Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2024

Two Quotes

"The psychological processes that accompany the current warabove all the incredible wildness of the general judgment, the mutual slanders, the unimagined destructive rage, the unheard-of flood of lies and the inability of people to put a stop to the bloody demon - are like nothing suitable to bring the problem of the chaotic unconscious, restlessly slumbering under the ordered world of consciousness, intrusively before the thinking person. This war has inexorably shown the cultured man that he is still a barbarian, and at the same time, what an iron breeding rod is in store for him if it should occur to him once again to blame his neighbor for his own bad qualities. But the psychology of the individual corresponds to the psychology of the nation. Only the change in the attitude of the individual is the beginning to change the psychology of the nation. The great problems of mankind have never been solved by general laws, but always only by renewing the attitude of the individual. If there has ever been a time when self-reflection was the absolutely necessary and the only right thing, it is our present catastrophic epoch. But anyone who always thinks about himself encounters the limits of the unconscious, which contains precisely what it would be necessary to know above all." C.G.JUNG December 1916 in 1853, the famous English geologist Sir Roderick Impey Murchinson, who traveled all over Russia and spoke at a crowded rally in London's Hyde Park against Britain's entry into the Crimean War, said:: “Even if Russia expands its possessions at the expense of neighboring colonies, unlike the other colonial powers, these own new acquisitions give more than it takes from them. And not because it is driven by some kind of philanthropy or something like that. The initial aspirations of all empires differ little, but where a Russian appears, everything miraculously takes a completely different direction. The moral norms that the Eastern Slavs have developed since pre-Christian times do not allow a Russian to rape someone else's conscience and encroach on property that does not rightfully belong to him. More often, from the indestructible compassion rooted in him, he is ready to give up his last shirt than to take it away from someone. Therefore, no matter how victorious Russian weapons are, from a purely mercantile point of view, Russia always remains a loser.

Murnau, 7. 25. 2024, UTC: 19:37.

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