Samstag, 29. Juni 2024

Blue Suede Shoos and Tender Tissue


haven't realized such not consciously.

This is gladness for an octogerian:

ASC DC Moon, MC, Venus in maximal constituation of unity in cross and balance

this the Way of stay

and  from my last blog

 the main vortex of the earthly flow

is this one:

God's "helper"

20.000 years before

cleaning the dishes

 the essence

of the helper in each 


to me as double Cancer 
appear  personly
dancing in waves of
 hidden Combos

so I was secured as
single dancing

there are no more dancing
matchheads where I live
I had my time here
but I know a place
where they are free to
do it often: Russia

as the deepest knowledger of love
is the body
messenger of the soul
bodyly sympathy is the surprise
of falling into one
the surprise of each falling 
into warm hot 

Love is when two
love to doo good
to each other

and after each strife
the meadow 
greens again
love ist given by God
in the order
of daily life

together two as one
 are able
to dig the 'stars'
and the symbols
by unconsciously 'living them'

Murnau, 6 29. 2024, UTC: 13:00

Dienstag, 25. Juni 2024

The Tear in the Tissue.- Napoleon's Week

6. 24 - 7. 1. 2024

0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the northern

"The essence of consciousness is concentration
with relatively few contents that are as complete as
possible, the level of clarity is increased.
Consciousness as a necessary consequence and
prerequisite, has the exclusion of conscious-able
contents which at the moment as well being possible."

JUNG, The Psychology of the Childarchetypus, Col. W. 9/1, §. 176

it is now the case that every content, encompassed by the the child archetype has its place in the zodiac in Pisces. In order to be able to think astrologically, 1 = 12, now you have finally:
30 Pages JUNG -
psychological analysis
in one symbol

Only both together, the All and the One, gives the essence of a successful, lived, astrological interpretation.

Week 26, 2024
Earth responding with day nr. 1: fire, Aries

, reflecting Pisces: Aries, hunger, anger, urge

Mars currently in Taurus: the tear in the tissue. the attack on civilization. it has surprised me for 44 years
the three world battles
on the fields of Russia 2 erupted on June 22
1 on June 24
Germany of the thirties
Ukraine of the nineties
Cancer Rampage of 1812
Cancer Rampage of 1941
Cancer Booty 1944
Virtue + Awarenes = Operation 'Bagration'

It has recently become easier for oral astrology, to understand, as we live in the age of the multiplicity of centers depicing life on this planet. Now powers have arisen under the sign of universal values, which are expressed in respect for the peculiarity. Not the first rise, but never so powerful. God, it can be believed, has given the world into their hands, because he - finally- finds peace in their work.
0 - 1° Cancer

Berlin 22. 6. 1941
Invasion of the Soviet Union

Red Army 22. 6. 1944
Operation 'Bagration'

and two days later in the year

24. 6. 1812

The superman is the dream of all the disturbed. He necessarily has to do with worldly greatness, conceit in every direction. And it always ends in destruction. Half of the guilty are those who worship the superman. The superman only is, where God warms him. The smallest, the nano-place of God is in the heart of man. Check the sages where you find them, the God's 'superman' is modest and lives in silence. Hemce God is the place around which the sky revolves - in man's heart -
enough 'virtue' has been accumulated

Lao Tse
So why this slaughter around 1° Cancer. What does the Cancer have in 'madness' that the other three elements: fire, earth and air do not have? Zodiac' answer: the fourth element - water, the flowing depth, containing, storing "the inner world", the soul element. And what always comes before the heart= Leo, on 1° Cancer? the inner process, this is neutral, but wrong, because thinking is also an inner process and imagining is also.
Cancer is finally being with oneself and with oneself only . The world - the opposite - in the zodiac: Capricorn, giving the counterweight towards Cancer is in pure Cancer excluded.

