Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2024

Two Great Givers Birthdays and All the Best to Two of Earth's Smartest Sons


10. 8. - 15. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


"Using the example of the Indian and Chinese
Universal religions can be recognized that
the existence and flourishing of advanced
civilizations is not necessary depending
on the veneration of the personal deity, but
also to agree with with faith for those non personal,
quality-less, but quality- and character -generating
primal ground .

Philosophical, ethical and religious forces
here in a close constellation. They satisfy thanks to their
metaphysical rank not only the educated mind
in his highest demands, but by their
inexhaustible wealth of forms and symbols
even the naive view. She must always be nourished.

Also, as with Buddhism, we find a Degree
of open-mindedness and tolerance, appearing
as model and precondition of a world-Order,
encompassing not only nations, but also breeds
and konfessions as multi-chambered house.

ERNST JÜNGER, An der Zeitmauer, (At The Timewall)
Stuttgart 1959, p. 306

Week 41 2024
Next Sunday there is one procession: Mercury enters Scorpio and enters the Venus- constellation of the previous week. With this, intellect and reason turn from openness to attachment and enters the service of the sufferer for the just order in the state = Pluto in Capricorn, in which Venus is also located, as described last week with regard to martyrdom, which plays such a central role in the religion of the Shia. But before that, next weekend Mercury will be wandering through the square resonance with Pluto. This opens the prelude to the intelligent execution of the Scorpionic plans of the struggle for and against the satanic tyranny of selfishness, perversion and lies in politics.

It must be remembered again and again that the purpose of sacrifice is giving. In the extreme, one's own life. In the sense of the 'house with 12 chambers', wealth should be given away, this is the sense of renunciation imposed by Scorpio in the service of man = Aquarius on the greed- Taurus and lust - Leo. It is the middle square of the four characters that are given to keep each other in balance. And the power of this 'quality of time' was manifested in the 15 years, 2008 - 2023, and is again one last time for current 3 months this year in the massive state 'gifts' to Israel and Ukraine on the one hand and the massive investments in the military and army strength of Russia since 2014 on the other. Such a thing has happened with Pluto in Cancer in the thirties in the Cancer-country of Germany.

It is this world-shattering gift - trillions and trillions that the West gives to the Kiev actor on their common pan of the sacrificial scales, which nevertheless weighs lighter than the other, in which the sons of Russia voluntarily offer body and life. This weighing began on 24.2.2022 with Operation 'Z', which, according to the symbol, completes the alphabet of the world wars.

24. 2. 2022, 3:40 Moscow
With this, with the current Scorpio, the current constellation of victims should be recorded, under which the Israeli invasion of Lebanon continues to take place. Since 2006, that is, 18 years since the defeat of Israel in South Lebanon, the Lebanese Shia, as Hezbollah, has been preparing for this event. Here religious pretentiousness, 'chosen people' and religious loyalty and willingness to die meet each other.

The next Tuesday will finally be followed by Sun in Scorpio. This now fills the month of renunciation, fidelity and generosity in the northern hemisphere of the Earth with the strength and morality inherent in the heart and center.

But before that, next weekend, Mars will meet the 'wrath of Poseidon' (Döbereiner) and the Sun
the collective heart squared on each other. Mars in Cancer is the anger with pain and destruction in the intimacy of the living world, the raging of the bombs of the 'chosen ones' in Beirut and the anger and determination of the liberators of their homeland in Gaza, Lebanon and Russia's south.

About Venus in Scorpio again: it enters at the end of the week into opposition with Uranus in Taurus. Uranus in Taurus points to the idea of man as the Son of the Earth.
"The Earth has often produced new forms from its original ground. if she now makes use of man as her smartest son, the danger of promethean formations and their fate is great. It grows in the godless space, which is one of the prerequisites for a great change in shape. 
The real partner of the Earth is not the intellect with its titanic plans, but the Spirit as a cosmic power. Therefore, in all the considerations of current events, the more or less expressed hope that higher spiritual forces will curb the tremendous movement and seize it beneficially plays a major role. ... A new phase of Christianity is also proclaimed by SCHUBART, who disappeared in the last war in the East. In his book "Europe and the Soul of the East" he develops the view that the Eastern Church will produce a third, the Johannine Christianity. A third testament with the image of a new earth is indicated in the Revelation of John. Russia is to play a major role in this; the names of unknown martyrs will light up like stars in the darkness." JÜNGER, At the Time Wall, ibid. p 312 f.
Happy Birthday , * 10. 5. 1973, Major General Apti Alaudinov
AND all the love continues for the great spirit in the people Congratulations Vladimir Vladimirovich

* 7. 10. 1952
The great giver and strategic warrior of our time.

Murnau, 10. 8. 2024, UTC: 15:10.


and 16:20

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