Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2024

Ire and Solidification


10. 1. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


Zürich 1945

After the disaster

A Swiss

"In the face of these terrible things, it really wants to
mean little when one makes the diagnosis of inferiority
once turned around and from the murdered to the murderer
with the full sympathy that you can use it
all those Germans who share their national misery with all
have suffered insight, hurt. Yes, it hurts one who
to hurt others. but we are Europeans, to which the
Germans belong as brothers, hurt, and therefore hurt
we, as I said, not to torment, but to tell the truth
find. Like collective guilt, the diagnosis also applies
of the state of mind of the whole people and beyond
the whole of Europe, whose state of mind has been
for a long time as no longer normal. Whether it is
 pleasant or sounds unpleasant, what about our art,
this finest recording instrument of the folk soul?
What does the widespread domination of the 
unvarnished mean pathological in painting? the atonal 
music? which far-reaching effect of the abysmal "Ulysses", 
etc.? This is already the case in nuce, which is also politically
has come true. The European. the white man is
however, he is hardly able to understand his own state of mind
assess. He stands in it too much. I have always wished,
to be able to look at the European with different eyes., and
I have also succeeded in making such close connections with
to connect with exotic people that I can see through their eyes
I could look at the European.
The white person is undoubtedly nervous, hasty, restless, unstable
and (in the eyes of the exotic person) of the most amazing ideas
possessed, without prejudice to his talent and energy, by virtue of
which he generally considers to be superior. His disgraces
exotic peoples cannot be counted, which also means that
not a single new act of shame is excused, mind you; likewise
little is the individual better when he finds himself in an infinitely
large there is bad company. The primitives fear the the converging
viewpoints of the European, which are presented to you as
 maloccio appear. A Pueblo chief confided his conviction 
to me, that all Americans (the only white people he knew)
 were crazy, and justified his view in such a way that one can 
easily could recognize the description of possessed people."

C.G.JUNG, After the Disaster, Coll.. W. 10, § 430/31

40th Week

A week with no relocation with only one, but violent configuration:

All signs in the time-Wheels
create the inconceivable rise and decence
time in times

time is a wheel
in an wheel
of wheels

is a river from the heigts
to the depths
and a steady rise again
above the depths

stars are centers of
universal building
by times of spirit and being
in the mirrors of

It is interesting to follow the path of Venus at the beginning of this week: On the one hand, because

Venus 1., the herd = Taurus currently entailing Uranus, the human planet, caller from above = caller of the second day of creation: to become.

Venus 2., the scales LIBRA and the granting currently entailing Mercury and Sun, the granting Venus, leading the body to the releasing physical, Libra , duality of one Soul.

Currently the Taurus/Libra-Venus world is destined to be ruled by Pluto for four week, currently appearing to be committed:"the 'Kerbala weeks' by Pluto's Archetypal 'house of the sacrifice: Scorpio. The succession of the prophet by Hussein: Who is ready to follow Hussein, taking upon oneselve the sacrifice for truth in faith to Hussein, grandson of the prophet, when they, 80 men at Kerbala, opposed the 3000 of the Sunnah - i.e. Damascus - ready to pay the price for the truth that Hussein is the True heir of the Prophet with their own lives . That is: Being Shiite, testifying that the majority follows the lie into the comfort of fear. The sacrifice is imposed by the modern 'Damascus' on the heros of the Shia. Venus in Gaza and Lebanon and with her the countless victims and children of Uranus, Sun Mercury, all of whom, through Venus, are undertaking Plutonic sacrifice by the violence and lies by plutonic satans. Good and evil, by Pluto in Capricorn all Pluto is procured for Saturn , hence by 'spiritualization' = separated from temporallity by the symbol/planet Saturn in Pisces = the old man and the child, eternally = head and truth.

This is the fate of Venus in Pluto's house. Now for the big Mars square with Mercury- this week - and Sun next. Mars/Mercury second half of the week towards the weekend? Please note: Mercury is involved in the Venus-event shown above, 'he/she' will only manage its conditions, just as Venus allows it in Scorpio during the Shia month. And what are the conditions for Mercury's vast space = Twins? Answer: Jupiter, archetype or god of strategy and overview, rules the spirit of providence in the house of techniqie and science.

Through Venus: in Scorpio sacrifice, donate, voluntarily, for the truth = Shia and Russia; and involuntarily = Ukraine and 'the Soldiers of Fortune' with the special knowledge, traveling with their rockets, as far as the devils can still graze on the premaeditated fields of fear.

Once again in short, all the established actors: Mercury in Libra wandering through the square-intensity with Mars in Cancer , in the pain in the belly - month at the end of the week. Sun is symptomatically approaching same square in order to drive through it to the full next week. Furthermore, Mercury overtaking Sun on Wednesday/Thursday in a conjunction of life and reason, and at the weekend Mars square Mercury, that is rage and reason. Mercury intensifying simultaneously nerves with Martian (birth)- pain in space: in the puerperium of a new world. So far the 'technical', and -now what does Mars mean in Cancer? Mars = the aggression, the pain, the cut, the stab, the insurrection, the beginning, the tip, the individual = thus the birth planet, which drives bloody new existence into the world, in the good as in the bad, or in the divine as in the Satanic. In Cancer, it means: the cut, the sting, the explosion, in living procreating tissue. The square = simultaneity of resonance with Mercury refers to the addition of ingenuity, intention, calculation, coincidentally the hallmarks of the Jewish ingenuity that limits the heart of humanity to its tribe.

In addition, next week Sun, the collective heart and the collective heartlessness, Sun - the flame of the soul - the birth pain of the truth, which the slaves of God = "Hezbollah" in the Muslim world take upon themselves for the sake of truth - for mankind, for the killer is the lie and the victim is the soul, and mankind is sheep in the devil's flock.

Again: In Libra, the archetypal rulers are shaped according to the standards of Venus at a time and because she is the sacrificial sign in Scorpio and Scorpio, in short, the sign of a social community being concerned with the existence of it. This orientation is - by heart- missing individuals the basis for fanaticism of all kind, denying the grant in the sign of Venus to all kind of 'outsider' . So for the legitimate willingness to sacrifice, fixed in the genes of all mothers for their children, of all fathers for their personal and superpersonal family. Scorpio is the 4th - state of soul - after Leo, Virgo and Libra. Quote: W. Döbereiner: 'after the encounter = Libra, follows Scorpio = the attachment to the encounter.', Symbol: the ring, hence, from the point of view of Scorpio: the one-ness consisting of two halfs, the circle of unification, zodiac, astro-logy ... The ethnic/eschatological fanaticism of the Israeli Zionists and the readiness for martyrdom of the Shiite Muslims for a just world under Allah meeting in this constellation. Of course, Venus in Scorpio does not only rule over the Sun = life and Mercury = reason, but also over Uranus in Taurus, their first sign in the element of the earth, Uranus in Taurus, which gathers the peoples who are leaving under the human flag. And Mercury in Libra, which is about harmony through conscious complementarity and encounter, has a broad and comprehensive view of the things of the present by and with Jupiter in Twins, first lowest first sign in the eleme air, which will be crystallized at the BRICS conference in October under the sign of Scorpio, because Scorpio is the second of the three water- signs, corresponding to the solidification of the liquid in the universe.

Murnau, 10. 1. 2024.




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