"Exclusion of other content"
the mass
mental intoxication
which says nothing
Cancellation what else
Has validity in the world
Devotion to
what did not count in the previous world
the unique
now in a moving collective

But now, as an octogenarian double cancer I look away from me because I have no congestion of the soul, Moon in Cancer is a dancing soul. But others, who already had to let their souls be bought off as child, sit like the many in the first-grader classes and remain silent., and are waiting for the Nazi liberators of uptight souls. The 22nd of June is archetypically a collective event in the northern hemisphere: a break-up of the accumulated subjective, Cancer/Moon, which pours over the collective landscape as a psychic surge - again for better and for worse. That would be such a question that would have to be pursued in every astrological school. Summer = Sun = 0°Cancer

The beginning of summer 2024 has already been 2 days ago - today on Monday, 24. 6. as mentioned earlier, is Napoleon's Day.
24. 6. 1812 Napoleon's beginning

the Russian Campaign
What the current horoscope now indicates for the 26th week for the Northern Hemisphere will become clearer in the 6 days of creation on which each moment divides: and here it is now the fourth mirror that reflects Sagittarius in Cancer, spirit in soul, where his Jupiter in Gemini reflects Capricorn's gravity. This makes one think spontaneously of some happy neutral legal situations, in Gemini there are the lawyers between the parties and the diplomats.

Week 26, 2024
A thought that came to me regarding the cancer in the USA. It seems to me that the man has to prove himself in front of the woman. Thus, the "businessman in front of his wife and her girlfriends." on a million-dollar scale. A hundred million people liveing like, I think, the American "success man-women", in this way represening the domination out of Cancer. And now for the week: It's the special thing that nothing is special, this week. With its separating sharpness and tip, Mars continues to reflect the sacrificial love of Pluto in the realm of Taurus, which is so psychologically powerful in the female Scorpio

so, today

and so

30,000 years ago

So looking away
from the whole
in order to have your own full,
which is due in Cancer
ruling the world as a female
at the very top of

on the side of Adam as his ..."Helper" (Mose 2.19)

and this week Mars and Uranus have to be reflected as a spirit in the reality of society. It was precisely Cancer in 1944 that was more powerful in the heroes and officers of the Russian Rodina than that one in the rampaging Germans. With which we finally would have arrived at the depth of the daytime universe: Cancer 2024, with Sun, Venus and Mercury at the service of our own uniqueness, which is rooted in the inner figures of the Moon. It should blossom under the sign of the soul. There are enough idiosyncrasies set against her, for balance, Libra, Capricorn, Aries, so that she can and should lean out fully. Everything not mentioned remains unaffected.

Murnau, 6. 25. 2024, UTC: 17:04.


Samstag, 22. Juni 2024

22.6.1941 - 70 years ago Doomsday on Sunday 2.0


Mundanomaniac, now a grandfather, at least generationally, was a fetus at this date seventy years ago. Mother was in the first month; but the shock of June 22, 1941 he must have it in his blood. At 3:15 Berlin time, the artillery fire of the German raid on the Soviet Union began at the 2000 Km long Russian-German demarcation line Password "Barbarossa"

Secret report of the Security Service of the SS on the internal political situation No. 196 (excerpt) I. General information: According to the reports received so far from all parts of the empire, the news of an outbreak of war with Russia has caused the greatest surprise among the population, especially the current time of the offensive in the East ... The population is aware of the severity and scope of this struggle, but calm, composed confidence prevails. True, anxious minds express that it will have great difficulties to conquer these vast spaces. In the end, however, the great confidence in the insurmountability of German soldiering is always expressedDaily slogan of the Reich Press Chief How the fight will end is clear to us. It can only end with a victory of the German weapons. The press now has the decisive task of directing the heart and feeling of the homeland in such a way that the front can rely on the homeland again even now. The minister explained literally: " The Fuehrer says it takes four months. But I tell you, it only takes eight weeks. For as much as National Socialism surpasses communism in internal content, so true must its immense superiority prove itself on the battlefield in the shortest possible timePiekalkiewicz, The Battle for Moscow, 1997, p. 40f.

Passers-by in Moscow on 22.6.1941 at the announcement of the German raid As is known, the four months of the "Führer" turned into four years, and the last shot of this campaign was fired in Berlin on May 8, after 23 million Soviet citizens and 6 million German soldiers and 6 million Jewish civilians, among others, had to give their lives. How could an event of this magnitude have found a constellation that allowed such a movement? The answer is given by the horoscope of the day, although not the whole, but without a doubt the whole entry.

