Dienstag, 25. Juni 2024

The Tear in the Tissue.- Napoleon's Week

6. 24 - 7. 1. 2024

0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the northern

"The essence of consciousness is concentration
with relatively few contents that are as complete as
possible, the level of clarity is increased.
Consciousness as a necessary consequence and
prerequisite, has the exclusion of conscious-able
contents which at the moment as well being possible."

JUNG, The Psychology of the Childarchetypus, Col. W. 9/1, §. 176

it is now the case that every content, encompassed by the the child archetype has its place in the zodiac in Pisces. In order to be able to think astrologically, 1 = 12, now you have finally:
30 Pages JUNG -
psychological analysis
in one symbol

Only both together, the All and the One, gives the essence of a successful, lived, astrological interpretation.

Week 26, 2024
Earth responding with day nr. 1: fire, Aries

, reflecting Pisces: Aries, hunger, anger, urge

Mars currently in Taurus: the tear in the tissue. the attack on civilization. it has surprised me for 44 years
the three world battles
on the fields of Russia 2 erupted on June 22
1 on June 24
Germany of the thirties
Ukraine of the nineties
Cancer Rampage of 1812
Cancer Rampage of 1941
Cancer Booty 1944
Virtue + Awarenes = Operation 'Bagration'

It has recently become easier for oral astrology, to understand, as we live in the age of the multiplicity of centers depicing life on this planet. Now powers have arisen under the sign of universal values, which are expressed in respect for the peculiarity. Not the first rise, but never so powerful. God, it can be believed, has given the world into their hands, because he - finally- finds peace in their work.
0 - 1° Cancer

Berlin 22. 6. 1941
Invasion of the Soviet Union

Red Army 22. 6. 1944
Operation 'Bagration'

and two days later in the year

24. 6. 1812

The superman is the dream of all the disturbed. He necessarily has to do with worldly greatness, conceit in every direction. And it always ends in destruction. Half of the guilty are those who worship the superman. The superman only is, where God warms him. The smallest, the nano-place of God is in the heart of man. Check the sages where you find them, the God's 'superman' is modest and lives in silence. Hemce God is the place around which the sky revolves - in man's heart -
enough 'virtue' has been accumulated

Lao Tse
So why this slaughter around 1° Cancer. What does the Cancer have in 'madness' that the other three elements: fire, earth and air do not have? Zodiac' answer: the fourth element - water, the flowing depth, containing, storing "the inner world", the soul element. And what always comes before the heart= Leo, on 1° Cancer? the inner process, this is neutral, but wrong, because thinking is also an inner process and imagining is also.
Cancer is finally being with oneself and with oneself only . The world - the opposite - in the zodiac: Capricorn, giving the counterweight towards Cancer is in pure Cancer excluded.

"Exclusion of other content"
the mass
mental intoxication
which says nothing
Cancellation what else
Has validity in the world
Devotion to
what did not count in the previous world
the unique
now in a moving collective

But now, as an octogenarian double cancer I look away from me because I have no congestion of the soul, Moon in Cancer is a dancing soul. But others, who already had to let their souls be bought off as child, sit like the many in the first-grader classes and remain silent., and are waiting for the Nazi liberators of uptight souls. The 22nd of June is archetypically a collective event in the northern hemisphere: a break-up of the accumulated subjective, Cancer/Moon, which pours over the collective landscape as a psychic surge - again for better and for worse. That would be such a question that would have to be pursued in every astrological school. Summer = Sun = 0°Cancer

The beginning of summer 2024 has already been 2 days ago - today on Monday, 24. 6. as mentioned earlier, is Napoleon's Day.
24. 6. 1812 Napoleon's beginning

the Russian Campaign
What the current horoscope now indicates for the 26th week for the Northern Hemisphere will become clearer in the 6 days of creation on which each moment divides: and here it is now the fourth mirror that reflects Sagittarius in Cancer, spirit in soul, where his Jupiter in Gemini reflects Capricorn's gravity. This makes one think spontaneously of some happy neutral legal situations, in Gemini there are the lawyers between the parties and the diplomats.

Week 26, 2024
A thought that came to me regarding the cancer in the USA. It seems to me that the man has to prove himself in front of the woman. Thus, the "businessman in front of his wife and her girlfriends." on a million-dollar scale. A hundred million people liveing like, I think, the American "success man-women", in this way represening the domination out of Cancer. And now for the week: It's the special thing that nothing is special, this week. With its separating sharpness and tip, Mars continues to reflect the sacrificial love of Pluto in the realm of Taurus, which is so psychologically powerful in the female Scorpio

so, today

and so

30,000 years ago

So looking away
from the whole
in order to have your own full,
which is due in Cancer
ruling the world as a female
at the very top of

on the side of Adam as his ..."Helper" (Mose 2.19)

and this week Mars and Uranus have to be reflected as a spirit in the reality of society. It was precisely Cancer in 1944 that was more powerful in the heroes and officers of the Russian Rodina than that one in the rampaging Germans. With which we finally would have arrived at the depth of the daytime universe: Cancer 2024, with Sun, Venus and Mercury at the service of our own uniqueness, which is rooted in the inner figures of the Moon. It should blossom under the sign of the soul. There are enough idiosyncrasies set against her, for balance, Libra, Capricorn, Aries, so that she can and should lean out fully. Everything not mentioned remains unaffected.

Murnau, 6. 25. 2024, UTC: 17:04.


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