1. 9. - 18. 2023
0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac
Above the Northern Hemisphere
of the Earth
Transcendental Health
"While now the median position as unification of
opposits has an irrational character and still is
unconscious, so it appears projected as mediating
God as Messias or Mediator."
C.G.JUNG, Psychologic Types, Col. W. 6, § 323
"The median position", about this one you don't read much in astrological readings. Therefore
to me is any lecture suspicious, to which something else is impotant, but the
human culture of the opposite
We have to watch and understand main constellations of squares, opposites, conjunctions, where the involved 'gods' might meet as contrasting characters or in contrasting signs, to cognite our specious working unconsciousness on the lines of the cosmic concert. Mundane astrology is working do redraw the given constellations of a hemisphere whith a white pen, a red pen, a blue pen and a green one and some half bright and half dark ones.
We have to learn to contemplate the constellations, cause they are harvest-times. Nonconstellated times are times of quiet accretion, each one quietly groing roots of coming crises.
Cause Mars and Aries are hot as ever. Currently the war of the Slaves, brothers and
powerful demons in the guise of slavic brothers:
the healing slav and the toxic slav, model of the wound mankind.
The tragedy of our days
ost middle
in the
the slavs
are the champions
the toxic ones
and the normal ones
In the 'Mysterium Coniunctionis', JUNG's kind of quintessence of the spirit of the alchemists he discerns three levels of which contradictions working with and on another anytime<.
elementary hostility of the Elements
irritation and counter-irritation
King and Queen
elements united in mystery
of passionate unity
called love
containing danger of
to much heat
if fire of passion grows
too heat
the queen flees
and the opus is smashed
and squares
to unification
human - possible divine
creator of creation
each united contrast
is full of miracles
the union however exclusively is an individual act, waiting in the unconscious part of each day.
In this spirit the astromundane diary is my attendance in Pisces-life part of the unconscious streaming, in unconscious combinations of the heavenly patterns to follow for encouragement.
Under Heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness.
All can know good as good only because there is evil.
Therefore having and not having arise together.
Difficult and easy complement each other.
Long and short contrast with each other;
High and low rest upon each other;
Voice and sound harmonize each other;
Front and back follow one another.
All can know good as good only because there is evil.
Therefore having and not having arise together.
Difficult and easy complement each other.
Long and short contrast with each other;
High and low rest upon each other;
Voice and sound harmonize each other;
Front and back follow one another.
LaoTzu, Tao Te Ching
An abandonment of the blindness of the last millenium of human past, is a move on from this Idea, that one has basically to fear antagonisms as hostile and dangerous.
That appeares in the abomination of 'bad' combinations and characters concerning square, opposition, Conjunction concerning Mars, Scorpio, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune ... the blindness of those times is today replaced by the blindness of our time - the betrayed innocence, betrayed by the poison of the moneyed interest
each hate in the net is forbidden
the blue/yellow
hate against Russia
At the same time Russia a protecting a civilization of respect and dignity worldwide, according to it's own reality as the only civilization which was never colonized and has never colonized in the western style and whose original peoples live free. In the cold north, pardoxical conserved, are coexisting soul and spirit of a peace, hard won again and again, sovereign through a millenium, sovereignty - prolofic for the entire planet - while the West is ongoingly inventing 'moral wars'.
So sad, the 'moral west' is way down below
Who is sacrificed? Europe - the west of the east, say, the west-tip of Eurasia.
"Europe is America's Lunch" says Andrei Martyanov
Astrologically: Uranus/Aquarius is so far from the center, the bird-spirit, overseeing the whole clockwork of World, with the Sun axis circled by the time-wheels of the planets, perceived from the Earth as center of the 'sublunar world'.
Hence, the lunacy of the unconsciousness, appearing sorted by the zodiacal key. There is at the mirror of the horizon. No time without place and no place without time. in their common mirror.
Spirit and soul in the mirror of matter and soul

2. Week
What has changed versus the last week? Answer: not much.
Sun and Mercury
have changed places
as neighbours in
together with
nearly reached by
this week
next week
Center Sun
by Mercury
on the Aquarian human scale
the coming
weighed is love
the heart
center of life
entire close association
via Saturn
in the sign of man-god
appearing as
human spirit
in the mirror of
the black earth
and the herds on it
with Mercury's entrance in Aquarius on February 11. the offensive moment will be added for
till then
and hence Mars
keep remaining in the aplomb
of Capricorn
grounded in the high human
genius of
'nothing for
A Venus-note this week:
in the second half
appearing the square of
ressources balance
and borders
human spirit
a contradiction to be solved
by human character
and prospicience
to set
free between
Aquarius heaven
and Taurus earth
In upper Bavaria one still can see farms on which are small chapels.
Heaven and Earth humbly and honestly connected
as long as the spirit unites
in this hour of humanity
as Saturn
the ever since determinant
human kindness
That naturally effects in the realm of Libra, chaired by Venus as goddes of love and union.
Note: 1.13.2023: A powerfull assoult seemingly had to wait to hervest, till this week. (see above)
overriding borders"
A Venus-note this week:
in the second half
appearing the square of
ressources balance
and borders
human spirit
Remains to find the simile of salt in this harvest of constellation of Uranus/Venus in this second week of 2023. My bet: it is Sun in her/his advance towards Pluto the ruler of the crystalline world.
Murnau, 1. 11. 2023, UTC: 17:14
Murnau: 1. 13. 2023.
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