Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2019

Aggressive Venus Thwarted

5.  6. - 15. 2019
0:00 UTC
Under the Northern Zodiac
and Under the Northern Kingsconjunctions
of the Four Colours and Elements 
 Fire, Earth, Air  and Water
  of the Years 1603, 1802, 1980 and 1305 
 (click to enlarge)

11 And he said, “Who told you that you were 
naked? Have you eaten from the tree that
 I commanded you not to eat from?”

12 The man said, “The woman you put here 
with me—she gave me some fruit from 
the tree, and I ate it.”

13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, 
“What is this you have done?” The woman said, 
“The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”.

We therefore heirs of Adam and Eve, dwelling in our souls without being asked, often branched in enemy-tribes finally to be united in an 'olympic capitalism' like a noble sport in open fight
 without weapons and not like the Rom-obsessed Washington
 festing gladio-carnage of 

Wednesday, 19. Week 2019

Saturn + Pluto 
this week thwarting 
Venus in Aries
calling for the divine square
a shape of fire and beyond time
like Kronos + Hades + Ares
three of God's statures
the raging
the father
and the lord of underworld

the raging as empress
in Aries
currently generating
something like blood-lust of the empire
thwarted by Saturn the polar father
in us
and Pluto the heavenly heir
of true sons
in us

Venus on Saturday appears for a visit
in the red element 
when relish and connection
unite in wedlock with the fiery god
of waiver of randomness
on the level of the elements
ex light = spirit of nature
rushing into the infinite

this week 
Mercury ruling Mars
himself in Taurus
 ruled by Venus 
in Aries
today united with Uranus
to receive by him human wings 
of godlike ability
of thinking

an Mars ruling Venus
till next Monday

it's Venus' big time
since next Wednesday

but till then
this last week
Mars decreeing  Venus
border-setting powers
in Taurus and Libra
in the informations-sphere of Twins

having a great week
with today Moon of the element of fire
early Moon 
hence home of the early 

leaving brother Jupiter 
and blue Neptune

now facing the immeasurable light of  meaning
in fire
 hence earliness

since 1603 the late grades of
are encompassing
fire-Sun and

waiting for Jupiter's
to meet in November

all this happening outside as well as  inside of our mirrors of perception, within us souls in the room watching the mirrors

and I like to spell them, I feel, to spell the gods, to spell the chaos and order it's like a spell a spark enough to warm one's heart like a given medicine forever

well and Taurus - Sun
the herd-loving heart
has left behind the
middle Uranus - and - Mars-grades in Taurus
and now shines undisturbed for
a whole lot of days
on emerging hubs and connections
a time of a collective heart
for building walls and
 bridges in reality
and on drafting tables

Interesting remaining for  Mercury (and Venus later): the middle grades of Taurus

Remember: 14,2° Taurus: red Uranus of the fire-element of 1603 the early toppler off the earth

Remember : 16,9° Taurus: olive Mars of the earth-element the igniter off the earth

5. 5. 1818
UTC 1:33:28 Trier
Karl Marx

as well as  

and yesterday Mercury  had his 'Marx-day"

Murnau, Mai 8. 2019, UTC: 16:09.


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