Dienstag, 24. September 2024

“Truly I" Tell You, Unless You Change and Become Like Little Children"... You will not Take Part in the Symbolic Life, which is Blissful.


 9. 23. - 30 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere



"It is frightening how strong the blindness
even by the young folks facing the suffering
of the defenseless has become; there is no sense
for this. For the chivalrous life they are too
weak, yes, they also lost the simple decency,
which forbids that one should bump a weak.
On the contrary, you see this is their glory."

ERNST JÜNGER, Radiations,
28. 7. 1942, p. 357

the booting
of the one lying on the ground this in the media and not just there a stereo has become Week 39 2024 Great moving week. Sun and Mercury into Libra Venus into Scorpio
dig that In astrology, the Sun corresponds to the heart. This is not difficult to imagine in terms of the person.
The second third of the zodiac - Leo to Scorpio - indicates the soul

It becomes more difficult to sense Sun in mundane astrology, the collective Sun? What is a mundane Sun, a world - heart? It is the collective heart. It becomes a little more tangible when one distinguishes between heart and heartlessness, as they appear in the collective framework in history and the present. There is the fall of Catholic Christianity: history of the Crusades, a history of heartlessness, culminating in the merciless slaughter of the entire population of Jerusalem, Muslims as well as Jews, after the conquest by the Crusader army
: "It was appalling to see how slain people were lying around everywhere and parts of human limbs, and how the ground was completely covered with the spilled blood. And not only the mutilated corpses and the severed heads were a terrible sight, the greatest shudder must have been aroused by the fact that the victors themselves were covered with blood from head to toe. About ten thousand enemies are said to have perished within the perimeter of the temple, so those who were slaughtered here and there in the city and whose corpses were lying around in the streets and squares are not yet counted, because the number of these should not have been less. The rest of the army dispersed in the city, and pulled out and pushed down like cattle those who had hidden themselves in narrow and hidden alleys to escape death. Others got together in droves and went into the houses, where they tore out the fathers of the family with wives and children and all the servants and either pierced them with their swords or fell down from the roofs so that they broke their necks.
Then there is the story of the discoveries and the seizure of the 'New World' by the colonial-enthusiastic Western Europe. A story of the most terrible heartlessness, which continues into the recent present.

even in the province ...

Tuesday March 9. 1886

great impressive
Mask Procession
representing the seizure of

Angra Pequena



PM 1. Departure of the German Fleet to Afrika. Same is accompanied by the German Admiral with his Captains, Marines and Sailors etc. After arrival in Afrika negotiations with the natives and the hoisting of the German Flag. Flight of the natives into the jungles, out of which they were chased by Cannon- and Musket-fire and got captured. After taking the prisoners on the ships festive entry in the Market.

Tonight masked celebration with Mr. Joseph Calf at the Zacherl


Currently, in the colonialist West, the Russians are hated, who cheer up the greed of the international princes of money for the vastness and riches of the last, never subjugated people's civilization. The whole of Europe and North America, under their satanic media, are permanently subject to the hate poison of heartlessness. But the Russian soul and morality has never allowed cities to be bombed en masse, as by the Anglo-Americans, most recently with nuclear bombs. Israel is currently showing the terrible heartlessness of its collective psyche. In Ukraine, captured Ukrainians are fed and provided with medical care by Russia, as happened to the German conquerors in World War II, and the defeated Germans after the fall of Berlin.

This week starts with the opposition = simultaneity of Neptune in Pisces and Sun in Libra. In the middle of the week, Mercury replaces the Sun in this opposition. Firstly the will = Sun, then ingenuity and calculation = Mercury,
as well as the childishly innocent letting happen in the deep certainty of being carried = Neptune - while all 3 main constellations - conjunction, opposition, square - indicate simultaneities. The 'gods,' that are triggered at the same time, can also be neutrally considered as archetypes of time, that inhabit the year, and the day, each for his/her twelfth, genius and honor.
They are always equal necessary archetypes of the entire 'figure' zodiac, who are temporarily placed on a stage in a configuration on the river of time - a floating stage that drives the river - down to the final solution. The game is about recognizing it, the common form in which both sides, three sides, (etc.) can move, which satisfy the harmony of Libra-Venus, which archetypally always satisfies the lonely Aries Mars by lovemaking. The form, necssary on the stage of time, is not subject to the will, it is subject of growth in the time needed, out of the unconscious, which finally can be recognized as configurated 'coincidences'= growth spurts. Occured, it is possible to accept the Pisces solution, that Neptune offers in every horoscope. But man can miss, or rather lose, man, who is archetypally laid out in the child, therefore this "So you do not become like these children ..." - that's how to miss in life ... What remains? The agitators remain in the herd of more or less misguided, therefore psychicly weak, people, over whom, in the high towers of the bureaucracies docile figures rule for the sons of Satan of money, who practice rushing at each other in human / archetype- for the sake of the robbery of advantage, for billions of times, Satan knows them humans only too well, the blindness of the low human instinct. The question remains in every silent second: heart or heartless?

A second dominant of this week, as already last week, is the square Pluto/Venus. Venus, also the ruler of cities and settlements: now in Scorpio, she is now subject in two respects to the entwining plans of the archetype of spiders and spinners: the defense of the center around which the whole thing revolves: God or Satan. Hitler or Putin?

Venus, now doubly ruled by Pluto: on the one hand moving in Pluto's home environment Scorpio, on the other by the simultaneity of the resonance- intensification: Pluto and Venus. Both are simultaneously 'triggered' in choking or being strangled, snake or hero? God or Satan. Renunciation or robbery.

Pluto in Capricorn is best understood as the armor of a state. It is based on the fact that powerful resources, in the plutonic/scorpionic renunciation of private consumption, are times and again directed into the armor in order to preserve the existence of the soul-community, the collective 'spider web', that represents a people. Russia immediately recognized this when the US 'declared war' by means of the Maidan- coup and immediately 're-annexed' Crimea.

So much for the archetypal theatre of the week. Finally, here is a review of the insidious attacks on Lebanon by the Zionist philanthropists in Jerusalem /Tel Aviv, who called the 'animals' and owners of the distributed new pager apparatuses in Lebanon to let them go up by built-in explosives on their heads, at the moment in order to injure, to kill. Many who did not die became deaf or blind. A day later, the walky-talkies of doctors, nurses, nurses and many other serving people exploded. The constellation, that devils in human form used for this shows, that even the devil basically knows, how to work with the archetypes of the zodiac sky: In a link, Saturn generally indicates height, in relation to the human form, Saturn marks the head. This one in Pisces: the dissolution. The constellation with Mercury's acumen in the opposition refers to Mercury events: communication, telephoning. The Jupiter involved in the square in the Twins communication sign refers to a 'well' connected long-range process.

38. Week 2024

Everyone is called, to accompany the weekly floating of the symbols. To know is one thing and to have grasped a thing again and again, that's the crucial difference. To be 'graspers' is our fate from birth.12 times are to be understood. A whole civilization leap is grasping heaven's symbols, like before, numbers, reading and writing.

Murnau, 9. 24. 2ß24, UTC: 13:49.


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