Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2014

Stretto lacking Luna

2. - 9. 6. 2014
below the northern Zodiac
and below the northern Kingscojunctions
of the four Elements Fire, Earth, Air und Water
from the years 1603, 1802, 1980 und 1305
(Clic to enlarge)

This Week

Venus in Taurus impenetrable defence
Mercury in Cancer curiosity in caverns and aisles
Mars in Libra war theater
Sun in Gemini travelling heart 
Jupiter in Cancer extension of family
Saturn in Scorpio lifboat of archetypes
Uranus in Aries Spring of humanity 
Neptun in Pisces the child sheltered in the lap
of its God
Pluto in Capricorn the offerer puts to death 

Posted 5.6.2014, UTC 19:34, Murnau.

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