6/22/1941, UTC 1:30
The lights and planets in the sky correspond, according to the experience of millennia, with the "gods", in modern language: the archetypes. Depth psychology states that the archetypes determine both the highest and the lowest in the human psyche. On 22.6.1941, Mars constellates the lower in the form of aggression out of stealth, under the pretense of peaceful intentions, to Pisces at 23.9°. Mars not only works out of the secrecy of Pisces but – doubling - in opposition resonance to Neptune, who conceals the lower intentions in the Virgo's sense of purpose. And both in square resonance to the center of the action: Sun in Cancer. Cancer means: in the exclusivity of self-reference, which corresponds to the exclusive devotion to one's own emotional worlds. In the invaded nation, this very state of feeling is understandably also constant. In the constellation Saturn / Uranus / Moon in Taurus, however, the superpersonal central = Saturn is shown, in the resonance to the superpersonal decentralized with the inclusion of the people = Uranus / Moon. In the subhuman form of the National Socialist state, Saturn represents the form-preserving coercion, which serves to guarantee the existing social privileges (except for Jews and other "alien elements"). This Saturn attacks Uranus, because he abolishes the traditional privileged form of society in favor of the revolutionary, "human" form in the tradition of the American and French revolutions, which had bloodily deprived the privileged of their privileges. However, Saturn is still striking in another respect on 6/22/1941: in the dispute, he combines his light with the virtual light of the "blue" Uranus from the king conjunction in the air element of 11/8/1186, which "shines" at 23.2 ° in Taurus. Why in a quarrel? Saturn, like Uranus, is about the superpersonal determinant. Saturn, however, says: "To preserve as before", while Uranus says: "To remove what stands in the way of a new destiny". The mills of the gods grind slowly. So when in 1941 the virtual air-element-millennium-Uranus, with its location in the human community of the bull herd, was involved in a historical event by the subhumanly moved of the ongoing Saturn, it cost the protagonists of Saturn their heads, albeit only after four years. So much for the day of the entry into the constellation of 1941. But it matures the same thing differently every year. Contents are bundled at the length of the year, there are rare combinations , concatenations are maturing, there are target passages. - in other words: the fate of the year is added to the fate of the day. However, it should not be brought up immediately now. There is, as another "onion peel, which envelops day and year, the year seven, the decade, ... in addition, there is the obstinacy of the 4 elements that radiate, blow, flow and persist - each according to its calendar. And the disturbances of the harmonies occur according to the old alchemist's view, in that the elements contradict each other calendrically. Therefore, the wisdom realized that in the Lower World the disharmonies are discharging into strife, war and catastrophe. Archetypes are like the weather for the elements. The elements are the 4 reactivities. who mix and stir to the "world". And this is the commonality: outer world, inner world - both are in resonance with the weather of the archetypes. So let's continue with the consideration of the year seven weather of the physically elementary element Earth, which seems reasonable to us, because the Earth "reveals" the product of all four elements. It is also possible to include the fire year seven, air year seven and water year seven in the consideration, but the Earth year seven is always recommended for the entry. The rhythmic environment The septar of the king conjunction in the Earth element

King's conjunction in the Earth element of 1802
Sept. 20, valid for 1935 – 42
of 17.7.1821, UTC 12: 53 Berlin

