5. 8. - 15. 2017
under the Northern Zodiac
and under the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colours and elements
of the years 1603, 1802, 1980 and 1305
(click to enlarge)
2017 20. Woche
and this meaning is ruling in the childlike heart
20. Week of 2017
Tuesday Mercury back in Taurus
as in my chronicler heart the ray
now let's start the round-trip close to the center
(click to enlarge)
2017 20. Woche
He who in his life has followed different
approaches seriously
approaches seriously
knows what it means: to "find" an
approach one could call:
approach one could call:
"to be found"
by that one divine permanent ray of warmth
of God for his own miracle called human child
innocent spark within four - chambered - heart
and two chambered brain
and two chambered brain
given into early 20th century citizen's
family in middle Europe
now to be found around such persistant ray
in heart like Sun freely giving
in heart like Sun freely giving
allowed to become quiet a mountain by years
around that ray within a one-man-prong
one might have asked for
this four-chambered center in astrology
is awarded to Sun = heart
within 365, 25 days in 12 Varieties of
a hot burning center in the focus of time
of anyone in the beginning
as it has never been
in anyway else
the persevered approach as grapevine
of the four elements
spirit upon the Earth
drinking light air and water
into the dark earth
every year of a possible time
Tuesday Mercury back in Taurus
so one step up in zodiac
but also 2 steps down
cause Venus ruling Taurus
is in Aries yet
where is the grip for everybody?
there is no such thing like a gripe for everybody
like there is nobody to walk for you
so like a pair of feet one has
one has a pair
of brain halves
one for outside
and on for inside
and a thing like a bridge between
called soul
and described in signs-language
wole circle between east and west and hell and heaven
starts in the east with a first 12th called Aries ...
and 0° Aries borders with 30° Pisces
and a meaning always is mirrored by an
or where there is Neptune there
is the mirror of Mars
as in my chronicler heart the ray
is pearcing at 7,2° Pisces
there has somewhere a 22,8° Aries - mirror
spring well out of the depth
now let's start the round-trip close to the center
whith Mercury leading our brain capacity from
before behind below and above
and Thursday is another seed - day as Mercury
is passing the an old old river on the meadows of early Taurus
it's Moon of 1305
now 712 old bonds with the feeling of mankind
in the shackels gravity
as to Venus like said above
and with her the reserves of men and things
so in the widest meaning the tribe of vegetarians
are without safe borders until 2. Week of June
coming tribes of these kind are on test of
capability for survival it's a time each year where the new
fresh sprouts are coming out
this year 3 months what normally takes less than 1 month
Sun now heart of living entities
in his fourth and last week in Taurus
tenderly caressing the neck of the intimate heavenly cow
and Saturday then views the move of the
center = Sun= heartinto the airy realm without borders
of sensual thoughts in the spirit of the male Titans
3 above 2 but lacking the fourth
called Twins by our sub-tropical ancestors
5.000 years before
and ryming on Egyptians like on Jews
5.000 years before
and ryming on Egyptians like on Jews
like on oil in this world
like on Virgo and Mercury in heaven
a special ability between heaven and hell
a special ability between heaven and hell
in the certainty of reckoning
and discernment
Sun on Saturday in Twins
calling all those hearts with an abundance
of words on tounge and in heart
now the biggy of the week:
Venus - opposition - Jupiter
and on weekend Pluto included
and in Aries with these resonances
Venus gives birth
to a new quality of man with the
signs of Uranus' superior spirit
Jupiters mind of concilliation and
Pluto's readyness for sacrifice
as spearhead so God will
what by the way the old Greeks knew
700 B.Chr. that it is the way of the Gods
to instill hearts of the fighters
figting for
for their families and the graves of their ancestors
with courage and vigor
is verified day by day in the Donbass and Syria
Venus - Pluto - Jupiter
we inhabitants of the earth
the invisible ancestors
conscious concilliation
in three different elements
stride for demons - paradox love by Gods
use it or waste it
somebody uses it
and Mars in Twins listened to the last arguments of his quick force in Aries
but since Tuesday Twins intelligence again views in the Taurus-realm
of resource and storage which includes villages and cities
while Venus probing defence in the wild land of offence
the addition of Mercury's reconnaissance for the Venusian defenders
bodes well
for the position of Venus
finally to Sun again
today another 3 days acoming
in middle spring- sign of earth Taurus
last 3 days and nights of saving all for the roots and
the stem and leaves
in the 12 house it's the coming stem's
heavenly place and meaning
before any timethe rest of the Sun-family resting in the continuation
of the often told:
the son-sponsored father
the marrying son
the sacrificing fathers
and the child in God's lap
and the liberator's spirit within the men
in the wild Westend of Asia
Finally the whole week once again viewed from the inner side in the archetypal sign of the woman and the night as symbols for the inner side of life signified by Cancer and Moon
the Godship of night and water ready to receive life
since Tuesday Moon in the element of air and emptyness in the sign of Aquarius
Moon moving as the lap of heavenly shelter under the mind of the northern man
Friday Moon then in Pisces floating in the interior of the Sea of unconscious interior until Sunday when noon once again starts the move in the circle in Aries' kicking.
Montag, den 15. 5. 2017, UTC: 12:52. In English: 5. 17. 2017 UTC: 17:44
now the biggy of the week:
Venus - opposition - Jupiter
and on weekend Pluto included
and in Aries with these resonances
Venus gives birth
to a new quality of man with the
signs of Uranus' superior spirit
Jupiters mind of concilliation and
Pluto's readyness for sacrifice
as spearhead so God will
what by the way the old Greeks knew
700 B.Chr. that it is the way of the Gods
to instill hearts of the fighters
figting for
for their families and the graves of their ancestors
with courage and vigor
is verified day by day in the Donbass and Syria
Venus - Pluto - Jupiter
we inhabitants of the earth
the invisible ancestors
conscious concilliation
in three different elements
stride for demons - paradox love by Gods
use it or waste it
somebody uses it
and Mars in Twins listened to the last arguments of his quick force in Aries
but since Tuesday Twins intelligence again views in the Taurus-realm
of resource and storage which includes villages and cities
while Venus probing defence in the wild land of offence
the addition of Mercury's reconnaissance for the Venusian defenders
bodes well
for the position of Venus
finally to Sun again
today another 3 days acoming
in middle spring- sign of earth Taurus
last 3 days and nights of saving all for the roots and
the stem and leaves
in the 12 house it's the coming stem's
heavenly place and meaning
before any timethe rest of the Sun-family resting in the continuation
of the often told:
the son-sponsored father
the marrying son
the sacrificing fathers
and the child in God's lap
and the liberator's spirit within the men
in the wild Westend of Asia
"It is a vital, but also dangerous and ethical fussiest problem of modern civilisation, no more knowing and understanding, why life in the highest meaning should be a sacrifice. Man can do amazing things, if they have a meaning for them. But the complicathy is, to create this meaning."
C.G.Jung, Psychologie & Religion, § 133.
Finally the whole week once again viewed from the inner side in the archetypal sign of the woman and the night as symbols for the inner side of life signified by Cancer and Moon
the Godship of night and water ready to receive life
since Tuesday Moon in the element of air and emptyness in the sign of Aquarius
Moon moving as the lap of heavenly shelter under the mind of the northern man
Friday Moon then in Pisces floating in the interior of the Sea of unconscious interior until Sunday when noon once again starts the move in the circle in Aries' kicking.
Montag, den 15. 5. 2017, UTC: 12:52. In English: 5. 17. 2017 UTC: 17:44
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