Dienstag, 2. Juli 2024

The Sacrifice and the Sovereign's Lawyer

7. 1. - 8. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the zodiac above the northern
Mose 2. 18

"And the Lord God said, It is not good that
a man be alone; I want to make him an assistant,
who is around him."
Religion, lat. religere

"a careful and scrupulous attention to what
Rudolf Otto aptly calle 'numinosum', namely
a dynamic existence or effect that does not depend on being
caused by actions ..."

C.G.JUNG, Psychology and Religion

"The essence of consciousness is concentration
with relatively few contents that are as complete as
possible.The level of clarity is increased. consciousness
as a necessary consequence and prerequisite, the
Exclusion of others at the moment as well
conscious content. This exclusion
inevitably causes a certain
One-sidedness of the content of consciousness."

"Now that the differentiated consciousness of the
civilized people with the dynamics of
will (Leo) an effective tool for practical
implementation of its contents is given into
hand, so with increasing formation of the
will an even greater danger is raising into
one-sidedness and digression into
law- and rootlessness.

JUNG, Zur Psychologie des Kindarchetypus, Ges. W.9/1 3176f.
This chapter in this book should be the compulsory reading of contemporaries.

Especially, as Saturn still wandering through the times of Pisces, the first and last in each life, who
come together in a third - spirit united: inhal - exhale that's the spirit of life: doing - waiting - changing spirit for each animal of the thee: - well in Astrology 4 is Saturn, 3 is Jupiter.

the Self - spirit. JUNG says that the images of the Self and those of God can no longer be distinguished.
And in the symbol of breathing we have the united contrast which, as the third, 'sanctifies' the contrast, the spirit- pump of breathing. This might be the only way: reflection finding llost meaning again in the zodiac.

the six opposites that need each other,

like breathing

by bance between the extremes

nature hating extremes

they are hard to expose.

The four elements three times each: as matter = energy, soul = life, spirit = breath, in Indian, Atman - no Guru necessary -

zodiac teaches in God's order
The one that connects the inside and outside
of the universe is
within us

that's the reason, why any astrology
without an astromundane diary
is a dim light in the
gravity of others

diary by
behind me and the
respect before people
and symbols.

Week 27

The Saturn in Pisces
is a hard bone
in the realm of Pisces
the All-Dissolving
great Symbol of the
drowning king
the symbol of a worn
eearlier dominant

As an ordering principle is
hence the 'Neptunian Father'
the 'childlike - paternal seriousness
of a mature adult

For me, poignantly embodying by

Saturn in Pisces
3.2023 - 6. 2025
9.2025 - 2. 2026

Neptune in Aries
4. 2025

The negative version of the
coming at the right time
selected by Washington

the Trump/Biden duel
the horrible father
on the throne
by paralysis


Capricorn hour

snake in the gras
astrology is always right
Only the astrologer might be mistaken
but with a pure heart
he thinks

'Horrible' father?
The extreme divorce between 'inhale' and 'exhale'
is that between Biden and Putin.

The former would like a tax
on the exhale of the horrible Russians
the later
on the Palaestinians

More this week:

Mars will be back on Tuesday
at 16.9° Taurus
passing the
Mars of 1802
of the
Königskonjunction in the Earth elementnull

Positions from the four royal conjunctions should always be within the reach of consciousness. This makes life interesting and gives it spice
more to realize

Already leaving on Tuesday
the sensible travel company in
to find oneself in
to release lustfully
on the throne
not eligible to him
but to Sun only

in the accumulation of feelings
in the 'Valley of the Universe'
staying still
Venus 10 days
Sun 3 weeks
both in the passion of homeland
in the world
and in the family

For the creatures of the
beginning of the week
in heart's sign Leo
is challenged by

the Scorpio- part
would like to see
the waiver of the share
which you can dispose of
but not eligible to
you by
the sacrifice
being imposed
on the sovereign

in Aquarius'
coming spirit

to be mirrored
by Taur' us

Murnau, 7. 2. 2024, UTC: 14:06



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