Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024

Summer-Beginn: Mars in Taurus - the Cutter in the Tissue


6. 17. - 24. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the northern


" The driving forces of a mass psychological
Movements are archetypal in nature. Every archetype
contains the deepest and highest, evil and good, and is
therefore capable of the most opposite effect."

C.G.JUNG, Ges. W. 10 § 474

"Is the realization of an archetype not conscious
there is no guarantee that he will
in its favorable form; rather, it threatens
then there is the risk that a harmful regression will occur.
It seems that for this purpose the soul
Consciousness, namely such destructive
Ways to prevent."

ibid. § 475

... decent people don't want to prove anything
... and Monday 6. 17. 2024 at the beginning of the warm southern week in Central Europe

there it is now the reissue of: Russia - West Moscow + China + Iran + Africa against Washington + EU + other vassals with Germany the central prisoner in the heart cage of Europe whose key in Washington are kept safe the Olaf heart is not sovereign what remains there for Europe else as a Christian- medieval Europe once again but consciously and more clever because without God monsters are emerging and the 'man- God' so JUNG means Consciousness in the mortal here being but to the point The hot beginnings Mars are now now hot starts from Community with a long shaft their top Mars now take root in the soil of the herd Venus there in the bosom of life Cancer together with Mercury and from Thursday with Sun Living and speaking and this week the mighty Conception from the


with Neptune out of depth of water/Feeling Pisces with Cancer welling water

river of the inner


this is a key Water has filed in the collective feeling and is the key of the

Tao the one with the


sharing the planet like the oaks with the birches and other trees and it's the miracle that the Spirit does not scorn to settle down inside of us right dow to the

nano-soul within the universal nano-being

with his miracles of order we a conscious life set that's on that I wait that it becomes conscious that is that the heart becoming aware what he is entitled to It is the archetypes that move the world, in all sorts of disguises that we raise for them . But the pure heart cannot go wrong. Nothing is imposed on him but to accompany himself consciously. otherwise, nothing new measured by Admission to the Summer quarter


insideness receiving incubating so the situation on Monday for 
 Cancer anyway

 then on Thursday by the Sun Leo
Draft: 16.6.2024, UTC: 14:52.

In the belly of
Scorpio meeting
Mars in Taurus 
on Monday

This is about Scorpio, about the compulsion of form, because the form is God's soul-medicine. Pluto , the god of renunciation, of sacrifice, the great neigbor of army: monastery

every waiver is a gift
to a non-me
this is called love
this silent 'Russian'
Give -Yourself -Away -
And Pluto is now present in Aquarius - in the mind of future, in thinking, in being full of spirit, being a cloud - a specific and unique form of a living,

25. week 2024
around the mirror

Pluto in Aquarius ...
mirrored in Taurus - by the herd with Mars and by thinkers Uranus mirroring the sacrifice of the soul
on the planet for its holy life.

.. . . all this is included in the houses of our horoscope: that anyone can find unity in the freedom of his order - every day, which happened to me after 25 years of astrology.:

I was amazed when I was 'allowed' to get to know the true things: The basic kings- conjunction in element Earth of our eon was on July 17. 1802 has Pluto at 6,8° Pisces coniunction Moon.

all of a sudden I was noticed, I was prepared because it was always clear to me that the zodiac holds as a form the spirit, being  always in motion and never resting - unless taking  in a step-back from thinking to feeling - again taking the form of water - step back from Aquarius into Pisces - from cognitive resonating  into the silence, into the depth of feeling, letting happen - water - the fourth element being both soft and hard like our lips, let it be, but be.

  Let's look at the hour: 1802 Scorpio 6,8° Pisces. then look at the Sun of the tipper 1942 7,2°Pisces

serving within the earth horoscope's kings conjunction in the Earth element of
17. 7. 1802 to 2577

and on Pluto for 775 years
6.8° Pisces

as the crown is
of stars
in the apocalypse

Astrology is always right, it's just the way it is and a hooey we aren't going to talk in, therefore:

it's just like so.

the 'always' - true' - astrology
deems without interruption my diary
is the proof

But to take shape from the sky
like the children
and to give thanks
that would be
my legacy
already during lifetime
that's clever
and this week, like every, its going in that inner Neptune cloud - it's huge but invisible, in whose fogs the hapless managers staging the head up high
this is the child spirit
benefitting the heart
not looking away
from the suffering creature
that's it, actually. Couldstill be remembered: Venus, last week, coming from Saturn - Square, has now landed in Neptune Square.
From Saturn

having to do withthings of the state

from Neptune

having to do with the child

inside of us

having yet not learned

to lie
that I still encounter in adults in the countryside in Murnau, craftsmen, musicians, neighbors, my wife

Murnau, 6. 18. 2024,
dedicated to Papa Oswald and Franz 
UTC: 16::06.

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