Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020

Birthday of the Kingdom of the Element Earth , while ...

 7. 15. - 22.  2020,  0:00 UTC 
and under the northern Kingsconjunctions
of the four colors and elements 
Fire, EarthAir  and Water  of the years 
under the Northern Zodiac 
(click to enlarge)

lat religere

" a thorough and conscientious regard of which
 Rudolf Otto aptly called the 'numinosum', namely
a dynamic existence or effect, which hasn't caused
by an arbitrary act ..."

C.G.Jung, On the Psychology of Western and Eastern Religion, p 11

... but has been met continuously with the light of each day under the Sun and each night under the Moon.

Sun as core, there around the running tracks of the 'gods', which 'make' the times, better signify them in the universe of God, with whom to hike to me gives the only sense in the alchemy of times for Earth around  the Sun  with the periods of it's other  'children'.

Be it a Cancer, rising with a Pisces-heart, which I share with Arthur Schopenhauer, Michael de Montaigne but also  Albert Speer and with squillions, which haven't become noticeable, like good greased sprockets, each one can find in the unconscious remembrance of millions of years of life the unobtrusive 'good way' for his kind, if he doesn't get caught up by temporal neurotic beliefs and has patience for the revelations and their times.

And remember: no message is good message.

29. Week 2020

Mars at home
in the inflammations
and accouchements
now in early middle 0f
30 Aries-grades
a number for 6 weeks 'normally'
but when Sun is going into his yearly opposition with Mars 
the Earth (always 'opposite Sun') is catching up with Mars

Sun - Mars - opposition
 Earth - Mars - Conjunction

leads the energy
averaging in 6 weeks
through the signs of the zodiac which is us

he is the one pushing the entire wheel
apt enough for all the other
eleven stages

now he does it in the wilderness
of Aries
as basically all kinds of fire
which can be a wilderness in real nature
in the inner worlds of souls
in the mind ruling worlds of 
mages of God
and in the eternal world of
becoming god

he does it now in unconscious appearance

connected in square with co-god Mercury
who 'above the parties
still remains the laughing third
actually in Cancer
where he imparts verbal magic
with the conceptive

assertion and oracy

now what does Venus in us
her Taurus and Libra give the answer
whatever it is  Uranus giving her
the bridge to the gods
he is the lord of the 11. sign
in heaven
his element is 'air'
his shapes cannot be seen but they can transport

well Venus with Uranus
'in the bag'
herself in the bag of
Brother Mercury
'doing' what her realm is
territory and couple
always mending together
what Mars has divided
building shields against Mars' javelins 
still in the realm of voice speaking
down in Cancer
in the moisty cracks and wells
of the low daily and nightly places
under the sky

And who- or whatever is in the  realm of Cancer, he or she   travels 'in the bag' of Moon, with constant  two -daily-changes of the milieu.


this week between wilderness
and family as the core out of which
creative power is

now coming to Sun

all sobriety is indicated - this week contains much  but only little is even  known, e.g.

  Angela Merkel 

18. 7. 1954 Hamburg
16:57 UTC

less known is her identity with the  the currently  running

Kingsconjunction in the element earth 
in the sign of
Cancer of

18. 7. 1802, 22:48:27 UTC.

for 775 years since then
Moon rules the dole
of the earth - element

basis -  profoundness -  comprehensiveness
in the zodiac

next change: 2577

hence, so much is clear: in earth-things we are since 18 years in the third century of women- rising like Earth's Sun in Cancer signifies. And the role of stabilization,  an essential  'female item',  struggling for rule  since 218 years,  nurturing  the stabilizing art of keeping the given balance strategically  unharmed. With Germany Angela Merkel has to steer a truly kind of supertanker through the  invisible grid of psychic currents and powerful interests, hence only in thoughts politicians can do large jumps, which is -fire and air - a more male domain, while earth and water share the nurturing and stabilizing female one.

So, this week will see Sun in maximal resonance with earth-Sun of 1802 on Thursday and earth-Mercury on Sunday

and thereby
poesis of times
this week's marriage of
contrasting partners
 in Cancer Sun
in Capricorn Tuesday Jupiter
  and Wednesday Pluto 

Cancer and Capricorn
a marriage of lap and father
by heart wisdom and religion
all the best to 
humbleness and discipline
in a wedlock filled with
passion, strive and conciliation

which will be followed by  another marriage next week ...

Entwurf 12. 7. 2020. UTC: 14:41.
Murnau den 13. 7. 2020, UTC: 11:21.
In English: 7. 15. 2020, UTC:15:51 u. 6:15.


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