Dienstag, 30. Juli 2024

Venus - Uranus = Heaven and Herd in the Sovereign Flock - Russia Celebrating the Navy


7. 29. - 8. 5. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


it is the spirit of the arranged so that the desired dispensation can come about
Experience instead of faith

"One can see the followers of the Holy Spirit movements,
like the alchemists, as a forerunner of the modern psychology
of the unconscious, in so far as they went beyond mere
belief, and the individualb experience of what they then
sought as the "spirit in the matter or the paraclete, and
what we call today the guiding function of the unconscious,
experienced as 'meaning'.

C.G.JUNG, Ges. W. 13/3, § 312
I also call it the link whose trace with me leads back to then, 1962, to Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, whose birthname was, absurdly enough, 'Clumsy' and he adopted the name 'Murnau' in Murnau, while visiting later world-famous painter friends.
I 'met' this name as a student of pedagogy and devoted film consultant of the Asta in Lüneburg. 23 Years later, accompanying my wife, I ended up in Murnau, where, independently of me, she had been offered a job in an initiative.

Murnau If I use Jupiter for 'arranger' and follow him as arranger, then the lived, experienced meaning becomes tangible through 'incomprehensible' personal connections. In his kingdom, which is characteristically called Sagittarius, the 'hits' occur out of 'coincidences' of fate - shaping the divine, loving and beloved life- form willed by the zodiac. As the ruler of Sagittarius, his connections are reflected in the soul water of feelings, Cancer. They reveal that something different is put together, that belongs to each other, that 'feels good'
an essential hit in the soul's puzzle.

Week 31, 2024 The ratio calculates, the mind comprehends, the feeling puzzles.. These three are included in proportions at every moment. In addition, the fourth, the dream behind, as the fourth, complementing the other three to a whole, dwelling in the deep night of feeling as well as in the brightness of noon.

Week 31 2024 the starry sky around us in which we rotate 24 -hourly our forefathers have read
heaven eternity God arranger of dreams indicating under the starry sky of the south inside and outside
of heart and soul always there but often invisible to us
northern tribes Here enthrusting ourselves to him: Mars our anger our impatience our cutting art
and operation now cutting within
Twins according to the reasonable Templates of Mercury currently at home in his/her female realm Virgo the hermaphrodite God
noting the judgments of the Soul Scales
the costs/benefits/invoices to be locked at the Mercurial balance board

Hermes the Scribe
noting the judgment of the scales

perpetual Holy Egyptians A heart on the scales Animal gods measuring man on the other shell the feather of the goddess Maat
measuring the easyness of man's heart so the gods all going into
and beyond so Mars, the burning, Cutting, Separating in the service of Mercury in Virgo in whose mind the judgment of the Scale
Libra is reflected 31st Week 2924
Uranus - Venus meaning Aquarius - Taurus Heaven and Earth Aquarius - Libra Sky and balance connected by square by herd and prince in the common vessel
Sun as the heart of life
Star and Center of living in the universe

there is something going on - exposed to unexpected common resonances, ideally finding a common vessel in which they can both move - Uranus and Venus - forever - or for a time.

of herd and balance
in the soulfire of
ruled by
and in the
'heavenly herd'
the spirit of the prince

mirrored in heavenly
laws and


guest of 

at home
the latter
without resonances to
members of the
in Virgo
of course
has talking action available
in his female kingdom
of words and numbers

while in

not only

but also - for a year
arranger of fateful
= spirit in time
wanting to mate
and wanting creation
as dynamis of non-temporal
Pisces's Aquarius's Capricorn's
unconsciously present
fitting into each other- images
in coincidences
opening up to the waters
of the feeling soul
in the flow of events below
in the denser athmosphere of

Sense of the image of Sagittarius, reflected in Cancer, example: Shaping the Cancer: well, lap, bride, groom. in the zodiac, the Impressionists, Cancer, passing out to the Expressionist, Leo, for acting out, coloring, short: expressing, expression - fire - procreation.

So that the Virgo may balance the accounts of expressing soul, bearing him with her reason:
Leo, in turn,
might bear her reason. Creation, as is known, took 6 days, six heavenly calls into the universe
gravity responded
in 6 days The 'upper' calls
4 times spirit
2 times soul
the lower answers
4 times heaviness
twice soul

interesting fact: Cancer
the inside
of gravity
- pression

soul in matter
soul in spirit

and watch: we got
in spirit of Aquarius
for 20 years

suffering and sacrifice
are the presents
in respect of
cosmic kind

Murnau, 7. 30. 2024, UTC: 14:38.


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