Montag, 28. September 2015

Venus Visiting Earth-Venus - what a Chance

9. 28. - 10. 5. 2015
Below the Northern Zodiac
and Below the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the Four Elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water
 from the Years 1603, 1802, 1980 and 1305
   (click to enlarge)

  9. 28. 2015

Venus this time here as starter
what is Venus in us?
the risk of mating
symbol Libra

but Venus also
the retreat to the middle 
in the association
to the herd

since June Venus the panderess and Venus  the herd
in the fiery realm
of Leo for now
and the latter
in the free nature the equilibrium

at the waterhole
in human disguise currently
the divine herd communicates in Leo
the same waterhole
which we communicate with the
hunger of the physician
cause the lion is the physician
living of the sick and weak

and  with all that

 - since 1802 at 26,1° Leo -
the aeon - Venus of the earth element

and now the Venus of presence

which we can see in the sky
this is united with those aeons-Venus
of the earth-quarter of the elements
on Saturday
common fate
anyone of us dwells into roots-inhabited is the earth -skein
of the aeon since 1802 at the common
waterhole of bulls and lions with the eons-fate
for the firm element in us and out of us
since 1802 at 26,1° Leo
and with that in resonance with
26,1° Taurus 26,1° Scorpio and 26,1° Aquarius

so much for Venus here
Venus visits earth-Venus
what a chance to welcome
both of them

and a renewed glimpse at the heavenly picture
gods or Gods sons and daughters which
like to be mirrored above the horizon
by the depths of the earth
to the admonition of God about
the tragic nature of the creation
borne in pain
for sake of the eternal secrets 
carrying the universe

to the point chronicler

this week contains more visits at our

(northern hemisphere)
fates of the four elements and their gods

from which this chronicle particularly
illuminated the quarter of the earth more than the other
in the certainty that there is to deal with the
unification of all four elements on earth 
what we humans as phenomenons at the surface
have to mirror

and further on the track of the aeon and its

four elements according to the 
resonance -beams/waves through the empty
middle of the week-horoscope
do we begin in the order of the elements which the zodiac provides

with the fire according to the kings - conjunction of 1603
still today (Monday) Sun at the Mars of fire
means heart at the begin of the begin 
light emanates around the aeons well of light at 4,1° Libra
in the jump for  prey the heart

 do we continue with earth whose Venus we already saluted
it's Mars in us with his impatiens
who is passing on Saturday a great camp
where 1802 at 5,1° Virgo
Saturn and Jupiter
king and son
met in kings-conjunction
earth as the firm element
visited by the god of impatiens
with his early light

if we go on in the appearance of the elements in zodiac

we next arrive  at the air and it's paradoxes
firm into the marvel of Libra juts the 
kings-mountain of the air above the horizon 
where Saturn and Jupiter
in the new kings-conjunction of 1980 in the air-element
have united in spirit
and with Sun on Saturday midnight
the divine heart of contemporary moves over
this virtual mountain of all that joy
God has stashed in love 

and from Mercury has to be noted

that his retreat leads him still today days before Sun
to the heights of the kings-conjunction in  air
and with Mercury our factual ability is referred to
to articulate today (Monday)
the stashed joy in the love
 on Saturday the initial light and on Sunday
the factual width of humanity

and as the fourth in the line of the sequence of the elements in zodiac

the "green" Mercury of water hence of all inward
thus of all receiving 
at 12,8° Capricorn (arm in arm with Sun)
already along the entire late summer
has visit of Pluto and his impositions
referring to the part of presence
belonging to the dead and the still unborn

so muchto a week in which we can meet with all four elements of 
our aeon dramatized by the time and their mirrors

as yet some contemporary motives of this week

Mars begins this week still firm in resonance-exchange with Saturn
united are sharpness and severity in the image of the gardener
to the end of the week the resonance will be growing more humid:
Neptune is awaiting for the resonance-meeting in opposition next week
to emerge as a kind of acid of upcoming secrets
likewise next week heart Sun through the resonance
of Pluto paralyzing the demand

and that's it except by Moon and his dream trails which are motivated by the instincts

of existence this week like they master it according to Aries Taurus and Twins

moving foreward till Tuesday-evening
moving back till Thursday-evening
mediating till Saturday-night
and on Sunday then receiving what comes down the stream
Gepostet 28.9.,  Murnau,  UTC  13:49
ASC: 17,5° Steinbock

MC: 18,2° Skorpion

in English 10.1.2015, UTC 13:58.

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