The year seven of the Earth element from 1935 - 1942 falls out of all normal measurements with: 1. his conjunction of Uranus and Neptune and 2. both square resonance to Pluto. 1.: This conjunction takes place approximately every 170 years. In the rhythmic septar magnification of 1 year = 7 years, this means: every 1190 years. However, the distance of the last king conjunction in the Earth element from 1802 to the following, 2577, gives "only" 775 years. This period, measured in seven-year increments, results in 111 septars = 777 years. This means: the last valid septar of 1802 is that of 17.7.1912, it is valid for 2572 -79, because in its seven years the new royal conjunction in the Earth element of 12.1.2577 already falls. The next Uranus / Neptune conjunction after 1821, however, was that of 1993; its magnification of 1=7 falls far outside the septars of 1802, namely by 81 x 7 = 560 years. The Uranus / Neptune conjunction thus occurs only once in the septars of the king conjunctions of whatever element. Even if it had been established in the case of the Earth element in 1802, the next one would have occurred 172 years later, that is, in 1974. 172 Years x 7 = 1204 years, however, extend far beyond the distance of two royal conjunctions, about 800 years. 2.: The meaning of Uranus + Neptune is: Cancellation and dissolution of a destiny, because, as the rulers of Aquarius and Pisces, their signs in the zodiac follow Capricorn by representing his stages of transformation. Thus, abolition and dissolution, and the square to Pluto means: "under sacrifice", because Pluto, in my interpretation, always "belongs" to the proportion of time that is due to those who have been and those who are coming to the present, that is, to the souls of those who have already stepped back from eternity into the temporal and from this back into the eternal, for example, to those who still have these steps ahead of them. But the decisive factor for sacrifice is whether, as in the distant and near past, and in remnants even today, it is done voluntarily, out of the forebodings of the heart, and in pietas (lat. pious, loving attitude) happens. If this does not happen, then man bends the zodiac, so to speak, in his intentionality, and it bends at some point, when modern man can not need it at all (in fact, he can never use it), and then catastrophically back against his will. This is exactly what the 20th septar of the King's Conjunction of 1802 prophetically shows in the Earth element. And as you can see, if you follow the drawing, it happens in the right-turning rhythm of fate, when it wanders through Capricorn and meets Uranus / Neptune = cancellation and dissolution, in the way that Saturn indicates. He stands in the sixth house and thus follows deliberate, purposeful motives, and he does it as the connection of Saturn and Jupiter indicates, in that the area of a determination = Saturn is to be extended. The expansion is indicated by Jupiter, to which the number 3 belongs, which, according to the principle of the funnel, analogously to the left sequence in the zodiac, indicates the step from Sagittarius to Capricorn = the concentration of the comprehensive on the determining; but just as the funnel, conversely, viewed in a clockwise direction from the zodiac, indicates the analogy of the determining (Capricorn) in its expansion into the far (Sagittarius).

After this very collected reflection, now in the third part the reflection of the year, in this case related to Hamburg. The Equinoctium of 21.3.1941

1941-42 Equinoctium
3/21/1941, UTC 0:16, from Hamburg
The equinoctium brought this motif for the whole of Central Europe, which also contained, as just shown, the simultaneous septar: Saturn/ Jupiter, the extension of the determinant into the vastness. The Russian campaign with its front width from the beginning (!) 2,000 Km, and in 1942 an extension to almost 4,000 KM makes this clear. Here in the Equinoctium for Germany, this expansion appears as a motive for action in the fifth house.

1941/42 the expansion into the wide open... However, the decisive factor for the possibilities of action under the sign of the Sun is the slow passage of Neptune through the opposition resonance to the spring sun at 0 ° Aries, which - slow beat of Neptune – returns in the equinocti until 1945. In the Equinoctium 1941/42, Venus is included in the constellation for this purpose. But this is crucial for effects that affect the boundaries of territories, because Venus, as the mistress of Taurus, is the mistress of territories. As the drawing shows, June 22 begins one day after the rhythm enters the ninth or fourth house, respectively. Thus, the Venus / Neptune question is immediately established and, as a phenomenon, the beginning of the sovereign state (Capricorn) aggression in a second house = territory. From the very beginning, the advance of the Nazi army through White and Western Russia and Ukraine was met by such fierce resistance as this army had never felt before in any campaign, except in 1940 - in the unsuccessfully aborted air war with England. Nevertheless, she marched in the advantage of the moment of surprise, military-technical superiority and the routine of three campaigns, in the first four months in the broadest possession of the initiative. It was only on the South-Western Front in front of Kiev that the Red Army units defended themselves so successfully until the end of August that they forced Hitler to stop the advance on Moscow and let the right wing of Army Group B (later "center") swing to the south in order to encircle and largely destroy the brave South-Western Front of the Red Army there in the battle of Kiev. However, due to the loss of time, this tactical necessity forced the abandonment of the "Blitzkrieg concept" ("Four months ...") and led to the Winter War in Russia, for which Hitler's army was in no way equipped. It will remain a must for the students of astrology for generations to trace the analogies of the heavenly constellations to the situation of Army group B (later "middle"), which accompanied the complete transition from the Blitzkrieg to the catastrophe outside Moscow, which took place from October 1941. This topic will also be taken up again in the Mundanen Diary next autumn. Saved: 23.6.2011, UTC 17:17, posted on 24.6.2011, UTC 14:43. 2.0 Saved and posted: 25.6.2011, UTC 18:16.