Sonntag, 29. Januar 2017

The Spring of Venus and the Blessing of these Aquarius-Days

1. 30. - 2. 6. 2017
under the Northern Zodiac
and under the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colours and elements 
 fire, earth, air  and water
    of the years 160318021980 and 1305
 (click to enlarge)

2. 3. 2017

entry of Venus in Aries

"most notably important thing"

this week 

after purgatory in Pisces

a new Venus

springtime for Venus

forever ruling 

our social-gen


a circle

and our pairing- gen


two scales 

Venus is now the third God

in Aries

following Uranus

man God 

since 2011

and Mars

hunter God 

since last week

when Donald Trump called

Vladimir Putin


Venus in Aries now since Friday

it's the male Venus

in front

with a new beginning of

defence by attack on the

 female way =

 the inner lines 



 so we have

Mars the push = 1

Venus the weight = 2

calling for 3 = the 


someone like the new US-President

heart of Mercur

ruling in Capricorn on January 20.

makes me pray for a good  male friendship

of two incredible players
on the harp of the

 last week of
Mercury talking the talk of the
border-giving  father

the latter has in Sagittarius  his 
in the humid faults
and the sweet milk
of the mothers of
called  Cancer

and Saturn's host Jupiter

ruler of  Sagittarius

sharing the entrance of his host


out of the backgroud = Pisces

unto the surface = Aries

 so now Jupiter the concilliator

 moving in the bag of Venus into

 the realm of beginning

and with him in resonance

Uranus and Pluto

origin and sacrifice

angel and priest

connected in square-resonance

with the concilliator

in Libra

 so  much for the celestial family of Earth

this week

visible in the dark half of the sphere
called night

now the light in the dark
 the family

in splendour above all planets is  s h e

ruling the running waters
between well and sea 
heaven and well
in and out
out and in
floating root 
of each soul

now on Wednesday 
is another third with
Mars and Uranus
in Aries
an intimate male-only

Thursday night
Moon enters Taurus
the dry land of each of the shores
of the river

and Sunday ´noon will find Moon
over the high ways
of the Twins
connecting the places in the world
with words and numbers

and since Tuesday noon Moon
will be again above the faults of life 
on Earth ruled by Cancer


Now, too late, to make it really short

but not too late to mention Sun
our center and star of the bright day
second full week in Aquarius
and his ruler Uranus in Aries

it's the celestial heart in the realm of the invisible upper man
called spirit
Aquarius is air = thoughts
+ Sun = emotion
= warm thoughts
this is the blessing of these

Posted 2.1.2017, in Murnau
UTC 21:38 + 21:55.



Sonntag, 22. Januar 2017

Mars Returning Home Back into the Wilderness of the Individual

1. 23. - 30. 2017
under the Northern Zodiac
and under the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colours and elements 
 fire, earth, air  and water
   of the years 160318021980 and 1305
 (click to enlarge)

25. 1. 2017
According to the zodiac:

 This week -
once a year -
 it will happen and Venus will follow next week:
Mars coming home into the wilderness
 bud of all  single  persons

apart from it's
 yet unconnected
born to become a
feeder self
of Gods
in man
Mars beginner of all being
 a fire
and Aries horns show
and his bags
it's a male kind of time
without doubt

where there is Aries
and each one has him
in his complete structure
has Aries =
and challenge
and flame
and shot
Aries is not yet a place
for  lie
but for the blind 
honour of error in the wilderness
in the beginning
health of a rose
in its bud
whose cusp invisibly is
talking with

so much for Mars since Saturday before noon and next week following

 like Mars till Saturday
Venus became
completely bodyless in the waves of Pisces
and will follow  Mars
into bodyness
next week into the burning innocence
of the female
within the shape
Venus has given to her
as the walking appearance
of the 2

two breasts
while forever in Mars meeting the 1
 the two nads
of the God
 to become

so much for these two weeks
right in the eastern of wolds horizon
under the northern heaven

on that point
Ernst Jünger again: Über die Linie, p. 283
"The second basic force is Eros, where two humans
 are loving each other, they deprieve the Leviathan of
territory, creating space not controlled by him.
Eros will alway as a real messenger of God prevail
over all titanic formations.
Never one will fail by stepping on his side.
One man is enough as witness, that the liberty 
has not disappeared; but  h i s   is  need of.
Then the vigor for resistance is accrueing
The tyrants know that and are in search to
resolute the humanity in the general and 
public sphere by keeping the unpredictable
the exceptional away."

to carry on with this week
the hearts of all beings under  the northern sky
included the heart the "general man"
born at  o° Aries permanently
within the zodiac around the Earth 

said hearts keep circling
in Aquarius
in the air- realm of  spirit
above the collective consciousness
in the realm of the invisible general birds 
by Platon called "ideas"
 thrieving  per zodiacs 11th stage
in the time of Aquarius
hearts of those birds
have forever seen from above 
the child in the manger
without lie
together with the shepherds
yet before the 3 Kings
above whose cities
they are  in liberty gliding invisibilities
winged archetypes
mirrored by 
fields and cities

there it is where the hearts this week
 are cruising
above Taurus in the mirror

above the unconscious brotherships 
fed by the "man-God" Uranus
in psyche of human
and this current Uranus  is lately within
his 7 years mirroring
in Aries
end mirrored in  beginning
  meaning mirrored
in being
as manifestation of the time-way
of all things

enough of heart now to brain

appearing as 3 and 6
 God of way and reason
mirroring the  father in language
and the  balance in chance
on his way 
 is beginning this week
 after his short retreat
into  Sagittarius
for a third time
embracing the 
magic grades between 10,4 and 12,8° Capricorn
where Sun and Mercury of two
in the signs of water and air have met
 new "blue" thinking = air since 1980 
and "green" old feeling = Water since 1305
resonating together 
and with all visitors
so  now with Mercury
for the  third time this winter
in the good first half of the week
 something like refueling the brain three times
with collective patterns
concerning heart and reason

and finally and
all the while nightly companion
with changing brightness
her majesty
commanding the  tender battalions
therefore banished into the night
and under the shadows 
since Tuesday under the heaven of Capricorn
attending Mercury  till Friday noon
above the eternal hill of Golgata
and the crosses of the pious
 mountain dwellers
and the humble poets
and the cathedrals
of man crucified
in the end
 and for two nights of pilgrimage

thereafter the rest of the week has Moon
under the heaven of Aquarius
seeing the chiming future rising above the horizon
towards noon

Murnau, Montag den 22. 1. 2017
UTC 16:34
12 Löwe/27 Widder
gepostet 23.1.2017 UTC 14:34
In English 1. 25. 2017 UTC 18:40.