.  1050 UTC 11:14
for 1308( - 15)

56 years before 1308, the series of the Septars of the earth-conjunctions in which Pluto moves through Aquarius commenced. Meaning: the emotional seizure by the Holy Spirit. 

It is clearly discernible, as Pluto is ruling Scorpio: after Leo, Virgo and Libra the highest stage of the soul. And it takes  Pluto 18 years (hence 126 Septar-years) to track through Aquarius. Element-birthday= 1 year = Septar = 7 Years. Hence after 1315 another 84 Septar-years were following. Pluto in Aquarius therefore stretched from middle of 13. century till far into 14. century, followed by Pluto in Pisces and the seizure by the idea of purification.  Confer the cathars.

Pluto in Aquarius
the seizure
of the soul
by the Holy Spirit

JUNG' s ultima ratio:
consciousness lacks the unconscious
for unity
psyche tries to help
the consciousness getting on the path
psyche is mirror
of Heaven in Earth
spirit in nature
shape in appearance
it adds to consciousness
in dream and experience
the two unconscious stations
which follow the 'last moment'
marked by
at the border of temporallity
Aquarius and
earthly mirrored by Aries and Taurus

38. Week

each week certainly the question

what is it happening high up
in the spirit
when Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter
in Capricorn
father, brother and son
in Anthropos (=us)
want to be mirrored by Twins

what where and who 'is' Twins
Twins  discern the rules
 above the interests
like science and attorneys 

hence behold his  natural place:
he's the one to mirror
and he is a toppler
'marrying' the well off
families (Moon)
14. 6. 1947, 14:54, NY

Donald Trump

Now each evening   after Sunset to behold in the southern sky
Saturn left
Jupiter right

and, invisibly to our eyes between them

It's an extremely rare chance to  contemplate these Gods of character, wisdom and humility
on the pilgrims frugality constantly in resonance with blind pusher into new existence: Mars, retrograding.

38. Week 2020

There are three levels, Mars' pushing can be operated on:
the elementary
in which the elements are fighting  each other
the emotional
where the elements co-operate but the fire of  passion
between 'King' and 'Queen' might become too hot
hence the 'Queen' might escape 
and the opus failed
the spiritual
here  enough coldness is at hand for cooling  the heat of  passion
might be accomplished even by a
 wise hunter

adding to this square of Mars
with the great three above
a second one has
Mercury from vis - à - vis
in Libra
ruled by  Venus' playing
in Leo

with Mercury 
our consciousness i
in resonance with this 
one-time-in half-a-thousand- years- constellation's
unconscious content
distributing new (old) humble measures
two weeks in resonance with
Mars and
Jupiter Pluto Saturn
and after weekend additionally with
the new Pluto of the

meanwhile Venus moving in the resonance
of man-god Uranus the thinker
ruled by herself in Taurus
as an experience of heaven
 in community

while the 
of Anthropos and Sophia
in us 
in united Opposition
of calculation and selflessness
 purification of heart
Neptunin Pisces
in marriage
with heart in Virgo

Murnau, 9. 16. 2020, UTC: 16:31.