6. 7. - 16. 2021 0:00 UTC
under the northern Zodiac
and under the northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colors and elements
fire, earth, air and water of the years
(click to enlarge)
" .. the symbols are not only related to the individual I, like the
functions of consciousness, but to the totality of the psychic
system encompassing consciousness and unconscious.
For that reason in the symbol are not only conscious and
unconscious elements contained. but we find beneath symbols
and symbol-elements, which the consciousness is able to
process relatively quick, always also such, which only in the
process of long evolutions or not at all, can be assimilated
and which remain irrational and transcendent to consciousness.
The independence to consciousness of the natural symbol
also expresses therein. that it represents the character of the
unconsciousness, which it descends from, in it's own structure.
While to the features of consciousness the separation belongs
between I and you, in subject and object, in the symbol the basic
features of the original situation of the unconsciousness return.
Rational and irrational, conscious and unconscious elements,
descending from the inner and outer world coincide with
another, like the term "symbol" tells, but appear in it also in an
original natural unity.
(p. 30)
The symbolic image representation by the unconsciousness is
the creative source-point of the human spirit in all it's realizations.
Not only the consciousness and the concepts of it's philosophical
world-understanding derive from the symbol, but also religion,
rite and cults, arts and custom.
But as the symbol-creating process of the unconscious is the
place of origin of the human spirit, also the language, which is
with the formation and development of the human spirit
nearly identical, in the beginning always symbol-talk.
... tendency of the symbol, by means of overlaps and interweaving
to connect opposing elements and bringing the most different
areas of life with another in contact.
The symbol alludes, suggests and arouses. In this way it sets the
consciousness into motion and moves it to use all functions of
consciousness for processing. While an only conceptual processing
of the symbol proves as entirely insufficient.
Feeling, intuition and sensation are also more or less seized by the
symbol. Thereby the symbol appeals with primitive and with
modern humans in different directions.
While the appeal of the symbol equalizes the consciousness-
overemphasis of modern man, it is with early humans not only
consciousness-strengthening, but downright awareness-raising.
By the symbol mankind arises off the early stage of shapelessness,
with the imagelessness and blindness of an only unconscious psyche,
to the phase of figuration, whose pictoriality is an essential
precondition for the emergence and development of consciousness."
( p.31)
Erich Neumann, Die Große Mutter, (The Great Mother) 1989
“Habentibus symbolum facilis est transitus.” — Mylius
(For those who have the symbol, the passage is easy)
Something like the last paragraph appeared to me 2006 in a dream, which opened my way to independent creative astrology. From a big city, large demonstration was happening in the distance, I suddenly hovered in an invisible chopper, flew to the docks at the pier a female journalist fainted while I was high above her, came over a surfaced sub, greeted men of the crew having dinner in the turret and finally landed at the sunny southern cusp of 'my new' northern continent, dark cumuli in the night-cold background. Landing, short sunny way, me and my wife being invited into the old house at the mull. At the Left side of the hall two men in a room were busy on wet clay to form and burn personal figures for visitors to a modest amount. I engaged.
The ready product , presented short time after, to me in another room by two men, was a white shock, we had a laugh, it was a fine white and beige back-stitched shoe of a dancer, I felt easy and laughed in surprise.
Deeper in the house the dream lead to a finale while my wife and I proceeded to step up the stairs of the quadrangle tower, joined by massive logs. I was deeply seized by the recognition of the faith and readiness for sacrifice, our forefathers had done by doing the sober work of constantly replacing rotting logs with fresh ones - without which this tower wouldn't still exist ...
These dream-elements have been emerged 15 years ago by my 'creative source-point', whom I thankfully serve since 40 years.
In the Neumann-quote the symbol appears as key to the unity of the different. As symbol of the symbols mankind has to receive the zodiac. Key to the opposed elements out of which we proceed, ordering day and year in the symbol of completeness: the circle.
Divided by the horizon, the zodiac appears as a living figure of six days of creation: six calls by God mirrored by six days of matter, called nature.
the zodiac
of the west
with it's six
days of creation
only 2 days
in Cancer
dancing inside
the energy in the lap
till Friday
on the boat of
dedication of motherly
wet lap
in the inside
of life
breaking the outside
in Leo
life on Friday
also still
turned to the outside of life
Sun and Mercury
heart and brain in
the seesaw
of intelligence
building and celebrating
in the Luna lap of
community and family
in the lap of civilization
united in Cancer
on the trails of
by the way
beginning Friday
horn, teeth
and tempest
in Leo
at the command of
Sun / heart
and Mercury / brain
should be successful
singularly beginning
to unite
strength and smartness
in neighborly virtue
in this frame
specialties are constellated
as coincidences in
maxima of resonances
between elements and signs
to human consciousness
to find meaning
in natural
forms of unity
a business mankind is
near and far off
where the slow movers of our-family are adding the spiritual essence of their character. Questions about this will find some answers by the small box above the left side of the blog, for the Astromundane Diary is a chronicle since 2007.
So this week:
Pluto opposition Mars
Sun/Mercury square Neptune
Aquarius/ Taurus
Saturn square Uranus
Mark-days of the four Königsconjunctions:
Till August still: Jupiter in conjunction with earth-Mars and earth-Moon. Early January another short week. It's about the merging of the zeitgeist with the two Pisces, the two contradicting motives in the unconsciousness of all of us.
Murnau, 6. 9. 2021, UTC: 21:44.
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