Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2017

The Father and the Ram Unified in Opposition and the Child and the King Unite in Square

5. 29. - 6. 7. 2017
under the Northern Zodiac
and under the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colours and elements 
 fire, earth, air  and water
    of the years 160318021980 and 1305
 (click to enlarge)

2017. 5.  31.

let's start with a look back
into the historical
first week of Sun in Twins 
together with Mars 

and the lion on the hill
is doing his first trip
home to the desert
roaring in Arabia

later passing via
the Old and New Testament
to Rome
to NATO Bruessels
and finally

the woman in Bavaria has it right
it was a start for all
the old times are gone
om Wednesday / Thirsday
Mars told the new rules 
in the great 10. house
of the Donald

14. 6. 1946 10:54 EDT, NY
Donald Trump

Another Präsident walking with a God 
 whole Twins - week shaking in Mars' resonances
Sun + Mars
Lion + Ram
day Nato Summit in Brussels

start in Arabia
coronation in Taormina
Mars = new Twins = rules
to deal with
Mars = the only  blunt one
in Twins = the chance of rules
with Trump's Sun =
the sovereign lion in perception
of the contradicting interests

between the old circle = Saturn in Sagittarius
and the new rules = Mars in Twins
and in Sagittarius 'the end' = Saturn of EU
and in Twins the beginning = Mars of America

bottom - line a new commencement

and apart from his president - what is the vibration of the earth-element underneath the american north? Here is the 31th Septar of the Washington - place on American soil , valuable from 
7. 17. 2012 - 17. 7. 2019
31. Septar, earth element

Remark: although being one of four elements , earth has the privilege to be the bed of life given that the other three do unite with the black element to create the order of four called life.

Now look at the read and green numbers in the outer white ring: beginning with the ASC spinning red turning left, green turning right. Now the green rhythm is unfolding meaning = Pisces, the red one is unfolding appearance, both step-wise in steps of 7 years throu the horoscope or 7 months throug a septar.

Now for southern and median USA the ASC these 7 years is Aries and Mars is entering Taurus thereby provoking the immune defense of Taurus' social bodies. The American Mars is a medicine for the world, chasing everyone into his potential defensive strength, which is as Venus positioned with the female-Sun in Cancer in the depth of the American family.

so since March
 Lions time sovereign
Sun in house 4 = family
in Cancer = surrender to feeling one's own life

strategic motto of this healthy opposition
between America and Europe
according to Mars and Saturn

"We don't need NATO
costing us a sh*t-load of bucks
if you need it
pay for it
U - Caine


so much for the last, now for the current week
this week is uniting
the contradiction between innocence and intellect
represented by Pisces and Twins
enacted by Twin- Sun in the channels of  language and number
in space
and Neptune the everpresent meaning
of TAO in the background of future = Pisces

Sun square Neptune

Talking center into the width of space
aligning with Neptune
"Gods big sponge"
in Nikos Kazatsakis'
great story of "Zorbas" 

always = the pity of God with the poor
heart of man becoming rich
so surging untill Sunday
Sun in Twins
heart on the ways of the world
square Neptune in Pisces


Mars = Beginning of a race
Saturn = End of a race
logical an exclusion
shall unite in nature in 
alternating ways 

Mars the blunt one a last week in Twins
with him the lords of communication
 in the new arived world
whose lord Mercury in Taurus
is always mirroring in the 2. mirror from above
Aquarius the sur-prise
not sub-conscious but sur-conscious
as Aquarius = heaven = air

and in Taurus is Mercury present
when also surging till Saturday
the third union this spring of ruler Uranus of Aquarius 
with ruler Venus from Taurus and Libra 
heaven and earth marry
on Saturday in the 1. mirror
of 27° Aries in Pisces

 Venus + Uranus

root + mirror + heaven
earth + sex + spirit or
matter + soul + spirit

Taurus speaks like Venus in Aries
of  new beginning
skin for the community
Mars communicated by Mercury
does that referring way and rules

might they find ears not de-noised
eyes free of distracting faszinations
and communities free of strange overlays
and Moon hikes till Friday night throug the three signs
of the 2. Zodiacal quarter hosting the feelings and their children

on Saturday Moon leaves the ego- realm
of the soul and opens to her second part
the casing of encounter which has two chambers
into  which on Tuesday morning Moon  will enter again
the realm of fullfilment and waiver
called Scorpio

Murnau, Montag, 29.5.2017, UTC: 10:30.
In English 5. 31. 2017 UTC 16:03.


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